Monitoring Biden and other Contemporary Events

Fri 1 Apr, 2022 06:07 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
The stuff you're talking about is on video! You can watch it and see it unedited. But you're not going to do that because then your "edited" photo excuse goes out the window. The fact that you think they must be edited tells me that you understand exactly what you're looking at.

One thing that turns me off about politics is that people can become blind to the meaning of an old man's hand on a young girl's breast if that would challenge their faith and loyalty to their particular party.
bobsal u1553115
Fri 1 Apr, 2022 06:09 pm
Fri 1 Apr, 2022 06:45 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
I think I'm more wondering about Republican Congressional cocaine fueled orgies. Movies later.........
bobsal u1553115
Fri 1 Apr, 2022 07:18 pm
Someone needs to subpoena Cauthorn, Gaetz and Don jr,
Fri 1 Apr, 2022 07:25 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Don Jr is already under subpoena, the trial on Gaetz is a totally different matter and Cawthorn isn't under any active investigation to date. The Republicans cocaine and orgies are probably pretty safe from investigation----but, Roger Stone pretty well confirmed their happening today!
Fri 1 Apr, 2022 11:28 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Cherry picked? Cherry picked?!?

Are you serious? I type in "Biden sniffing" or "Biden groping" and I get scores of the same random pictures. And more importantly, it's the creepy mood in all these photo ops. Sorta, "I'm gonna molest kids, and I can get away with it because I'm a liberal dictator president." I'm sure if I built a church, some of you would shut it down immediately, claiming that all priests are child molesters, but suddenly where a man is a child molester and it is clear from even a casual search, you shut down all discussion.

And yes, I have noticed that certain parties are downvoting this thread to keep it suppressed. And downvoting us. Liberals like yourself don't like to hear actual truth being spoken. Distractions, suppression of speech, bullying, or just crap about how being I'm a flat-Earther (yeah I am) nothing I say can be trusted. Uhhh sorry but until you can prove that the Earth is NOT flat (and explain how water doesn't constantly drip from the bottom, among other things), that can't be used. As for the others, I won't be intimidated or bullied, I won't be shut up, and I'm not the type to be distracted by stuff like that. So you aren't wanting to hear it?

But damn it, you are going to hear it. This pedophile of a president that you admire has done a number of horrible things, starting with a scandal with his son which the media immediately dismisses as fake news. Yeah ummm, it's real, and it's been real for two years. But for two years, this sham president has used every ******* trick in the book to distract us from his misdeeds.

I have repeatedly been accused of defending Trump. Sorry, but on the average day, that man is not on my agenda. I would personally rather play video games or watch movies than participate in the Politics section. But since all y'all have stopped actively posting in the Religion section, I've gotten bored and lonely. The fact is, Trump actually hasn't done anything that terrible (though he gets accused of alot, he's more or less one of our more productive presidents, hasn't gotten us into war, and hasn't raised taxes). On the other hand, Biden is easily one of the more egregiously awful presidents, including being a very creepy pervert, yet you condemn a red-meat eating American who loves America, in favor of someone quick to sell out to China or Ukraine all while you condemn Trump for talking to Russia.

It's funny that the left acts like Trump is allied with Russia. The media is basically identical to Soviet Russia's Pravda right now. Propaganda about COVID for a straight two years, now they are trying to tell the American public how enraged they should be So, remind me again, which is the Soviet state? Aside from some war atrocities (when you attack other countries, collateral damage happens), the one I see doing the most harm is the US. The US has always been a "city on a hill", a leader for other countries on how to act. So what are we showing other countries? That it's okay to be soft on borders (alright, so how'd that work out for Ukraine? How has it worked it for the EU with Muslim immigration?) and that it's okay to have a frail, demented, and morally corrupt leader. That it's okay to use a disease as a pretext for complete tyranny. That it's okay to violate the social contract, because after all that's just a nice idea anyway. All these EU stooges that followed suit are behaving like kings. Dictators, really. But there's a problem with this idea. You see, either people overthrow you, or the mandate of heaven does. Lemme explain. "I can keep taxing people." No you can't, they run out of money and food, and either fight or starve. In fact, watch Bitter Harvest, which coincidentally is I think set in Ukraine. Even had they done nothing, Russia would eventually have been unable to get anything. You can't squeeze blood from a turnip. Nor can you get taxes people don't have. Which usually leads to bright idea #2, "I'll just keep printing money." Eventually, this too catches up with you, as money is usually backed by trade and resources, and as scarcity grows, faith in currency diminishes to the point of creating inflation. Bright idea #3, "I'll treat everyone equally (besides me, of course) so they can complain of injustice." Nice try, but when a slacker is treated the same as the lawyer who works 100 hours, she will balk and stop working. This in turn means there are no income taxes, and the government has to basically raid to get anything. This usually only goes well some of the time. Dictators always ALWAYS collapse under their own weight, even if they succeed in cowing the public to follow along with them. And here's the fun part. No matter how much they hide the truth from the citizens, no matter how much they enlist useful idiots who think they'll get some kinda payoff when they take over "for real" (you're watching it right now, you've been had), the fact is that it honestly doesn't matter what I do about Biden.

You see, dictators themselves are ruled, usually either by shadow elites or by military or bankers. If they fail at their end, they get a heart attack six times in the chest. You will never see a dime no matter how socialist countries you live in get. Meanwhile the socialist leaders will visit remaining capitalist countries, since they can actually buy stuff there (making them ultimately snobs who just want nobody else to be happy). If ever there comes a time when no capitalist countries remain, these dictator states will implode.

In the mean time, we are living in an interesting time. No, not end times. Daniel 2 depicts history as a statue. The head is gold (Babylon), the midsection is silver (Egypt), the thighs are bronze (Persia), the legs are iron (Greece), and the feet are clay/iron (Rome). After that, comes the kingdom ruled by God. Now most interpretations will have you believe it's Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome to milk the end-time philosophy. But nahhhhh, Egypt is not chopped liver, and this is the kingdom Jesus built when he said "It is finished." Yes, corrupt kings have always ruled, but they have always lost out to the consequences of the mandate of heaven. So, it's Babylon as gold because gold represents the physical world and the secular, and because Babylon pretty much invented money as a means of blood offering for people who died (the original money was weregilt, the price of a human). Then silver as Egypt, because although gold represents the sun, silver represents the spiritual world, and Egypt placed most of its emphasis not on this world but the afterlife. Then Persia as bronze, because they were a bronze age civilization and they made not only weapons but also art. Then Greece, which was sort of the pinnacle of civilization at one point, an iron age culture with Greek fire, decent architecture, etc. Greece is violent yet ornate. Then comes Rome, which unlike Greece is actually low class (clay) , and most of their architecture has pillars and such that are not ornate, but they kinda ride on the coattails of the Greeks (same gods but different names for instance). And then Christ is crucified, and we live in the Western (Christian) world. A world dictated by the rule of God. A world where Satan pretends he is in charge, and we impotent rulers pretend they are in charge. But they aren't. God is in charge. There is no end times coming, the end times have already come, and God allows us to rule as we wish, but the more we oppress each other, the more we suffer.
Look at yourself. You're miserable. I can see it, and I imagine others can too. You spend significant amounts of energy trying to cover what is clearly a lie. Let it go.
Find a better way to live. Cuz the way you're living now is putting your trust in a man who doesn't deserve anyone's trust. But Biden will go senile and die, or he'll be exposed as a shapeshifting lizard demon. In either case, no amount of loyalty you give him will be worth anything. So stop trying to sell us on stuff we know to be lies.

Yup, Bitter Harvest was about Ukraine.
Sat 2 Apr, 2022 04:33 am
HCR wrote:
The March jobs report came out this morning and, once again, it was terrific. The economy added 431,000 jobs in March, and the figures for January and February were revised upward by 95,000. The U.S has added 1.7 million jobs between January and March, and unemployment is near an all-time low of 3.6%. As employment has risen, employers have had to raise wages to get workers. So, wages are up 5.6% for the year that ended in February.

Inflation in the U.S. is the highest it’s been in 40 years at 7.9%, but those high numbers echo other developed countries. In the 19 countries that use the euro, inflation rose by an annual rate of 7.5% in March, the highest level since officials began keeping records for the euro in 1997. Russia’s war on Ukraine, which is driving already high gasoline prices upward, and continuing supply chain problems are keeping inflation numbers high.

“America's economic recovery from the historic shock of the pandemic has been nothing short of extraordinary,” CNN’s Anneken Tappe wrote today. The nation is “on track to recover from the pandemic recession a gobsmacking eight years sooner than it did following the Great Recession.”

These numbers matter not just because they show the U.S. coming out of the pandemic, but because they prove that Biden’s approach to the economy works. The key to this economic recovery was the American Rescue Plan, passed in March 2021 without a single Republican vote, that dedicated $1.9 trillion to helping the economy recover from the pandemic shutdowns. The vote on the American Rescue Plan indicated the dramatic difference in the way Democrats and Republicans believe the economy works.

After the Depression hit, in the 1930s, Democrats argued that the way to build the economy was for the government to make sure that workers and consumers had the resources to buy products and services. Raising wages, providing a basic social safety net, and improving education would enable the “demand side” of the economy to buy the goods that would employ Americans and increase productivity. Democrats regulated businesses, imposing rules on employers, and funded their programs with taxes that fell on Americans according to their ability to pay.

When this system pulled the country out of the Depression and funded the successful military mobilization of World War II, members of both parties embraced it. Once in office, Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower called for universal health insurance and backed the massive $26 billion Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 to build an initial 41,000 miles of roads across the United States, an act that provided jobs and infrastructure. To pay for these programs, he supported the high taxes of the war years, with the top marginal income bracket pegged at 91%.

“Our underlying philosophy,” said a Republican under Eisenhower, “is this: if a job has to be done to meet the needs of people, and no one else can do it, then it is a proper function of the federal government.” Americans had, “for the first time in our history, discovered and established the Authentic American Center in politics. This is not a Center in the European sense of an uneasy and precarious mid-point between large and powerful left-wing and right-wing elements of varying degrees of radicalism. It is a Center in the American sense of a common meeting-ground of the great majority of our people on our own issues, against a backdrop of our own history, our own current setting and our own responsibilities for the future.”

But Republicans since the 1980s have rejected that “Authentic American Center” and argued instead that the way to build the economy is by putting the weight of the government on the “supply side.” That is, the government should free up the capital of the wealthy by cutting taxes. Flush with cash, those at the top of society would invest in new industries that would, in turn, hire workers, and all Americans would rise together. Shortly after he took office, President Ronald Reagan launched government support for “supply side economics” with the first of many Republican tax cuts.

But rather than improving the living standards of all Americans, supply side economics never delivered the economic growth it promised. It turned out that tax cuts did not generally get reinvested into factories and innovation, but instead got turned into financial investments that concentrated wealth at the top of the economic ladder. Still, forty years later, Republicans have only hardened in their support for tax cuts. They insist that any government regulation of business, provision of a social safety net, or promotion of infrastructure is “socialism” because it infringes on the “freedom” of Americans to do whatever they wish without government interference.

The conflict between these two visions came to the fore yesterday, when 193 Republicans voted against lowering the copays for insulin, the drug necessary to keep the 30 million Americans who live with diabetes alive. Twelve Republicans joined all the Democrats to pass the bill. The price of insulin has soared in the U.S. in the past 20 years while it has stayed the same in other developed countries. A vial of insulin that cost $21 in 1999 in the U.S. cost $332 in 2019. Currently, insulin costs ten times more in the United States than in any other developed country.

According to the nonprofit academic medical center Mayo Clinic, the cost of insulin has skyrocketed because people need it to live, there is a monopoly on production, there is no regulation of the cost, and there are companies that profit from keeping prices artificially high.

While all drug prices are high, the reasons that pharmaceutical companies have given for the high pricing of other drugs do not apply to insulin. The drug is more than 100 years old, so there are no development costs. The cost is not a result of free market forces, since the jump in cost does not track with inflation. Indeed, insulin operates in a system that is the opposite of the free market: because people need insulin to survive, they cannot simply decide not to buy it if the price gets too high.

According to experts, there are currently only three clear options to bring down the price if the companies won’t. The government could negotiate with pharmaceutical companies on prices, as every other western country does, but the influence of drug companies in Congress makes such a measure hard to pass. We could shift the cost of the high prices onto insurers: employers and the government, which pays for healthcare through Medicare, Medicaid, the Veterans Administration, and so on. Or we can keep shifting the cost to the consumers.

Democrats wrote a much more sweeping proposal to lower a range of drug costs into the Build Back Better bill that Senate Republicans killed, and say they want to continue to push for the government to be able to negotiate with drug companies. At the same time, they say, we cannot wait any longer to make insulin affordable for the diabetics who need it. So House Democrats and 12 House Republicans have passed a law regulating the cost that consumers—who will die if they don’t get insulin—have to pay for the product. That cap will shift the cost onto insurers, including the government.

The insurance industry opposed the measure, saying it would not actually bring down costs and might create higher premiums as insurers have to cover the costs consumers won’t. Most Republicans opposed the measure, saying it would give the government too much say in healthcare. The Republican members on the House Committee on Ways and Means said it was a “socialist drug pricing scheme from [the Democrats’] failed radical tax and spending spree.”

Sat 2 Apr, 2022 04:41 am
nutball alternate (non)reality
0 Replies
Sat 2 Apr, 2022 07:11 am
Nice try.

"The country is doing great, so it's natural there is a little inflation. Just look at other countries. They also have inflation."

It's because you, like other people, misunderstand the cause of inflation (for the record, it was easy even to be self-employed in a Trump economy, and there seemed to be alot of people at work, but if anything gas prices were a bit deflated, yet people ignore or explain away this). What are the causes of inflation?

Is it printing money? No, within reason you can increase the amount of money to match the number of people and no inflation will occur (provided you have a healthy economy). Is it federal spending? No, taxes are not real, so they are something of a smokescreen. That is, the government will convince you that you owe what they spent. But their debt is not really our problem. Government debt does not cause inflation.

So what does? Well, two things really. Minimum wage hikes (printing money to keep up with the supply of people is not the same as raising wages across the board, the latter forces a cost of business on the owner to employ workers, which in turn means that even if he wants to, he can't hire, resulting in a shortage of work) and shortages. In this way, inflation is not really about the robustness of the ecobomy but its sickness. In fact, inflation takes away savings, so it cannot be involved with prosperity, only the appearance of prosperity.

Do I have proof that inflation is nor caused by wealth, printing money, debt, or spending? That it is caused by shortage? Why yes, I do have proof.
All inflations are caused by shortages of key goods and services, usually shortages of food or energy.
In fact, the best cure for inflations is (...) to increase the supply of the scarce goods and services.

I'd like to add "workers" as another cause, as human beings being unable to make a living due to messed up economy is a shortage of a key service.
They go on to cite examples...
The notorious Zimbabwe hyperinflation began when the Zimbabwe government took farmland from farmers and gave it to people who did not know how to farm.

The resultant food shortage caused inflation, which could have been cured by additional government investment to assist the new farmers (via education and equipment) and to obtain food from overseas and distribute it to the populace.

Instead, the Zimbabwe government simply printed currency, which gave the illusion that government money-creation caused inflation. In reality, the scarcity of food caused inflation.

Scarcities cause prices to rise. All inflations are caused by scarcities.

But I really don't need examples. It's self-explanatory when you understand that inflation is an extension of supply and demand. Adam Smith was right, Marx was not (he's an idiot), when people don't have enough of what they actually need, those things are scarce. And undersupply (or holding back goods to make profit, as is being done with gas and oil) naturally means the price increases as a result of supply being under demand.

So this smoke and mirrors about the US being on par with other countries? It's soviet-level propaganda. Thw US is sick, and so are many post-COVID countries. They can't hire enough people because everyone is forced to be vaccinated or masked. Many people have retired or even retired early because they don't have time for this ****. The oil is being pushed back because the energy system wants us to invest in electric rather than gas. Electric is inefficient, requiring long pump times. Oh yea, and that Zimbabwe thing? Biden not only wants to start a black farmers movement to "solve" racism (you can't solve racism by giving farms to people who don't know what they are doing, only by teaching them how to farm) but also providing incentive to plant cover crops (in other words, something other than food). Oh yeah, this is gonna end well.

And it does not matter what other countries are doing. It's about what you are doing. Other people might also be failing, but this doesn't make you successful.
0 Replies
Sat 2 Apr, 2022 08:04 am
Karl Marx wrote:
If the paper money is in excess, if there is more of it than represents the amount of gold coins of like denomination which could actually be current, it will (apart from the danger of falling into general disrepute) represent only that quantity of gold, which, in accordance with the laws of circulation of commodities, is really required and is alone capable of being represented by paper. If the quantity of paper money issued is, for instance, double what it ought to be, then in actual fact one pound has become the money name of about one-eighth of an ounce of gold instead of about one-quarter of an ounce. The effect is the same as if an alteration had taken place in the function of gold as a standard of prices. The values previously expressed by the price £1 will now be expressed by the price £2.(Capital Vol. I, page 108 in Alien & Unwin edn.)
0 Replies
Sat 2 Apr, 2022 08:56 am
BillW wrote:

Don Jr is already under subpoena, the trial on Gaetz is a totally different matter and Cawthorn isn't under any active investigation to date. The Republicans cocaine and orgies are probably pretty safe from investigation----but, Roger Stone pretty well confirmed their happening today!

Such cherubic, waif-like faith in the inevitable grinding wheel of justice. I’m misty eyed.
Sat 2 Apr, 2022 02:11 pm
I know what you mean. Personally, I wish everyone would just consign all the Trump's to a terrible nightmare and let it all go. Just hurry up already with the 1/6 hearings and pronounce their findings and just forget about it.
Sat 2 Apr, 2022 09:36 pm
Personally, I wish everyone would just consign all the Trump's to a terrible nightmare and let it all go.

Sounds like you're fine with the crimes of the Obama/Hillary/Biden era?
Sun 3 Apr, 2022 03:54 am
Sounds like you've got a pathetic case of whataboutism.
Sun 3 Apr, 2022 06:06 am
Getting people who have a fondness for hillary to admit she broke the law when she handled State business like a little girl with a new phone is like asking them to condemn their girlfriend or some other such person in their life; ain't gonna happen!
Sun 3 Apr, 2022 06:20 am
Nobody gives a **** about Mrs Clinton except Trump lickspittles like Builder, Lash and you.

She is yesterday's news.

On the day evidence emerges that Russia has been committing atrocities in Bucha you decide to condemn Mrs Clinton.

You're one of the candidates for Putin's groom of the stool.
Sun 3 Apr, 2022 07:25 am
Nobody gives a **** about Mrs Clinton

Some of us have no problem saying that she fukced up and broke the law as SOS. Some didn't care about that. In their eyes, she could do no wrong.

I'm reminded of a Percy Sledge song . . .
Sun 3 Apr, 2022 07:28 am
Glennn wrote:

Some of us have no problem saying that she fukced up

Excellent point.
0 Replies
Sun 3 Apr, 2022 07:52 am
Some of us have no problem saying that she fukced up and broke the law as SOS.


The issue isn't about what Mrs. Clinton did or didn't do as SOS. <yawn>

Whataboutism is a deflection or red herring version of the classic tu quoque logical fallacy — sometimes implementing the balance fallacy as well — which is employed as a propaganda technique. It is used as a diversionary tactic to shift the focus off of an issue and avoid having to directly address it.

Sun 3 Apr, 2022 07:59 am
The issue isn't about . . .

Quite right!

I'll start a thread so that anyone caring to defend hillary's negligence and stupidity as Secretary of State can make fools of themselves there.
0 Replies

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