Monitoring Biden and other Contemporary Events

Wed 30 Mar, 2022 08:48 am
If you believe the Earth is flat you're an idiot.

And you don't know what I believe, because I keep it to myself.

Evangelical types are the worst regardless of what religion they're preaching, and that includes atheism.

You don't understand basic scientific principles which is why you talk such nonsense.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Wed 30 Mar, 2022 08:49 am
You are such a putz. What do you think those photos prove?

What does this photo prove:


That the pussy grabbing Trump has cooties and world leaders know it.


Photos out of context can be so amusing. Have you seen the Cruz ones yet????

That tiny handed Trump shits his pants everytime he grabs a steering wheel.


That trump likes having his hands on other men's balls, and Milania couldn't care less.


That Trump shits his pants in front of Milania and embarrasses Barron.

Really hated Barron when he was young.


Trump has drinking problem.


Hamberder Man.


That Trunmp's Lizzard eyes allow him to read the Bible upside down.


Confirms to the press he was the original model for Alfred E. Nueman.
Wed 30 Mar, 2022 08:52 am
@bobsal u1553115,
There is no double standard, because you say there isn't, huh?

Not long after his 2016 election, random women come forward telling that Trump groped them.

This isn't an isolated incident though with Biden. He is openly and repeatedly groping little girls. Not even grown women. And he sniffs people.
And you think I'm cherrypicking or something. This is openly creepy stuff on national TV.

0 Replies
Wed 30 Mar, 2022 08:56 am
@bobsal u1553115,
I had to look up Alfred E Neuman.

Glad we get Viz over here.
Wed 30 Mar, 2022 09:06 am
@bobsal u1553115,
What are we supposed to see here?

(Trudeau is a leftist douchebag. He imposed the equivalent of martial law on truckers. I wouldn't want his handshake but Trump extended the hand anyway)

(Trump is mad. So what?)

(Trump touching crystal ball. I've seen this before used to "prove" that Trump wad part of the deep state. It always looked kinda phony to me)

(Trump doing nothing but looking up in the sky)

(A picture that failed to post)

(He's drinking water, actually. You can see the Fiji label)

(This hamburger wasn't just eaten by him, you know. They have these charity banquets where fine food is on gold plates. Trump successfully proves you can feed alot more people with crappy hamburgers)

(Trump goes to church. Which is more than you probably done in the past ten years)

(And a goofy grin)

Not one of these are scandalous pictures.

Meanwhile, Biden routinely make mask restrictions, then goes ahead and breaks them himself, proving to us that he is better than us little people. Or at least he thinks he is. So tell me, the blacks all want equality. How likely is that to happen with a snob who literally considers himself above everyone else?
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Wed 30 Mar, 2022 09:10 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

It's pretty true actually.

Democrats will do anything to get a law passed. But does the law actually work? They don't care about that. Free college? Don't you mean fee college? Because that's what the tax payer gets, paying for all colleges in America to be free.

Bullshit. It is not. Cutting into the largest defense spending on Earth (the US spends more than the next SEVEN nations put together: More than GB, Russia, France, China, India .... PUT TOGETHER.

One less ICBM sum would more than pay for it. WHERE do you think most of our deficit comes from: the biggest more than half of our spending.

Who to you think finaces that ****? CHINA - the biggest buyers of T-Notes. The Chinese are using the Americam reputation for paying our bill as an inflation hedge.

I think paying for my neighbor's kids education is American way. When America started platting its way West, towns set aside lots specifically to fund schools: the US was the first publicly funded public schools open to anyone on the planet. Your parents did not pay for your public schooling paid for with 30 year public bonds. You are and your kids will be paying for your education.

The next time you need an enema in a nursing home - you do want the kid administering it to be familiar with the difference between a liter and a gallon, right?

Break the sick link between investors/education lenders and colleges and all of a sudden education becomes affordable. But the rich investors will not like it.

bobsal u1553115
Wed 30 Mar, 2022 09:16 am
And Trumps sniffs his fingers all the time, what does that say about someone who brags loudly about how he's a pussy grabber???
bobsal u1553115
Wed 30 Mar, 2022 09:32 am

What's this prove??

Do you pick your nose in public?


'cause the Orange Shitgibbon does.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Wed 30 Mar, 2022 09:33 am
izzythepush wrote:

I had to look up Alfred E Neuman.

Glad we get Viz over here.

Glad you're the one that has to check the reference for once!!!
Wed 30 Mar, 2022 09:37 am
@bobsal u1553115,
I heard the magazine had stopped publication.

Over here the Kid's comics that Viz parodies have pretty much all stopped, and the artists are now working for Viz.
bobsal u1553115
Wed 30 Mar, 2022 09:41 am
Now for the more serious and documented charges:

"The Republican party is obsessed with children - in the creepiest of ways"
From The Guardian: The Republican party is obsessed with children – in the creepiest of ways

This is worth repeating. In 2017, the Republican party now babbling nonsense about public schools and LGBTQ people grooming children for sexual abuse ⁠– the party that spent the past week in the Senate arguing that Democrats are soft on pedophiles ⁠– officially backed a credibly accused child molester for election to that very body. If the Republican National Committee had gotten its way, there’s a chance we would have spent the past week hearing Roy Moore opine on Jackson’s ethical qualifications. It’s a mercy of sorts that we heard instead from the likes of Hawley who, as the White House noted earlier this month, refused to say whether he’d vote for Moore during his own campaign.

The Republican party’s ambivalence on child abuse extends beyond pure politics and the protection of accused politicians. Nearly 300,000 children between the ages of 15 to 17 were married in the United States between 2000 and 2018. An estimated 60,000 of them were below the age of sexual consent in their respective states; it’s thought that roughly 80% of American child marriages overall are between girls under 18 and adult men. Activists across the country have been pushing hard against those figures over the last few years. And while resistance to child marriage bans can be found on both sides of the ideological spectrum ⁠– which one would expect given that child marriage was legal in all 50 states as recently as 2017 – some of the most dogged defenders of the status quo have been red-state Republicans. Not long ago, for instance, the Kansas City Star called Josh Hawley’s state of Missouri “a destination wedding spot for 15-year-old brides” – especially ones who had been impregnated by men, thanks to uncommonly lax laws that facilitated the marriages of more than 7,000 children between 2000 and 2014.

When a ban on marriages to children 14 or younger advanced by a Republican party representative came up for a vote in February 2018, it was opposed by 50 members of the Missouri house – two Democrats and 48 members of her own party. Thankfully, that bill still passed the chamber, and a comprehensive ban on all marriages of adults over 21 to children under 18 was signed into law in Missouri later that year. But the significance of Republican lawmakers’ hesitation wasn’t lost on the marriage ban’s advocates. “Last week they were arguing that the government should be involved in approving a minor’s abortion,” Missouri representative Peter Merideth told the Riverfront Times after February’s vote. “So it’s a mind-boggling contrast when a minor who’s not even old enough to enter into a legally binding contract is being told they can enter into a relationship that makes statutory rape legal.”

It’s no mystery why Hawley and other Republicans are more interested in inventing child abuses and a record of leniency for abusers among Democrats than they are in criticizing their own party’s tolerance for predators. The more interesting question is why Democrats haven’t discredited the right’s narratives on this front more forcefully. While the party’s hands aren’t fully clean ⁠– Bill Clinton was on Epstein’s flights too, after all ⁠– the hesitance to engage more aggressively probably has less to do with that than it does with their preference for a particular mode of response to Republican attacks in general.

The whole article is spot-on and well worth reading. Good analysis, although I don't entirely agree with the author's take on why Democrats aren't doing a better job of dealing with this stuff. To my mind it's the continuing "Don't get into the mudpit with the pigs and try to wrestle" philosophy that the Party has adopted for so long.

And generally, I agree with that approach. But I would love to see Democrats doing a better job of pointing out the whole "They accuse others of what they are doing themselves, to distract and divert attention from their own crimes" reality that has become the pervasive GOP self-protection strategy.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Wed 30 Mar, 2022 09:44 am
Mad's staff got into theur eighties and nineties and never brought in younger blood. Mad still exists in some form.

When I was twelve my dad took my Mad "Playboy" satire issue and I've still never read it.
bobsal u1553115
Wed 30 Mar, 2022 09:54 am
Here's some contextless videos for our RWers:

A poor victim of abuse resists abuser.

All you REers dish it, but can't take it.

0 Replies
Wed 30 Mar, 2022 10:30 am
@bobsal u1553115,
You're confusing what establishment "conversatives" do with what the right actually wants. We have defense spending precisely because of liberal problems btw. Again, we're cleaning up your mess. We invite millions of immigrants in, and they turn up to be terrorist and lawless criminals? We have to increase on the army. We have Cameltoe Harris make a lousy comment about Ukraine to Russia? We fight another unwanted war.

But no, defense spending isn't even half of our problem. It's just the most noticeable. We have crackpot charity programs (handouts, really). And much of it doesn't shpw up in normal records. But since you asked, the US spends
$1200 to $1800 billion on welfare alone (that's really $1.2 to $1.8 TRILLION). And how much did we spend for defense? Roughly $650 BILLION. To put it in perspective, we are buying actual fighter planes and missiles and troop paychecks with the defense money. What are we getting with our welfare money? Alot of waste. I've been to welfare agencies. They basically denied my needs cuz I was too white or didn't vote liberal. They are a very partisan organization and not at all unselfish. I got more from the food bank which is church eun and underfunded.
So, yes, liberals are 2x to 3x more wasteful than conservatives. And when we consider that most of it is going into their own pocket, closer to 10x probably. Jet planes or tiny checks?

Wed 30 Mar, 2022 10:58 am
@bobsal u1553115,
I grew up with Viz. I was living in Newcastle when it first came out when I was about 17.

Its readership is middle aged men.

It's a mixture of highbrow intellectualism and schoolboy lavatory humour.

One strip was about Nietzsche attending God's funeral and being struck down with diarrhoea.
0 Replies
Wed 30 Mar, 2022 12:03 pm
It really only is your perverted imagination reading those motivations into innocent actions. Get help.

0 Replies
Wed 30 Mar, 2022 12:12 pm
Your imagination is almost as perverted as builder:"s.
' '
0 Replies
Thu 31 Mar, 2022 04:02 am
HCR wrote:
CBS News has hired Mick Mulvaney as a paid on-air contributor. In his first official appearance on Tuesday morning to talk about President Joe Biden’s budget proposal, anchor Anne-Marie Green introduced Mulvaney as “a former Office of Management and Budget director,” and said , “So happy to have you here…. You’re the guy to ask about this.”

Mulvaney was a far-right U.S. representative from South Carolina from 2011 to 2017, when he went to work for then-president Trump as the director of the Office of Management and Budget. While in that position, he also took over as acting director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the government organization organized by Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) after the financial crisis of 2008. In its first five years, the CFPB recovered about $11.7 billion for about 27 million consumers, but in Congress, Mulvaney introduced legislation to abolish it. At its head, Mulvaney zeroed out the bureau’s budget and did his best to dismantle it.

While retaining his role at the head of the Office of Management and Budget, Mulvaney took on the job of acting White House chief of staff on January 2, 2019. This unprecedented dual role put him in a key place to do an end run around official U.S. diplomats in Ukraine and to set up a back channel to put pressure on newly elected Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky to announce he was launching an investigation into the actions of Joe Biden’s son, Hunter.

As director of OMB, Mulvaney okayed the withholding of almost $400 million Congress had appropriated for Ukraine’s protection against Russia. In May 2019, he set up “the three amigos,” Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland, special envoy Kurt Volker, and Energy Secretary Rick Perry, to pressure Zelensky. When the story came out, Mulvaney told the press that Trump had indeed withheld the money to pressure Zelensky to help him cheat in the 2020 election. “I have news for everybody,” he said. “Get over it. There’s going to be political influence in foreign policy.” He immediately walked the story back, but there it was.

This event was the basis for Trump’s first impeachment. While Republican senators refused to hold Trump accountable, the Government Accountability Office found that withholding the money was illegal. Ironically, the GAO report came out during Trump’s second impeachment.

And yet, CBS News hired Mulvaney and simply introduced him as a former director of the OMB, saying he was the guy to explain Biden’s budget. (After the episode, the CBS News standards department reminded staffers they should always identify people with their relevant biographical information.)

Jeremy Barr of the Washington Post tonight revealed that he had reviewed a recording of a phone call in which the co-president of CBS News, Neeraj Khemlani, suggested they had hired Mulvaney to guarantee access to Republican lawmakers. “If you look at some of the people that we’ve been hiring on a contributor basis, being able to make sure that we are getting access to both sides of the aisle is a priority because we know the Republicans are going to take over, most likely, in the midterms,” Khemlani told staff. “A lot of the people that we’re bringing in are helping us in terms of access to that side of the equation.”

People on the right have talked about a “liberal media” now for a generation. It has come to represent the idea that the media is slanted toward the Democrats. But initially, the phrase meant media based in facts.

In the 1950s, those eager to get rid of the government system instituted by the Democrats during the Great Depression of the 1930s grew frustrated because people liked that system, with its business regulation, basic social safety net, and promotion of infrastructure. In 1951, in God and Man at Yale: The Superstitions of “Academic Freedom,” William F. Buckley, Jr., rejected the Enlightenment idea that rigorous debate over facts would lead toward truth; the fondness of a majority of Republicans and Democrats for the newly active national government proved people could not be trusted to know what was best for them. Instead, he called for the exclusion of “bad” ideas like an active government, and for universities to push individualism and Christianity.

Three years later, Buckley and his brother-in-law, L. Brent Bozell, Jr., would divide the world into “Liberals,” by which they meant the majority of Americans from both parties who liked the New Deal government, and “Conservatives” like themselves, who were determined to overturn that government. Movement Conservatives lumped Soviet-style socialism and the New Deal government together.

With its focus on facts, the media, like the universities, was “liberal,” and Movement Conservatives wanted their ideology to be heard. In 1987, President Ronald Reagan’s appointees to the Federal Communications Commission killed the Fairness Doctrine, which had required public media to present issues fairly, and right-wing talk radio took off. In 1996, Australian-born Rupert Murdoch started the Fox News Channel, calling it “fair and balanced” because it presented the Movement Conservative ideology that fact-based media ignored.

Twenty-five years later, that ideology had become so powerful that true believers tried to stop a legitimately elected Democrat from becoming president, and in the year since, their conviction has only become stronger. Now CBS News has hired a member of the administration that urged the attack on our democracy.

“When, oh Lord, when will the elite political media treat the current Republican Party as the threat to the republic that it most obviously is?” asked Charlie Pierce in Esquire.

Here’s what’s at stake: On the one hand, Biden is trying to rebuild the old liberal consensus that used to be shared by people of both parties, instituted by Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt to protect workers from the overreach of their employers and expanded under Republican Dwight Eisenhower to protect civil rights. To this, Biden has focused on those previously marginalized and has added a focus on women and children.

Biden’s new budget, released earlier this week, calls for investment in U.S. families, communities, and infrastructure, the same principles on which the economy has boomed for the past year. The budget also promotes fiscal responsibility by rolling back Trump’s tax cuts on the very wealthy. Biden’s signature yesterday on the Emmett Till Antilynching Act, making lynching a federal hate crime in the United States, is the culmination of more than 100 years of work.

Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken are defending democracy against authoritarianism, working to bring together allies around the globe to resist the aggression of Russian president Vladimir Putin.

On the other hand, the Republican Party is working to get rid of the New Deal government. While Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell wanted to face the midterms without a platform, Senator Rick Scott (R-FL), who chairs the committee responsible for electing Republican senators, has produced an “11-point plan to rescue America.” It dramatically raises taxes on people who earn less than $100,000, and ends Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Affordable Care Act.

With a 6 to 3 majority on the Supreme Court, Republicans have also taken aim at abortion rights and are now talking about ending other civil rights protected by the federal government after 1950: the right to birth control, interracial marriage, and same-sex marriage.

The Republicans have sided with authoritarianism as they back former president Trump and his supporters, over 2,000 of whom stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. This week, federal judge David Carter wrote that it was “more likely than not” that Trump committed a federal crime when he encouraged the attack, and yesterday we learned that there are more than 7 hours of phone records missing from the official White House logs of that day. At The Guardian, Hugo Lowell today reported that Trump made at least one call from the White House that day that should have been on the logs and was not, opening up the possibility that Trump’s people tampered with the phone records.

And while Putin has launched a war of invasion on our democratic ally Ukraine, just yesterday, Trump asked Putin to help him dig up dirt on a political rival, just as he did in 2016.

Voters cannot choose wisely between these two paths unless their news is based in facts. Earlier this week, fact triumphed over ideology on the Fox News Channel, when anchor John Roberts noted that Senator Rick Scott’s 2022 Republican platform calls for raising taxes on most Americans and ending Social Security. Scott said that Roberts was using “a Democrat talking point.” But Roberts stood firm on facts: “It’s in the plan!” he said. “It’s not a Democratic talking point. It’s in the plan!”

0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Thu 31 Mar, 2022 07:13 am
That's all your opinion and no fact. Show me any other program that burn 1% that the Pentagon burns? Do you know how much of your tax dollar goes to defense? Over 50%. TRILLIONS of dollars.

Name one of those gimme program, just one. Name as many as you can.
Thu 31 Mar, 2022 07:31 am
@bobsal u1553115,
And Trumps . . .

Oh I'm not loyal to any politician, so you'll have to find another way to defend joe's problem.

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