Monitoring Biden and other Contemporary Events

Fri 4 Mar, 2022 04:47 pm
This brings to thought: What if Trump were President? My guess, no aid to Ukraine; material or verbal! And, an invasion of Mexico, maybe even Canada....
Fri 4 Mar, 2022 08:24 pm
A quick reminder for everyone.

The reason Trump was impeached the first time was because he withheld military aid to Ukraine in exchange for interfering in the 2020 election against Joe Biden.


President Trump used the powers of the Presidency in a manner that compromised the national security of the United States and undermined the integrity of the United States democratic process. He thus ignored and injured the interests of the Nation.
With the same corrupt motives, President Trump--acting both directly and through his agents within and outside the United States Government--conditioned two official acts on the public announcements that he had requested:

(A) the release of $391 million of United States taxpayer funds that Congress had appropriated on a bipartisan basis for the purpose of providing vital military and security assistance to Ukraine to oppose Russian aggression and which President Trump had ordered suspended; and

(B) a head of state meeting at the White House, which the President of Ukraine sought to demonstrate continued United States support for the Government of Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression.

Faced with the public revelation of his actions, President Trump ultimately released the military and security assistance to the Government of Ukraine, but has persisted in openly and corruptly urging and soliciting Ukraine to undertake investigations for his personal political benefit. These actions were consistent with President Trump's previous invitations of foreign interference in United States elections.

Fri 4 Mar, 2022 10:04 pm
The reason Trump was impeached the first time was because he withheld military aid to Ukraine in exchange for interfering in the 2020 election.....

Heavy sighs; I do understand that your controlled media fills your head full of ****, but I also see that you have access to the internet, so your ignorance might know no bounds, only because you're too lazy to do anything for yourself.

This, is what Putin is doing in Ukraine, and it is now clear why nobody is stepping in to stop him.

And, for the record, I don't think you'll even bother to read the details, because it most certainly will upset your sensibilities, or, rather, what's left of them.
Sat 5 Mar, 2022 03:12 am
Ordinary Russians were being interviewed by the BBC, and the economic and cultural boycotts of Russia are secondary to what is going on inside Russia itself.

These add to the growing sense of isolation, but draconian laws that give a fifteen year sentence for criticising the military, thousands of arrests, the closure of the last independent media outlet and the doubling of police on the streets are what the ordinary Russians are most concerned about.

There is another civilian convoy of Russians heading to the border with Finland, hoping to cross before Putin declares martial law.
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Sat 5 Mar, 2022 04:55 am
Nice link to a crackpot site! Some great opinion pieces on the gold standard, pedophilia, the Illuminati, the Rockefellers, Fauci, and of course – the New World Order! This is from the guy who runs the site:

Ben Fulford wrote:
The war to liberate humanity from an ancient Satanic cult is proceeding very well. In the biggest move last week, Turkish President Recep Erdogan was detained by white hat alliance members while he was visiting the Ukraine, CIA and Mossad sources report. In Canada, toxic vaccine pushing Crime Minister Justin Castro is on the run and may have already been captured, Canadian Secret Intelligence Service sources say.

Thanks for the laughs!
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Sat 5 Mar, 2022 05:19 am
I linked directly to the articles of impeachment from the Congress website, to avoid any kind of media bias.

That geopolitics site you linked to reads like a conspiracy website. They are even offering a device that "defeats Covid-19, HIV, and cancer".

If anything, this just confirms I should not accept anything you say.
Sat 5 Mar, 2022 05:23 am
Builder believes the Queen is a giant shape changing lizard.

Don't waste your time.
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Walter Hinteler
Sat 5 Mar, 2022 05:33 am
Rebelofnj wrote:
They are even offering a device that "defeats Covid-19, HIV, and cancer".
A bargain for only $1,271.78 ... considering that some spammers ask more for some other sh!t.

A new alternating current process and system for treatment of blood and/or other body fluids and/or synthetic fluids from a donor to a recipient or storage receptacle or in a recycling system using novel electrically conductive treatment vessels for treating blood and/or other body fluids and/or synthetic fluids with electric field forces of appropriate electric field strength to provide electric current flow through the blood or other body fluids at a magnitude that is biologically compatible but is sufficient to render the bacteria, virus, parasites and/or fungus ineffective to infect or affect normally healthy cells while maintaining the biological usefulness of the blood or other fluids. For this purpose low voltage alternating current electric potentials are applied to the treatment vessel which are of the order of from about 0.2 to 12 volts and produce current flow densities in the blood or other fluids of from one microampere per square millimeter of electrode area exposed to the fluid being treated to about two milliamperes per square millimeter.
That's the patent.
Sat 5 Mar, 2022 05:37 am
@Walter Hinteler,
A bargain for only $1,271.78

Was it value for money, Walter?
Sat 5 Mar, 2022 06:14 am
Man, they are showing receipts that expose every source you use as ****.
You neither produce anything to attempt to refute what they show, nor acknowledge your use of bogus nutcase sources and apologize...

You just ignore whatever argument of yours was just crushed, and move on to some other inanity.

At least, if you tried to defend your nutcase sources, or apologized when they are exposed, you would retain the smallest sliver of credibility, and the merest bit of value as someone to engage in discussion on this site.

As it is you just reinforce the utter uselessness of your contributions.
Sat 5 Mar, 2022 07:15 am
snood wrote:

At least, if you tried to defend your nutcase sources, or apologized when they are exposed, you would retain the smallest sliver of credibility,

He believes the Queen is a lizard, the moon landings were faked and that Jews control the Saudi Royal family. Any sliver of credibility disappeared years ago.
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bobsal u1553115
Sat 5 Mar, 2022 07:30 am
This is the **** you're citing?????? https://geopolitics.co/???

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Sat 5 Mar, 2022 10:08 am
You've clearly been spending far too much time playing World of Wackos.
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Sun 6 Mar, 2022 02:31 am
Dog piling is all we get in this place.

Keep yapping, folks.

You're looking more rabid by the minute.
0 Replies
Sun 6 Mar, 2022 05:02 am
Builder wrote:

Rebelofni wrote:
The reason Trump was impeached the first time was because he withheld military aid to Ukraine in exchange for interfering in the 2020 election.....

Heavy sighs; I do understand that your controlled media fills your head full of ****. . .

So, Trump wasn't impeached because he withheld military aid to Ukraine in exchange for interfering in the 2020 election?
Sun 6 Mar, 2022 05:56 am
That’s all you can do, really - just try to get him to respond to plain facts.
Kudos on the effort, but with guys like this who operate out of their own bag of alternate reality…
It’s like trying to pin down a wet eel.
0 Replies
Sun 6 Mar, 2022 07:12 pm
blatham wrote:

You folks have probably noticed that FOX has been flopping around like mad trying to figure out how to message the Ukraine situation. Carlson, for example, did a 180 when Putin began the invasion as have others. But indictments of Putin have been weak and without any real sincerity. Blame is still being placed elsewhere with Clinton or Greta Thunberg, for example, named as important factors.

But running through all of their coverage is an entirely predictable story - Biden has been and is weak and incompetent. This is the most common element in their coverage. Initially, this was framed as a pair of opposites - Putin the he-man versus Biden the weakling.

That binary formulation is a staple of far right agitprop. Their heroes (or the
image they portray of them) always take this manly form and those they wish to demean are always feminized or otherwise framed as weak.

But aside from that almost knee-jerk framing, what seems very likely is that what the right is trying mightily to prevent is what Rove succeeded at before Bush's second election - framing the sitting President as a "war President" because that framing sets Biden up as strong, righteous and heroic, precisely the opposite of what they want.

It is very difficult to imagine any "framing" able to persuasively represent Biden as " strong, righteous, heroic", or even moderately competent in routine functions. Noting more than a recitation of his actions in office, relative to the challenges faced by this country, our allies and the free world is sufficient to cast him in an accurate light, as an incompetent lightweight., with no enduring values; an opportunist whose only evident talent is to lead with whatever political breeze that blows

Almost three decades ago he sponsored the "Three Strikes, you're out law significantly increasing the legal penalties for a wide varieties of crimes; He campaigned for President as a moderate, who would find a balance between the "new Left" and more conservative Americans; and then went on to adopt it's whole legislative Agenda ; call for the defunding of Police & replacing them with ill- defined "Social workers". Now with the recent emergence of public resistance to most of his new priorities including defunding police forces , absurdly continued COVID restrictions, and many others he has again reversed course. It turns out that there's very few enduring values there , except perhaps that of enriching himself and his family through corrupt misuse of his office & influence .

The ongoing Russian effort to conquer Ukraine has exposed Biden's clear lack of strategic understanding, foresight , and inability to synthesize the often conflicting implications of external issues as required to create an effective foreign policy in an increasingly dangerous world. By far the most serious vulnerability of Putin's Russia is its dependence on income resulting from the export of petroleum & gas, and the dependence he has steadily developed among European nations for these necessary commodities.

Putin has been very clear, for over a decade, about his intention to forcibly reunite the now separated components of the Soviet Empire. He has amply demonstrated in Chechnya, Georgia and Crimea his planned use of force to achieve these objectives. Sadly for our country (and themselves) our main NATO allies have welcomed their increasing dependence on this reliably untrustworthy and dangerous source.

Biden inherited from his predecessor a newly restored U.S. self-sufficiency in gas & petroleum production, and, in addition, a rapidly growing surplus of these products ready for export. Given the evident excessive dependence of our allies on the gas & petroleum on a Russia led by an increasingly aggressive autocrat, it was surely no unusual act of foresight to retain that increasingly significant advantage. Moreover a little self-knowledge on Biden's part should have led him to recognize that his past behavior in office was likely to be seen as a sign of real weakness on the part of our most prominent (and increasingly aggressive) potential adversaries, in Russia and China. For Biden in this situation to, without reflection, delay or even negotiated compensation, to have thrown that advantage away in the pursuit of a distant AGW goal , was an act of remarkable stupidity that has put us and the free world in a dangerous place. Worse, the production of petroleum does not necessarily increase its consumption - the object here is to be able to compete with and undersell a dangerous competitor, who if we did would have no real recourse.

Now to compound the problem, following a truly remarkable reversal of priorities and policy in this area, on the part of our European allies, ignited precisely by the obvious implications of the new Russian threat, Biden makes a few sympathetic works & gestures, describes his relatively superficial sanctions as serious, crippling actions (which they clearly are not), and fails to take any action to, however belatedly , activate his most important real element of strategic leverage - namely petroleum exports to Europe which could have a truly crippling effect on Putin's economy and ability to subdue his neighbors.

Now we find ourselves importing hundreds of millions of dollars worth of Petroleum from Putin's Russia, every day and, with sadly comical irony, looking to "friendly" Venezuela to replace it.

It's very hard to imagine worse or more dangerously inadequate leadership on the part of our Country.
Sun 6 Mar, 2022 09:42 pm
the u.s. has exported more oil than it imports since 2013, years before trump. he had nothing to do with restoring self-sufficoiency. and biden kicked the ball off iwth the first massive rounds of sanctions, which the rest of the world has whole-heatedly embraced and extended, as have american businesses and world world business, banking, and financial institutions. Face it, he's done really good work on this. as opposed of course to trump, who;s consistently been licking putin's boots for years.
Mon 7 Mar, 2022 12:58 pm
From what source did you get that incorrect factoid about 2013?
Here's the U.S. Government data
2020 was our first recent year as a net exporter of Oil
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Mon 7 Mar, 2022 01:54 pm
Almost three decades ago he sponsored the "Three Strikes, you're out law significantly increasing the legal penalties for a wide varieties of crimes; He campaigned for President as a moderate, who would find a balance between the "new Left" and more conservative Americans; and then went on to adopt it's whole legislative Agenda ; call for the defunding of Police & replacing them with ill- defined "Social workers". Now with the recent emergence of public resistance to most of his new priorities including defunding police forces , absurdly continued COVID restrictions, and many others he has again reversed course. It turns out that there's very few enduring values there , except perhaps that of enriching himself and his family through corrupt misuse of his office & influence .

So much wrong here.

"Three strikes" (persistent offender) laws can be found around the country and were first enacted in California. Biden drafted the Senate version of the legislation in cooperation with the National Association of Police Organizations. (One provision was the assault weapons bans which, stupidly, was allowed to expire.) Republicans and moderate Dems cheered when this bill was passed because of the perception that violent crime was out of hand. As with many laws, there were unintended consequences. Harsh penalties are often recommended for their deterrent (as opposed to punitive) value but drug-addicted criminals tend to commit crimes out of desperation and aren't likely to be considering any future beyond their next fix. The real crime is that it took so long to own up to the mistaken policies once they were shown to be ineffective at doing anything other than increasing the prison population and harming the social structure of crime-ridden communities.

No, Biden did not adopt any "New Left" – you mean progressive; the"new left" is sixty years old – agenda wholesale. The fact that he didn't led to the delay of the infrastructure bill and plenty of criticism from the progressive caucus in his party. Biden did not ever support "defund the police" which was a stupid slogan, not a political policy. And he doesn't want to "replace" cops with social workers. The idea is to allow armed officers to do the dangerous work they are trained for but remove them from some of the tasks that can be achieved more effectively through community programs dedicated to conflict resolution and more cooperation versus armed confrontation.

He hasn't "reversed course" on covid restrictions. He follows the guidelines set by the CDC. Now that infection rates are falling off, the need for the mask mandates has fallen as well.

You've been duped by all the scurrilous crap which Giuliani and others bought from pro-Moscow Ukrainians – there's no proof that he "enriched himself" through "corrupt misuse of his office".

Now we find ourselves importing hundreds of millions of dollars worth of Petroleum from Putin's Russia, every day and, with sadly comical irony, looking to "friendly" Venezuela to replace it.

Russian oil represents about 3% of our petroleum imports and we are currently fast-tracking a bipartisan bill to halt it completely. There's no reason not to buy Venezuelan oil through Chevron and create a rift between Moscow and Venezuela.
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