There’s a phenomenon I don’t completely understand, but find fascinating.
There are people who take the position that Trump was something that we’ve seen before. They argue that this foul, gameshow celebrity huckstering, morally bankrupt, white supremacy hugging, traitorous colluding with dictators, trying to overthrow our election… person is not really unprecedented. And they go further to say that in the same way that he doesn’t embody anything we haven’t seen before, we’ll surely see someone else take up where he left off.o
I saw it played out on the “news” panel discussions during Trump’s presidency. There was always someone taking on the role of objective historian saying that there was nothing in the daily scandals and uncovered crimes and indiscretions and constantly being revealed incompetence that we hadn’t seen before.
We’d overcome our past “Trumps”, and we’d surely survive this one.
From where I stand, and relying on my meager, limited experience and knowledge, I sure don’t see it that way.
Before I laid down to sleep on November 8, 2016 I said a prayer asking that God please, please not allow this hellish man to take the reigns of power in our country. I believed then as now that he brought a foulness into federal governance before unseen.
And here’s the thing - there may be others like him that come along, but they did not exist in a vacuum while Trump did his dirt in office. They are “like him” in large part because they craft themselves using the stuff he brought into the body politic.
For all of this is why I think that if our poor justice system doesn’t deal harshly with this man and his accomplices, the wounds he inflicted on the country will be left open and I healed permanently.
But that’s another subject, I suppose.