Monitoring Biden and other Contemporary Events

Reply Thu 28 Oct, 2021 06:50 pm
Opinion: On Claiming The Child Tax Credit
June 12, 2021

The phrase, "Poor Jeff Bezos..." is probably not much uttered. I won't try to say it now without irony.

But when ProPublica reported this week that Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Rupert Murdoch, Elon Musk, George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg were among billionaires who paid little or no income tax in recent years, Bezos took most of the social media vitriol. The founder of Amazon had a net worth of about $18 billion in 2011, but reportedly paid no taxes. And he got $4,000 in child tax credits.

Bezos paid no taxes because most of his wealth came from company stock, which isn't taxed until it's sold. He has four children with his then-wife MacKenzie Scott, which entitled them to a $1,000 tax credit for each child.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Oct, 2021 06:54 pm
such obvious efforts to silence the voices of those with whom you disagree

If that was the goal, obviously I'd have told others to cease quoting you or even reading your posts.
Reply Thu 28 Oct, 2021 07:02 pm
I agree, they are worthless. I wouldn't even see any if they weren't quoted. BTW, I'm not sheep like the right wingers, these are only my decision!
Reply Thu 28 Oct, 2021 07:03 pm
If that was the goal, obviously I'd have told others to cease quoting you or even reading your posts

Do you think that Biden has been doing a good job with the economy? Did he handle the exit from Afghanistan well in your estimation?

These are straight forward questions.

Instead answering them honestly, you've urged others to ignore me as an edict.

And so georgebob1's assessment of your action is accurate.
Reply Thu 28 Oct, 2021 07:05 pm
Instead answering them honestly, you've urged others to ignore me as an edict.

This is exactly what losers with weak ideas do.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Oct, 2021 07:49 pm
Some folks just aren't worth listening to. We discover this after having listened to them. True in a pub or a townhall meeting or a classroom or around a dinner table or in a church or wherever people congregate and speak. It may be ideas pushed forward (anti-vaxers, 9/11 conspiracy buffs, "Jews run the world" nutcases, etc) or perhaps they just do not know what they're talking about or it can be a factor of their character and discourse style. So we tune them out.
Reply Fri 29 Oct, 2021 12:08 am
True, and to prove they are telling the ultimate "truth" they yell, stomp their feet and bang their fists on the bar proving they are "right"! Rolling Eyes
Reply Fri 29 Oct, 2021 12:29 am
You either didn’t see, or ignored my question. Since I’m not sure which, I’ll ask again. What are the “traditional conservative values” that you say you respect?
Reply Fri 29 Oct, 2021 12:41 am
I consider your question irrelevant. I wish not to get into snarky, uninformative discussions - sorry! Let me say though that there are no true Conservative Republicans serving in either Houses of Congress at this time.
Reply Fri 29 Oct, 2021 02:22 am
BillW wrote:

I consider your question irrelevant. I wish not to get into snarky, uninformative discussions - sorry! Let me say though that there are no true Conservative Republicans serving in either Houses of Congress at this time.

Just asking what conservative values you think are respectable is “snarky”?

I don’t think you intended to give it, but thanks anyway for a good laugh.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Oct, 2021 02:32 am
I consider your question irrelevant. I wish not to get into snarky, uninformative discussions - sorry!

Stick to your guns. He's a turnip. And a gas-lighter.

Good onya for telling the truth about him.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 29 Oct, 2021 04:47 am
georgeob1 wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:

[Yeah, we are. But, since the alternative was more of Trump, I consider us lucky to have them. And if it hurts the Dems, I guess they will have to take the hit. Life is not fair.

I'm glad to see what appears to have been an awakening to the reality of the present Administration on your part.

I've been here right along, George. I always realized that while Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are not perfect, they are a universe better than more of Trump. Why do you think that is something that happened recently?

Thanks for the candid response, Frank. You just might be a good guy (or "worth a ****" in the carrier squadron lexicon I remember so fondly and well).

Hard to tell whether your animosity is focused on Trump or "Conservative Republicans" …. or perhaps both.

My animosity is focused on people willing to tolerate Trump and his enablers attempting an overthrow of our government...WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT TRUMP AND HIS ENABLERS ATTEMPTED TO DO.

I've always had a great deal of respect for you, George. Many of us in the "New York Brigade" did...despite the fact that most of us were far to the left of you and your thinking. At our many get-togethers you and some of your comments were discussed more often than you might suspect. Your give-and-take with HoT were the subject of special attention...given that those interactions made us all party to two very well informed people about subjects not many of us get to hear about.

I am having a huge amount of trouble understanding how you are unable to see Trump for the dangerous individual he was AND STILL IS.

Personally I think American conservatives (and American conservatism) to be net negatives for society, so we will never see eye to eye on most important political divisions, but I am able to tolerate those kinds of differences with ease. But the inability (or more likely, the unwillingness) of AC's to see through Trump is beyond the pale.

As for the failings of Joe Biden...well, so be it. But there is not a moment in any day where I will not be delighted to know that he is our president rather than having Trump getting four more years. My signature line says everything I have to say about that dynamic.
Reply Fri 29 Oct, 2021 06:31 am
@Frank Apisa,
Yes. And this gets it exactly right.

The Entire Republican Leadership Is Covering Up Trump’s Coup Attempt
Authoritarian corruption has permeated the GOP.

On Jan. 6, two months after President Donald Trump lost the 2020 election, his supporters attempted a coup to keep him in power. The attack shook congressional Republicans, and many spoke out against it. That resistance has since collapsed. In the past month, statements by the party’s most powerful lawmakers—culminating in their attempt last week to eviscerate the House investigation of the Jan. 6 attack—show that the entire Republican leadership has decided to accept Trump’s lies about the election and to shield the coup plotters from accountability...
Will Saletan at Slate...read more here
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 29 Oct, 2021 07:11 am
blatham wrote:

Yes. And this gets it exactly right.

The Entire Republican Leadership Is Covering Up Trump’s Coup Attempt
Authoritarian corruption has permeated the GOP.

On Jan. 6, two months after President Donald Trump lost the 2020 election, his supporters attempted a coup to keep him in power. The attack shook congressional Republicans, and many spoke out against it. That resistance has since collapsed. In the past month, statements by the party’s most powerful lawmakers—culminating in their attempt last week to eviscerate the House investigation of the Jan. 6 attack—show that the entire Republican leadership has decided to accept Trump’s lies about the election and to shield the coup plotters from accountability...
Will Saletan at Slate...read more here

Exactly! They (the GOP politicians) have slipped off the edge. If truly intelligent people cannot (or will not) see this and condemn it with action, the US is lost as a nation...as a people...as an influencing force in a reasonable direction.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Oct, 2021 07:21 am
Destroying America

Back in July, Kay Ivey, governor of Alabama, had some strong and sensible things to say about Covid-19 vaccines. “I want folks to get vaccinated,” she declared. “That’s the cure. That prevents everything.” She went on to say that the unvaccinated are “letting us down.”

Three months later Ivey directed state agencies not to cooperate with federal Covid-19 vaccination mandates.

Ivey’s swift journey from common sense and respect for science to destructive partisan nonsense — nonsense that is killing tens of thousands of Americans — wasn’t unique. On the contrary, it was a recapitulation of the journey the whole Republican Party has taken on issue after issue, from tax cuts to the Big Lie about the 2020 election.

When we talk about the G.O.P.’s moral descent, we tend to focus on the obvious extremists, like the conspiracy theorists who claim that climate change is a hoax and Jan. 6 was a false flag operation. But the crazies wouldn’t be driving the Republican agenda so completely if it weren’t for the cowards, Republicans who clearly know better but reliably swallow their misgivings and go along with the party line. And at this point crazies and cowards essentially make up the party’s entire elected wing.

Consider, for example, the claim that tax cuts pay for themselves. In 1980 George H.W. Bush, running against Ronald Reagan for the Republican presidential nomination, called that assertion “voodoo economic policy.” Everything we’ve seen since then says that he was right. But Bush soon climbed down, and by 2017 even supposed “moderates” like Susan Collins accepted claims that the Trump tax cut would reduce, not increase, the budget deficit. (It increased the deficit.)

Or consider climate change. As recently as 2008 John McCain campaigned for president in part on a proposal to put a cap on U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. But at this point Republicans in Congress are united in their opposition to any substantive action to limit global warming, with 30 G.O.P. senators outright denying the overwhelming scientific evidence that human activities are causing climate change.

The falsehoods that are poisoning America’s politics tend to share similar life histories. They begin in cynicism, spread through disinformation and culminate in capitulation, as Republicans who know the truth decide to acquiesce in lies.

Take the claim of a stolen election. Donald Trump never had any evidence on his side, but he didn’t care — he just wanted to hold on to power or, failing that, promulgate a lie that would help him retain his hold on the G.O.P. Despite the lack of evidence and the failure of every attempt to produce or create a case, however, a steady drumbeat of propaganda has persuaded an overwhelming majority of Republicans that Joe Biden’s victory was illegitimate.

And establishment Republicans, who at first pushed back against the Big Lie, have gone quiet or even begun to promote the falsehood. Thus on Wednesday, The Wall Street Journal published, without corrections or fact checks, a letter to the editor from Trump that was full of demonstrable lies — and in so doing gave those lies a new, prominent platform.

The G.O.P.’s journey toward what it is now with respect to Covid-19 — an anti-vaccine, objectively pro-pandemic party — followed the same trajectory.

Although Republicans like Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott claim that their opposition to vaccine requirements is about freedom, the fact that both governors have tried to stop private businesses from requiring customers or staff to be vaccinated shows this is a smoke screen. Pretty clearly, the anti-vaccine push began as an act of politically motivated sabotage. After all, a successful vaccination campaign that ended the pandemic would have been good political news for Biden.

We should note, by the way, that this sabotage has, so far at least, paid off. While there are multiple reasons many Americans remain unvaccinated, there’s a strong correlation between a county’s political lean and both its vaccination rate and its death rate in recent months. And the persistence of Covid, which has in turn been a drag on the economy, has been an important factor dragging down Biden’s approval rating.

More important for the internal dynamics of the G.O.P., however, is that many in the party’s base have bought into assertions that requiring vaccination against Covid-19 is somehow a tyrannical intrusion of the state into personal decisions. In fact, many Republican voters appear to have turned against longstanding requirements that parents have their children vaccinated against other contagious diseases.

And true to form, elected Republicans like Governor Ivey who initially spoke in favor of vaccines have folded and surrendered to the extremists, even though they must know that in so doing they will cause many deaths.

I’m not sure exactly why cowardice has become the norm among elected Republicans who aren’t dedicated extremists. But if you want to understand how the G.O.P. became such a threat to everything America should stand for, the cowards are at least as important a factor as the crazies.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Oct, 2021 07:57 am
One reason the GOP does so well is their unwillingness to give an inch and their unhesitating changing of rules when they can and the Democrats never changing those rules back adequately when they get the chance. The Democrats always look feckless and the Republicans capitalize on it. Bold agenda whittled sown to innocuousness and negotiated into 2022, when the off year elections start heating up. The polls show Biden getting weaker. The question is, is the public willing to allow Republicans to get stronger or allow Biden's administration to limp forward?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Oct, 2021 10:00 am
@Frank Apisa,

Thank you for the very kind, (probably undeserved) words. You are a very New York kind of guy (as is Trump), a bit direct and loud. I'm the son of Irish immigrants, grew up in an ethnic stew in the Midwest and, like you, learned quickly how to fend for myself. We both know also how to say what's on our minds. I can readily understand your distaste for Trump based on his in-your face-style, self-promotion and bombast. However I favor his policy actions in office on a wide range of issues ranging from National Security to Economic growth and independence, his actions to protect the freedom and liberty of individual Americans,resist the growing bureaucratization of our government, and respect the Constitutional limits on the power of the Federal government.

I also believe these issues are particularly important now in the face of the growing regulation of the lives of people in the increasingly authoritarian and bureaucratized governments now pervading the Western World. I fear their ability to retain their vigor and characters in an ever competitive world is fading fast as a result. I don't want to see that happen here. Unfortunately for us there major forces at work which would do exactly that.

The founding principles of our country were individual liberty and limited government. They have served us very well indeed. As I indicated earlier Trump achieved a drastic reduction in our carbon emissions, and he did it without additional regulation or control, and with only the natural forces in a free economy to drive it, simply by removing artificial barriers to the supply of cheaper, cleaner alternatives. We need more of that, and less bureaucratic regulation in every area of our government. Every experience I've had in leading large organizations has taught me the folly of authoritarian proscriptive rule and the wisdom of persuasive goal-setting, encouraging individual initiative, and rewarding those that succeed.

Those principles have carried us through enormous changes and achievements over the past three centuries. Our history is certainly not free of error and injustice - no one in the world can claim that. However in comparison with our competitors, and occasional challengers, our track record looks pretty damn good. We have developed a cosmopolitan culture, influenced by every race and ethnic group here, that is a major force in the world and the envy of many, and an enduring level of prosperity that is matched by only a few. The crowds at our Southern border, just as did those at Ellis Island a century ago testify well to the opinions, assessments and expectations of others around the world for life here, and our track record for the successful assimilation of disparate groups, flawed as it is, remains, very clearly, unmatched by that of any other nation in the world.

Consider for a moment the popular enthusiasm that existed here a year ago for the deployment of an effective COVID vaccine and the now fast-growing resistance to it. How did we in just ten months or so get to that? There will always be those who resist such things, but our idiot President has substantially increased their number with his stupid authoritarian scolding's and lectures. This, of course gives him some perhaps useful enemies, and something to talk/lecture about, but it certainly is not either wise or effective leadership. I would quickly fire any department head who exhibited such weak, ineffective incompetence, in pseudo authoritarian efforts to control events that actually require the cooperation and free choices of others. Biden is the antithesis of a leader, and it shows amply in the results (?) he has achieved in many disparate efforts.

Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 29 Oct, 2021 11:50 am
georgeob1 wrote:


Thank you for the very kind, (probably undeserved) words. You are a very New York kind of guy (as is Trump), a bit direct and loud. I'm the son of Irish immigrants, grew up in an ethnic stew in the Midwest and, like you, learned quickly how to fend for myself. We both know also how to say what's on our minds. I can readily understand your distaste for Trump based on his in-your face-style, self-promotion and bombast. However I favor his policy actions in office on a wide range of issues ranging from National Security to Economic growth and independence, his actions to protect the freedom and liberty of individual Americans,resist the growing bureaucratization of our government, and respect the Constitutional limits on the power of the Federal government.

I also believe these issues are particularly important now in the face of the growing regulation of the lives of people in the increasingly authoritarian and bureaucratized governments now pervading the Western World. I fear their ability to retain their vigor and characters in an ever competitive world is fading fast as a result. I don't want to see that happen here. Unfortunately for us there major forces at work which would do exactly that.

The founding principles of our country were individual liberty and limited government. They have served us very well indeed. As I indicated earlier Trump achieved a drastic reduction in our carbon emissions, and he did it without additional regulation or control, and with only the natural forces in a free economy to drive it, simply by removing artificial barriers to the supply of cheaper, cleaner alternatives. We need more of that, and less bureaucratic regulation in every area of our government. Every experience I've had in leading large organizations has taught me the folly of authoritarian proscriptive rule and the wisdom of persuasive goal-setting, encouraging individual initiative, and rewarding those that succeed.

Those principles have carried us through enormous changes and achievements over the past three centuries. Our history is certainly not free of error and injustice - no one in the world can claim that. However in comparison with our competitors, and occasional challengers, our track record looks pretty damn good. We have developed a cosmopolitan culture, influenced by every race and ethnic group here, that is a major force in the world and the envy of many, and an enduring level of prosperity that is matched by only a few. The crowds at our Southern border, just as did those at Ellis Island a century ago testify well to the opinions, assessments and expectations of others around the world for life here, and our track record for the successful assimilation of disparate groups, flawed as it is, remains, very clearly, unmatched by that of any other nation in the world.

Consider for a moment the popular enthusiasm that existed here a year ago for the deployment of an effective COVID vaccine and the now fast-growing resistance to it. How did we in just ten months or so get to that? There will always be those who resist such things, but our idiot President has substantially increased their number with his stupid authoritarian scolding's and lectures. This, of course gives him some perhaps useful enemies, and something to talk/lecture about, but it certainly is not either wise or effective leadership. I would quickly fire any department head who exhibited such weak, ineffective incompetence, in pseudo authoritarian efforts to control events that actually require the cooperation and free choices of others. Biden is the antithesis of a leader, and it shows amply in the results (?) he has achieved in many disparate efforts.

Thank you, George. As I said, we will never see eye to eye on political philosophy...and I suspect we will never even come close to doing so.

The only thought that immediately comes to mind just now is...I suppose many Germans in 1930's Germany thought Hitler was someone who would further personal freedom...and who would help make Germany great again.

Continue to support Trump...or, at least not to oppose him with all the energy you have at your disposal.

What could possibly go wrong?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Oct, 2021 01:26 pm
Backlash over Tucker’s January 6 exposé reveals just how fragile and illegitimate America’s Regime truly is…

Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger Incite Liberal Meltdown Over Tucker Carlson Doc Exposing Dark Truth Behind 1/6

America’s anemic and illegitimate globalist ruling class are a psychologically fragile bunch in the best of times. But now, they are in full-blown meltdown mode after the announcement of Tucker Carlson’s Fox Nation special investigating FBI incitement of the January 6 Capitol incident and the wider persecution campaign by the federal government against patriots, MAGA supporters, and America-Firsters across the country.

After ten months of distortions, exaggerations, and outright lies, the truth about 1/6 is finally coming out, and the liberal guardians of the Regime are not ready for it.

Tucker’s documentary is directly inspired by Revolver’s breakthrough investigative reporting on the role of Stewart Rhodes, Ray Epps, and other suspiciously unindicted figures at the center of the January 6 incident. On Monday night, Revolver‘s Darren Beattie appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight to discuss the Epps revelations as well as the FBI’s larger history of inciting the crimes it claims to combat.

The announcement on Wednesday night immediately generated a huge surge of interest, with millions viewing the trailer in a matter of hours.

RINO Adam Kinzinger (code-name: “Crybaby”) had a full-scale meltdown.

Liz Cheney lost it and asked to speak to Tucker’s manager.

Of course, Cheney herself has spread plenty of actual lies about January 6. Back on January the 8th, Liz blindly repeated the lie that Brian Sicknick was murdered by a violent MAGA mob.

The documentary trailer caused such a stir that even some of Tucker’s own Fox News colleagues joined in the chorus to condemn Tucker for daring to challenge the government’s official story of 1/6.

Geraldo Rivera soiled himself in a frantic effort to speak to the New York Times:

Speaking on Thursday with The New York Times, Mr. Rivera elaborated on his concerns.

“Tucker’s wonderful, he’s provocative, he’s original, but — man oh man,” Mr. Rivera said in a phone interview. “There are some things that you say that are more inflammatory and outrageous and uncorroborated. And I worry that — and I’m probably going to get in trouble for this — but I’m wondering how much is done to provoke, rather than illuminate.”

“Messing around with Jan. 6 stuff … ” Mr. Rivera added, pausing briefly. “The record to me is pretty damn clear, that there was a riot that was incited and encouraged and unleashed by Donald Trump.”

Asked if he would urge his Fox News bosses to reconsider airing Mr. Carlson’s special, Mr. Rivera demurred, saying, “I don’t want to go there, that’s not my job.” [NT]

With so much interest in discovering what really happened on January 6, theRegime might have responded by making its own documentary. This Regime certainly has no shortage of newspapers, websites, TV stations, and Facebook groups to put out its preferred narrative.

But the Regime media is not in the business of information. It is in the business of propaganda that props up the increasingly unstable and illegitimate American Regime. The Regime narrative is in such a shoddy state of disrepair — it is seemingly held together with only duct tape, chicken wire, and Jim Acosta’s spittle — that they have desperately taken on a new mission. Their new mission is not simply to spread the official narrative, but also to make sure it is the only narrative in existence.

Fishing around for a denunciation to make, the censorship class settled Tucker’s documentary. The intrepid bell hooks-aspiring, lower-case-only-using gumshoe Charlie Warzel had this to say:

Comparing Tucker Carlson to Alex Jones was apparently the Regime’s favored narrative-du-jour.

This comparison wasn’t chosen randomly, but for a specific purpose: To demand that Tucker Carlson be censored, preferably immediately, just as Alex Jones was banned from every social media platform three years ago.

The American propaganda press is so terrified of an honest investigation into January 6 that rather than try to argue against it, they simply want it silenced outright.

Former Time Magazine managing editor Richard Stengel, a Russia hoax hysteric, called for a total boycott of all Fox programs in his frenzy to suppress Tucker’s program.

Incidentally, Stengel is a former senior official in Obama’s state department who once described his role as being that of “chief propagandist:”

Yes, you heard that right. Obama’s former self-described “chief propagandist” at the State Department stated that he has no problem whatsoever with propaganda, and in fact supports the idea of countries using propaganda domestically against their own citizens.

Evidently the problem with Tucker’s documentary is that it devastates the Regime’s official propaganda account of 1/6. In Stengel’s view, this means the documentary is dangerous and must be shut down.

Incidentally, Revolver News has a more extensive account of Stengel in its expose on Newsguard, the shady for-profit fact-checking operation that boasts such luminaries as former CIA head General Michael E. Hayden on its board of advisors (Hayden, you’ll recall, misled congress about the existence of mass surveillance of the American people).

Not to be outdone, disgraced former drought-water profiteer Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL sent a letter to Fox’s Lachlan Murdoch demanding the documentary be deplatformed because it might “inspire violence.”

Others went even further, demanding the U.S. government itself step in, nullify the First Amendment, and criminalize Carlson’s documentary.

Here is the Regime’s resident midwit arguing to “censure” Tucker.

Of course, Media Matters for America joined the calls for censorship.

The Media Matters Twitter page sports a banner quoting Aldous Huxley: “Facts do not cease to exist just because they are ignored.”

Huxley was only partially right. Facts do not cease to exist simply because they are ignored. But facts can cease to have an influence on the public’s understanding of truth if those facts are censored — and this is the larger context within which to understand the extreme reaction to Tucker’s documentary.

The more incompetent and illegitimate a Regime is, and the more fragile and outrageous the lies on which it is based, the more it must rely on censorship and total control of information. The American Regime — what we call the Globalist American Empire — has reached just such a state. Indeed, the power structure of the entire United States is based on such evil, malicious, and ludicrous lies that it is likely that a single, completely uncensored weekly broadcast would be enough to bring down the Globalist American Empire just like the Soviet Union before it. In short, censorship is not an option for our corrupt ruling class; it is an imperative, and an increasingly urgent one at that.

Ordinarily one might think that the incredible public interest and popularity in Revolver News’ coverage of 1/6 would encourage, for sheer selfish reasons, more news outlets to cover it. Revolver News’ Darren Beattie’s segments on Tucker Carlson’s show are some of the very highest rated, and Beattie’s discussion with principled left-wing journalist Glenn Greenwald on the FBI’s involvement on 1/6 has amassed millions of views.

Instead, Tucker Carlson is the only person on a major cable news outlet anywhere willing to explore Revolver News’ investigative reports on FBI involvement in 1/6. The stakes are simply too high for normal “market forces” to govern the information economy. As Revolver News pointed out, news organizations of a sufficient size are ultimately about influence, not profits. Just as the primary role of a subsidiary company is to redound to the benefit of a parent company, the role of media at the highest level is to redound to be benefit of its metaphorical parent company, which is the American power structure.

This is why it is a minor miracle whenever a genuinely important and subversive narrative is able to slip through the cracks and wake the American people up to what is truly happening in our once-great nation. The story of government involvement in 1/6 is just such a subversive story—it was never supposed to see the light of day, it is simply too dangerous.

But now Pandora is out of the box, and it is up to the American people to keep the pressure on, spread the word, and attack the false narratives of 1/6 at every opportunity.

Tune in on Monday, and buckle up: It’s going to be a wild ride.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Oct, 2021 01:29 pm
'White People, You Are The Problem': AT&T's Internal 'Racial Reeducation Program' Leaked

"AT&T Corporation has created a racial reeducation program that promotes the idea that 'American racism is a uniquely white trait' and boosts left-wing causes such as 'reparations,' 'defund police,' and 'trans activism,'" Christopher Rufo reports.

From City Journal:
I have obtained a cache of internal documents about the company's initiative, called Listen Understand Act, which is based on the core principles of critical race theory, including "intersectionality," "systemic racism," "white privilege," and "white fragility." CEO John Stankey launched the program last year and, subsequently, has told employees that private corporations such as AT&T have an "obligation to engage on this issue of racial injustice" and push for "systemic reforms in police departments across the country."

According to a senior employee, who agreed to speak on condition of anonymity, managers at AT&T are now assessed annually on diversity issues, with mandatory participation in programs such as discussion groups, book clubs, mentorship programs, and race reeducation exercises. White employees, the source said, are tacitly expected to confess their complicity in "white privilege" and "systemic racism," or they will be penalized in their performance reviews. As part of the overall initiative, employees are asked to sign a loyalty pledge to "keep pushing for change," with suggested "intentions" such as "reading more about systemic racism" and "challenging others' language that is hateful." "If you don't do it," the senior employee says, "you're [considered] a racist." AT&T did not respond when asked for comment.

On the first page of AT&T's Listen Understand Act internal portal, the company encourages employees to study a resource called "White America, if you want to know who's responsible for racism, look in the mirror." The article claims that the United States is a "racist society" and lays out its thesis plainly: "White people, you are the problem. Regardless of how much you say you detest racism, you are the sole reason it has flourished for centuries." The author, Dahleen Glanton, writes that "American racism is a uniquely white trait" and that "Black people cannot be racist." White women, she claims, "have been telling lies on black men since they were first brought to America in chains," and, along with their white male counterparts, "enjoy the opportunities and privileges that white supremacy affords [them]."

[...] In the "Act" section of the training program, AT&T encourages employees to participate in a "21-Day Racial Equity Habit Challenge" that relies on the concepts of "whiteness," "white privilege," and "white supremacy." The program instructs AT&T employees to "do one action [per day for 21 days] to further [their] understanding of power, privilege, supremacy, oppression, and equity." The challenge begins with a series of lessons on "whiteness," which claims, among other things, that "white supremacy [is] baked into our country's foundation," that "Whiteness is one of the biggest and most long-running scams ever perpetrated," and that the "weaponization of whiteness" creates a "constant barrage of harm" for minorities. The 21-Day Challenge also directs employees to articles and videos promoting fashionable left-wing causes, including "reparations," "defund police," and "trans activism," with further instruction to "follow, quote, repost, and retweet" organizations including the Transgender Training Institute and the National Center for Transgender Equality.

Rufo reported earlier this month that Walmart is training white employees that "white is not right."

Coca-Cola is training white employees to "try to be less white."

I think I found the "systemic racism" we've been told so much about!

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