I'll never understand stupid male behavior.
So let me see if I have this right. You shoot off your mouth and got your ass kicked and you're more worried about how you look to your wife. Well, you still look like you haven't learned anything.
First of all, why do you feel the need to go over the top with saying things to people? Don't you have a filter or at least know when to STFU? Come on, this is taught in grade school and you still don't think it applies to you??
Second, why did you follow him out? You couldn't have waited to let him go to cool off?
Third, it never occurred to you to apologize to him for your lack of social skills and inappropriate behavior? To his wife? To your wife?
And finally, do you feel you have a problem with alcohol infused violence?
You need to own your poor behavior. And fix it so it doesn't happen again.