DrewDad wrote:The more things change, the more they stay the same.
This is directed at each and every one of you on this thread. Be you conservative, liberal, right, left----
whatever! A thought crossed mind yesterday whilst reading some of the threads on A2K---don't post much as I am more in to "watching". My son had checked out a book from the library on the Civil War. I thought how similar the divisions are now in our country. Do we really
want to be this divided? Do we really want to allow articles like the one that set this thread off to divide us? Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Air America Radio, the author of the slandering article that leads this thread, etc. only serve to label, smear and spew hatred. They aren't revealing any hidden truths and they certainly don't corner the market on intelligence. They are the "cheerleaders" or "pep squads" for their respective political parties. There is nothing respectable about them. They get paid to do what they do and they do it quite well. They go "fishing" daily on the air waves and through the various outlets of media and they catch millions of those who find it so easy to listen to their drivel.
My Papaw used to refer to the television as the "idiot box". I laugh at it now because of how accurate he was to call it so. He passed before we were blessed with 24 hour news channels, the internet, satellite radio, etc.