So as can be instantly seen, here's the issue ... sense is not common.
There are presently two replies.
* Luck .... That is utter piffle. There is no luck involved. None.
Luck is the result of hard work; the harder one works at something the luckier one becomes. Good fortune is out there in the ether, but luck you create.
* Compromise .... Also piffle. Never compromise. Never.
Compromise simply put is
"I deeply dislike (that) but to continue the relationship I will turn a blind eye to it"
That almost always/soon becomes
"I hate that **** you do!!" and the relationship dies as it should have originally when 'compromise' initially raised it's ugly head.
If there is something ones partner/spouse/whatever does which you do not like then you have to ACCEPT that. See the positive. My wife is a Dr and has mind which is always racing, this makes her untidy. Myself I am a tidy person ..... My 'tidiness' and her 'clutter' could be an issue but not to us .... Her random mind sees possibilities which I can miss, whilst my tidy mind sees the logic and issues which she can miss ... Ergo, together we are Gestalt. No compromise required nor sort.
There is a secret to reversing an articulated truck/ semi ... That secret is to start the reverse in the correct place and use the minimum of touch on the steering ... If you have to 'shunt' then always shunt far enough to get the vehicle straight ... Relationships which are successful are the same. One has to start with the correct person and that person is absolutely the one who mirrors you
as closely as possible.
Meaning the same level of socio economic background. Similar IQ. Similar educational achievement. Similar views on politics, family, children, friends, being social and of course the big one for most ..... sex and what constitutes sex. Plus anything else which matters to the individuals concerned.
Next communication. One must communicate constantly with ones partner so both know exactly what is going on at all time. people do not 'do hints'. Rather they need clear, concise, factual information.
My wife and I have two adult children (both happy and successful doctors). Whilst we have a long, extremely happy and successful marriage ... because 99%, we matched when we met and now 99.9999% we think the same. We see ourselves as the one entity.
That is the secret to a fantastic relationship
Fortunately we were both previously divorced after short but truly awful marriages at a young age ... Which is why/how we knew what good relationship looked like.