Wed 6 Jul, 2005 02:04 am
OK, so I was thinking the other day about how it's weird that I seem to have so little awareness, let alone control, over how I come across.
Seriously: ranging from person to person, I either do not know how people see me, perceive me; or I think I know but I don't quite trust it; or I thought I knew, but turned out to be wrong.
And since:
a) A2K is like the playground where you can say, do or try out things you normally wouldn't IRL and
b) I've been jealous about Kicky's many threads-about-himself,
I'll have a little learning experiment here with you guys.
My question: say three things about nimh! How would you characterize me? Just an adjective will do, though expound as you will ...
in the interest of honesty, I'm gonna set down one basic ground rule.
For every positive thing you mention, you've got to mention a negative thing as well.
(And yes, I know that means the total never actually gets to be "three" ... but the thread title just sounded better this way.)
Good one. And very appropriate today too - but then, not the first time you showed having a sixth sense about me ;-)
Hmmmmmmmm -
Thorough, scrupulous
(a tad sensitive - lol - I cannot criticize ANYONE for that)
Non parochial
not smog
(PS. Hi nimh!!)
That sounds like two negatives there smog (hiya)
OK, just to edge things along here, I'm gonna contribute my own ones, 'k? Then you can always still say when I get it the wrong way round ...
+ Tries always to be fair, just etc
- Preaches, berates, lectures, esp about others (not) doing so
With one word: nimhelijk.
Prince - you flatter too much! <blushes>
Walter - so wait, "upright" and "nimhelijk" are the negative ones, then? <grins>
(That made a lot of sense, when I still thought it said "uptight" there.
Which works

+ Easy to enthuse
- Terribly insecure
+ Tries hard to be nuanced
- Gets all the more snide when running out of patience
+ No sense of entitlement (feeling you deserve more than others)
- Haughty, pedantic
(For me the hard thing is coming up with +'s here)
+ Thoughtful in doing nice things, gifts, etc
- Absolutely unreliable with email, phone
I dunno ...
Good:- Your A2K name is NIMH (easy to read, and pronounce)
Bad:- Your real name is probably Gurt Hooooedekiptebrutikaaan, which, like all Dutch names, is impossible to say, without ending up with an inordinate amount of unwanted phlegm in one's mouth.
Aaaargh - crap, Nimh - there are too many positive things to say about you to keep up the negatives!
Not petty.
Able to keep temper almost all the time.
Well read.
Of a scholarly mind. - scampers off....
You're NOT s'posed to be talking about me, Ms Rabbit!
It's NIMH we're analysing....NIMH !
Now....start again.....
< I can edit as well, you know >
Craven's was good!
Almost exactly the same:
I'll keep thinking. Overall, though, I see a whole lot of positives -- thoughtful, creative, funny, sweet, responsible, gutsy, thorough, way smart. This thread is an example of both a negative (give yourself credit already!!!!) and a positive (your perfection might be offputtingly blinding if you didn't have this whole self-doubt thing going on.)
(Sorry, but I haven't noticed any negatives worth mentioning.)
Takes a2k a bit too seriously
Provider of useful nimhjobs
Looks nerdish even with blue hair
Brilliant, thoughtful, skinny.