Yes, honest to the point of painfully honest - that one I recognize.
I tend to think of "painfully honest" as a good thing, btw! But I know it freaks people out sometimes <nods>
OK, so I came up with a bunch more. (you can be painfully honest about 'em ;-))
Are they anywhere close or am I deceiving myself? Oh, such questions...
+ nuanced (in views)
- dogmatic (in spirit)
+ articulate
- strong views / impatient in debate
+ patient (otherwise)
- demanding
+ tolerant of other people's flaws
- high-maintenance himself
When feeling down:
+ sweet
- awkward
When feeling up:
+ enthusiastic / up for anything
- lax, unattentive
+ always a joke
- not always a conversation
+ giving
- doesn't take charge
+ easy-going (usually, except when..: )
- insecure (way too often - very unattractive in a man)
+ tolerant
- defensive
+ loyal
- clingy
- fretful
- neurotic
(ok, thats two minuses ... just cause you all give too few)
+ broad interests
- no focus
+ conscientious (
- noooo discipline
+ determined to the point of dogged (once finally having started something)
- plain obsessive
(goes for work, love, random projects ...)
+ enjoys pleasures of life
- desperately hopeless with money/planning
+ not fat
- not fit
+ not ugly
- not handsome
I'm being way too easy on myself here ...