Brandon9000 wrote:
I would like to be on record with an election prediction. The prediction is about the coming 2020 presidential election campaigns. I predict that the left will commit many lawless acts at Trump rallies and that the right will not commit lawless acts at Biden rallies, except, perhaps for one or two isolated kooks. Because I know that people will try very hard to misinterpret this prediction, I will clarify. I am not predicting that the left will commit many acts of lawlessness at each and every Trump rally, but that within the totality of Trump rallies for the 2020 election there will be many acts of lawlessness committed by the left.
You may say all kinds of negative things about me and my prediction here in this thread, but this prediction is one that time will either prove or disprove.
Could you specify this prediction in a way that is measurable?
1) How will you tell if there is a
lawless act? Is this open to interpretation based on a news story, or does there need to be charges filed? If you are just going to judge based on a subjective interpretation of a news story then this isn't much of a prediction.
2) How many are you predicting? Please give me an over/under.
I predict that there will be fewer than 12 people who have charges filed for something that did to disrupt a Trump rally. A Trump supporter getting arrested at a Trump rally doesn't count.
Is that fair?