Fri 22 May, 2020 02:00 am
I've known her for a long time and she's apparently said it multiple times when I'm not there as well. I've always found her very attractive and I think it's mutual?
Do you really have to ask?
If your past posting history here is any indication, you’ll keep asking this same question over and over again. Groundhog Day yet?
My older brother constantly made models from kits that provided balsa wood. Some of them he equipped with propulsion capsuls that helped the planes fly short distances. This was in the late 40s and 50s.
You honestly don't have to reply to dupe topics. You can just report them
Next time, you should reply that you are a model. A 1995 (or whatever year you were born) model. Then ask her if she would like to test drive you.
Is this a real older woman or a hypothetical older woman. Believe me, there is a significant distinction in the difference.