These are fascist state things ."Plutocratic Populism" is gradually tuning us into a fascist.
1. Hes mtioned delaying or suspending elections as an excuse based upon the pandemic
2. Hes ignored the Constitutionally mandated powers of the Congress (with help from the enabler-in-chief-Moscow Mitch)
3.Hes gradually trying to dismbowel the" free" press so his flunkies can have an instant enemy to hate (one of the earmarks of fascism is basing your state on dealing with silent enemies in his case its
(press, Islam, Mexicans, the Intelligence Community, SCience, "The Deep State")
4. You dont start arresting immdiately, when you create enemies "o the state" you gradually create a list of the usual suspects.
Fascism generally grows from illegal and evil acts from within. Boy this guy is type section for all that.
(Besides being the worlds biggest liar)