Don't get me started on necessary/not necessary.
While I'm a minimilist type person, I certainly understand human desire to have pleasant nice things around where they spend a lot of time. But everyone is afraid to say "that's enough"
Don't know why this particular memory popped into my head, but here goes.
I was once working a temp assignment at the large company that happened to be my mortgage holder at the time. It was coming near Christmas.
The lobby of the building was one of those huge caverns with mezzanines going up 3 floors.
This company showed up and put up with Enormous live Chrismas tree with all these oversized ornaments, lights etc.
I never heard one person working there mention the tree, or stand there and look at it, or anything. After one day, it was just something "there"
I for one would look at it and think every day....There's where some of my mortgage payments are going.
If the higher ups would ask the employees what they really wanted, they would most certainly say "add that to my raise"
I mean, seriously, you have to make a choice. Do you want a stupid tree that's up for a few weeks, or that bi-weekly breakfast meeting catered by Panera? The meeting you sit at and listen to someone drone on for 45 minutes before you can get back to work. Or do you want that added to your check? And whose check is it coming out of every time one of the big wigs show up, or it's decided this years holiday present to everyone will be some damn backpack with the company logo on it?
Jesus wept.