emmeesse wrote:
Hello everybody,
I'm new here so I don't know if this is the correct way to post a topic, but here goes.
So here's my issue, my wife is a food addict.
She knows she's a food addict, she admits it but she keeps hiding it from me. She buys unhealthy snacks, eats them hiding from me, she has lied to me about it in the past (to my knowledge she has been straight forward with me since I caught her lying)
She's still young (29) and does a lot of exercise, so up until now there's visually no consequence from that. Nevertheless it worries me, first because of her health on the long term, Diabetes, cholesterol etc.
Second, because she wont be able to exercise it away for much longer, this will catch up to her sooner or later.
Third we want to have children in the future and she has to have this addiction "controlled" before she gets pregnant.
What makes this worse, she's a doctor, so she thinks she knows better.
She's stubborn with this, because of course, she's an addict. She's had some "sober moments" where she admits she's addicted and for some days she tries to stop with the snacks etc... and then, 3days later she's back at it.
On top of it all, food addiction is the worse because she does have to eat, so I makes it more difficult to manage.
I've tried several approaches to cope and help her deal with that but she's so stubborn, I don't know what else to do, so here I am reaching out.
Thank you
Smokers listen to people telling them for years about lung and heart disease, and they just roll their eyes because they've heard it so many times but the reality has never hit them that danger isn't just something theoretical that might happen far in the future.
One day as an addict, it occurs to you that if you couldn't stop last week, or this week, then you won't be able to next week or the week after either; and that pattern is going to continue until you get lung cancer or diabetes or whatever other disease is awaiting you as the pot of gold of your addiction rainbow.
So once you foresee that 'pot of gold at the end of the rainbow,' you realize you have to start making right choices today and every other day, one moment at a time.
Fortunately, the more success you have with making right choices and avoiding bad ones, the easier it gets. But you just have to start one choice at a time, avoiding temptation moment by moment.
Food addiction is probably related to various other factors, but a traditional recipe for dietary discipline is to set fixed meal times and stick to them. Also if you stick to fixed meal portions, it can help you feel more satisfied because you know exactly what you're going to eat and when, and you just have to focus on staying food-free until meal-time arrives.
Every situation is different, I'm sure, but hopefully this gives you another perspective to consider in your struggle. It is great you are concerned with you wife's health, but realize that relationships break down when an addict is still enslaved to their addiction while their partner goes to war against the addiction. We of course want to win the war and get our loved ones liberated, but sadly sometimes we lose and addiction wins and the relationship becomes the collateral damage of the conflict.