Actually Set, but it’s connected to the protein in they often go hand in hand, the best appetite suppressant is fat.
The health problems occur when you also eat carbohydrates.
That’s because the body in its efficiency burns up the easier to process carbs, leaving the fat behind to accumulate.
By eating a diet high in various fats including saturated fat, moderate protein and very low carbs, your body adjusts to doing what it was designed to do. Process the fat and protein, leaving you lean and healthy, and able to go long periods without feeling hungry.
It’s hard for us today to wrap our minds around the fact that eating the high fat, good amount of protein and plenty of fresh veg that grow above the ground is what our bodies were meant to do.
Instead we look to bottles of supplements and things that come in boxes and plastic, and are surprised when we become diabetic.
If Goldman wants to loose weight and get healthy, he needs to stop looking for a magic bullet and do the following.....
Walk to the store, or at least walk past the first couple/few bus stops, every other day, and buy stuff like the following when he gets there.
Eggs, avocado, real butter, cream, chicken thighs with the skin on, fatty beef, real cheese, fresh or frozen vegetables that grow above the ground.
He will be able to afford it because he won’t buy bread, crackers, cereal, sweets, milk, root veg like potato, fruits or fruit juice, or soda with sugar.
Once the body adjusts to eating what it meant to eat, and gets all that crap out of his system, he’ll feel great.