I just got a PM from a (more or less former) member. He said he assumed I had been banned. Not quite.
After reading his email I took a minute to re-read some of my old PM exchanges with members here. It reminded me that there are in fact "some" reasonable, intelligent people on this forum. I miss them, if not the forum itself.
A year or two ago, I was temporarily "suspended" for alleged trolling. An admin, who shall remain unnamed, was making some egregious mistakes which I sought to correct. Like other insecure people with a fascistic bent, he couldn't even entertain the prospect that he might be mistaken, so he suspended me after unleahsing a flurry of insults.
I haven't been banned. I just have no desire to be "regulated" by arrogant, petty tyrants who have a little bit of "power" and use it to control and repress speech and thought.
Hope you're all doing well.
I am just posting this for the record. I don't plan to get involved here any further. By and large it's just a complete waste of time. There is no reason to try to "debate" people whose only idea of debate is to attempt to insult, ridicule, and demean anyone who disagrees with their often absurd contentions. It's all they have, because rationality is not what guides their "thinking."
That said, I still want to acknowledge that there are indeed some good people here that I would consider "cyber-friends."
P.S: You should all check out my "blues" thread if it hasn't been summarily deleted. Some of you might actually like it.
Just to keep the record straight, I got the facts wrong in this post. I was thinking of another site. Here I was "suspended" for a year, as I now recall. Best I can tell, it was because I did not generally agree with the numerous left-wing radicals who control this site.
Hey dude, missed you! Somebody told me you'd been banned and I believed them. Wouldn’t have put it passed the milk toasts that run thIs joint to do that. Don’t know why it didn’t occur to me to PM you myself.
Anyway, ‘Nolo Non Legitamus Coborundum'. Comment on any damn thing you feel like here. If they do ban ya, consider it a badge of honor.
I saw that Latin on the leather vest of a gang member. He said it translated to 'Dont let the bastards grind you down.' He was pretty drunk at the time so no guarantee as to accuracy.
The only censorship I have seen is for antisemitism. Things that blatantly promote the idea that there is a conspiracy to control the world have disappeared. I don't support any censorship. But given that this is a private site, it is logical. If anything is to be censored, antisemitism is a good place to start.
I see a great deal of diversity of opinion represented here.
We recently had a joker start several threads about how Einstein is a fraud. In these threads he started stating that "Jews always lie". I was a little sad that these comments got taken down... because they were funny and kind of made the point. But I undersand the policy.
I see a great deal of diversity of opinion represented here.
Right, right. The JWs, Mormons, and all the rest will never ban ya neither.
You might feel like a terd in a punch bowl, but you’re always welcome they say.
Illegitimi non carborundum is a mock-Latin aphorism, often translated as 'Don't let the bastards grind you down'. The phrase itself has no meaning in Latin and can only be mock-translated as a Latin–English pun. The phrase originated during World War II. Lexicographer Eric Partridge attributes it to British army intelligence very early in the war (using the ablative plural illegitimis).
I have never been banned from Able2know for any length of time. I also have never come close to winning any popularity contest.
I have had posts erased, particularly in part of my long running bickering with a group of popular kids. Generally some poor moderator comes in and erases batches of posts (and, yes on some of those I have felt bad for the poor moderator having to clean up after us like that).
The moderators set boundaries of what they will accept, and as of late I think we have all be living within them.
Are you complaining about censorship? Or, are you complaining about losing a popularity contest?
If those are the only two choices, I guess it has to be the contest.
I’m gonna get more thumbs down than that piker layman one of these days dammit.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Fri 6 Mar, 2020 07:49 am
I have never been banned from Able2know for any length of time
There's a difference between "never banned" and "banned for any length of time".
You have been banned, but not for any significant length of time, maybe.
0 Replies
Fri 6 Mar, 2020 08:32 pm
Aw, what the hell. I have a few minutes, so I just haul off and post an excerpt from the PM I received:
"Layman, I've had a change of heart! I hope you're reading this. I fear that you've been banned permanently.
.... I'll never have any respect for leftists again. As a matter of fact, I despise them. As far as I'm concerned, the classical liberalism I admired so much when I was young has DIED. It has been replaced by an incredibly stupid, extremely hypocritical, traitorous political left that has been heavily influenced by Marxist ideology.
I'm surprised by how angry I am about this. I could go into details and tell you why; but I'd rather hear from you, first. You see, as I write this, I don't know if you'll ever have the opportunity to read it.
I never want to post here again, and I've lost interest in reading any of the posts by any of the leftist members. Most of them are contemptible jerks I wouldn't give the time to in real life. I now visit this pathetic website occasionally to check to see if I have any PMs.
P.S. I realize that I was rough on you a few times. Please forgive."
I''m sure this has been posted here before, but, in response I told him that I thought this guy expressed what he was saying rather well.