Quote:Max, all you are doing is continuing to display your lack of understanding of the topic, and your inability to understand the difference between absolute and relative motion. I have NEVER said that the earth is not moving. If you can't understand the differences in the contexts where I discuss that notion, there's not much more I can do.
Here is the contradiction in your thinking. Let's just consider
absolute motion.
1. You have said very clearly that in
absolute motion the Earth is moving.
2. If, in inaccordance with our idea of
"absolute motion" the train is
motionless then the moving Earth will be moving past (or under) the motionless train.
3. The passengers on the
motionless train could look at the window and see the Earth (and trees and houses etc) moving past the train. They might conclude that the
motionless train was moving.
4. According to your line of reasoning, these passengers would be
wrong. Because in in fact (by your own logic) the Earth is moving and the train is in fact motionless.
This is a pretty big contradiction in your line of reasoning. You sometimes act as if the Earth is fix. Then you say it is motionless. It is like you want to have it both ways.
It is a simple question... is the Earth moving under the fixed train? Or is the train moving over a fixed Earth?
Since you are arguing that the Earth moves (in an absolute sense) the idea that the train is motionless and the Earth is moving underneath it becomes possible.