You have a problem with Newton's laws that have nothing to do with Einstein.
Newton's laws were the best laws of Physics we had for 250 years. Time and again they were tested and shown to make precise predictions to the ability of the time to measure.
Even now, when we have found slight inaccuracies in Newton's laws (which is why Einstein is considered valid)
we still use Newton's laws in many cases. All of the PhD scientists and Engineers who worked at NASA in the and 1960s were highly educated and fully understood Einstein's theories, they used Newton's laws because they were good enough.
Incidentally, going to the moon involves multiple frames of reference. When the rocket is attached to the launch pad on Earth, they use the Earth frame of reference. It is valid to say that the rocket attached to the launch pad is motionless.
However, using the Earth frame of reference when you are trying to land on the moon would be crazy. They used the moon frame of reference... because what they needed to calculate was their orientation to the ground. When the lander was on the moon, and the astronauts were sitting in their chairs, they considered themselves to be motionless... from the Moon frame of reference.
This isn't Einstein. This is basic Physics understood hundreds of years before Einstein was born.