About the LT equation:
You say that Lorentz developed this equation to solve the problem that light speed SEEMED to be going the same speed for any observer in any inertial frame, which was not rational, but with the application of his equation, normalcy was restored, and the problem was found to be that the lengths of the measuring device has shrunk, and this led to the wrong conclusion that light was always being "measured" as C in any frame...
I think this is what you are saying.
However there is one massive error in this approach.
As I said in the last post, ignore any interpreted evidence for the moment till we get a grasp on the rationality of the hypothesis of Lorentz and the subsequent development of the transformation equation..
The error is in ASSUMING that observers ARE REALLY GETTING the same VALUE of C, in ANY frame, in the first place!
This is not really happening for anyone anywhere.
Its a false claim, based on incorrect beliefs about the role of immaginery "frame of reference" and the belief that light should obey the same laws of motion and kinetics as does a brick or a ship on the ocean, which was what Galileo and Newton were referring to when they were discussing "inertial frames of reference".
Certainty light bears no similarities or shares the same "laws of Physics" with a brick or a ship.
But based on this false assumption that people are actually measuring light at c whether they are moving in the same direction, the opposite direction or not moving at all, and irrespective of their velocity relative to anything or the light, which is clearly a totally insane non rational claim, Lorentz went ahead and ACCEPTED this stupid claim, and managed to invent a mathematical FUDGE by massaging the numbers till he came up with an answer that "solved" a problem that never existed!
His solution ONLY works on the blackboard, because to this day, no one can demonstrate that an object shrinks lengthwise when its moving.
No physics has ever demonstrated Mass increase either, (now they duck and dodge the obvious objection to mass increase, "where does the extra mass come from?" by pretending that all along Einstein really was meaning Momentum, not mass, and that momentum really means "energy" not really momentum either. Anything but simply acknowledge that the hypothesis of Einsteins is wrong.
But back to Lorentz, the validity of his transform equation relies on a proof that observers all are measuring light speed at c from anywhere, at any relative speed or direction.
There never has been any proposal to prove this claim, and the claim is actually irrational with absolutely not a ounce of logic to it.
Such an experiment can never be performed either, as it would require a machine that could be first calibrated to "light that was stationary", giving a zero point for comparison, and then taking the machine on rockets at differing velocities and directions relative to that light, and coming up always with the same speed. C.
Another reason why it cant be done, is that only a one way speed comparison would be useful, but we conceptually can only measure a two way speed. And there are reasons why a two way speed measure may not be solid evidence in such a test.
So, Lorentz was solving a non existent problem, by fudging measurements that were not actually taken, and claiming that the proof is in the accuracy of his math. And Einstein agreed, but not for the same reasons.
Both physicists, (actually one Mathematician and one Clerk) were offering a similar solution to an imaginary fantasy problem.