Foxfyre wrote:LOL, yeah we have a few of those Goodfielder.
John, I am also a fan of Williams and read him always; listen when he happens to be a guest host or interviewee; quote him now and then. I took part of the above posted Williams' quote, however, to be an example of Williams' satirical humor and not to be taken absolutely literally. I do think he believes that socialistic control freaks want to eliminate the guns because they think the people can't be trusted with them. I'm not sure he thinks the gun issue is really related to any property confiscation issue, however.
I've read and listened to him enough to know that he does 100% believe this:
"America's socialists want more control over our lives, property and our pocketbooks. They cannot always get their way in the legislature, and the courts represent their only chance."
And I think he is probably right.
I do think there is a big picture which more fully explains our current situation in America, and socialists in America play but a small, but important part in the big picture.
I believe socialist in America are nothing more than useful idiots which are a handy lightening rod for folks in government who are the real winners in a big “socialistic” government operation.
I wrote the following article sometime ago, and I think it gives a clear perspective concerning a predictable phenomenon which occurs with the creation of government___ government takes on its own life, like a living creature, a predator, and uses its authority in almost every deceitful manner imaginable to grow and expand and feeds itself from the public treasury.
Our national debt, and a Congress in rebellion
There is much talk these days about the national debt. So, just what is the size of the national debt? For an answer see:
Measuring the Federal Government's Unfunded Liability
Our folks in Washington have created a national debt so staggering it is impossible for the ordinary person to relate to such numbers, but which our nation’s younger generation [those just entering the job market___ our MTV Crowd] will be taxed to extinguish, or, those who hold securities of the United States [ Notes, Bills and Bonds] will be flatly defrauded of their investment in Congress’ profligate borrowing and spending habits.
It is beyond belief that a hard working American would support the leaders of either of the two political parties during election time. The sad truth is, the leaders of both parties are responsible for enslaving our nation’s children with their votes in Congress Assembled___ votes which have created a national debt of about $50 trillion!
Why is it so difficult for the people of American to not realize why there is such fighting between Republican and Democrat leaders during election time? Is it not obvious to all that one thing remains constant after each election? Those who win elections get to be in charge of who will be hired and fired from the countless political plum jobs created by our folks in Washington___ many of these jobs being nothing more than a job to redistribute wealth taxed away from hard working Americans!
To get a perspective on the countless number of political plum jobs created by our folks in Washington, take a look at a 1956 telephone directory under federal government and you will find two pages of federal government offices. Look today and that two pages has exploded into a telephone directory that challenges the telephone directory size of many of America’s cities. But what is most astonishing when one realizes how large the federal government has grown, and how it now manages to meddle into almost every aspect of the people’s private lives, is to read the words of James Madison in
Federalist Paper No. 45 and then compare his words to the multiple listings for federal government agencies.
"The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation and foreign commerce. ... The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives and liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement and prosperity of the State."[/i]
Having identified the intended functions of the federal government, intended to operate on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation and foreign commerce, here is a current
A-Z Index of U.S. Government Departments and Agencies, click on any particular listing to find the countless
plum jobs created in that department, many of which have six figure salaries!
And what does the phrase, “political plum job“ mean on Capitol Hill? Do you have any idea how many political plum jobs have been created since 1954, and the amount of tax revenue which goes just to pay the salaries of those appointed to political plum jobs? Of course, the above questions do not even take into account that many of the plum jobs created are for functions not authorized by the Constitution of the United States, such as the current
Department of Education. And, just what are some of the plum jobs at the Department of Education? For a partial list see:
Officials—U.S. Department of Education
And what do these "OFFICIALS" do at the Department of Education? Surprise, they pilfer money from the Department’s budget into their own pockets See:
The Department of Embezzlement
Fact is, our federal government personifies a living creature, a predator: it grows, it multiplies, it protects itself, it feeds on those it can defeat, and does everything to expand and flourish, even at the expense of enslaving a nation’s entire population with a national debt which exceeds $50 Trillion. Indeed, the servant has become the master over those who have created a servant, and the new servant pays tribute to a gangster government which ignores our most basic law…our constitutions, state and federal.
John William Kurowski, Founder,
American Constitutional Research Service
“He has erected a multitude of new offices , and sent hither swarms of officers, to harass our people, and eat out their substance” [/i]___Declaration of Independence
[Permission is hereby given to reprint this article if credit to its author and the ACRS appears in such reprint. No copyright is claimed for quotes within the article which are public domain materials.]