Llareggub wrote:oralloy
Again, I will try to clarify for you.
It was a 'hypothetical' plane and you can choose which 'hypothetical' cause of death you would prefer. Chemical weapons or naplam? Which is the worst or most horrific way to die? Personally I would find it hard to choose between them.
If this hypothetical plane is choosing between napalm and chemical weapons, it is not being flown by US pilots, because they do not use chemical weapons at all, and they would never use napalm in the circumstances of your hypothetical.
Llareggub wrote:Its strange (but not surprising) how the US military and government seem to find the use of one acceptable (the stuff they use), but yet the other is unacceptable (the stuff the enemy uses). It is a twisted logic, but a lot of people seem sufficiently gullibile or out of touch with the reality of violence, to accept what they are being told.
Not so strange or twisted. The one they don't use, is completely illegal. The one they do use, is perfectly legal.
Llareggub wrote:A "definition of terrorism" will be dependant on who you ask. Those engaging in terrorism, including governments, will obviously not include any type of activity in THEIR definition of terrorism, that they actually engage in. Many governments around the world are aware of the possibility that any definition they agree to, (your "established definition") will have to be flexible enough to allow them wriggle room sometime in the future, for whenever they engage in terrrorist activity.
The definition that most people use, and the definition that everyone thinks of when they hear the term, is the intentional targeting of civilians by clandestine attackers.
Llareggub wrote:You say that dropping naplam is not terrorism. Actually, anything can be used in an act of terrorism. A bullet, naplam or a hijacked plane crashed into a building, for example. Dropping naplam is therefore capable of being defined as an act of terrorism. It simply depends on the circumstances and the motivation of those responsible for the air strike.
It is true that had clandestine agents commandeered an aircraft and then used it to intentionally drop napalm on civilians, that would be an act of terrorism.
Llareggub wrote:As stated previously, the government and / or military, will obviously put a positive spin on every action they engage in, and justify the use of any weapon no matter how horrific, up to and including an atomic bomb in WW2. People like yourself will then believe whatever version of reality you feel comfortable with.
There is only one reality. I am fairly comfortable with it.
Llareggub wrote:You said, "Now, if you want to talk white phosphorus, we did shell Fallujah with that. We could have got (this is the best bit) SOME CIVILIANS in that case." Nicely understated view of urban conflict. I think that is what they call a state of 'denial'.
I don't see how an admission that we could have accidentally got some civilians with the white phosphorus is a denial.
Llareggub wrote:The harsh reality is that the US military attack targets, knowing that civilians will be injured and / or killed. It isn't a matter of 'could have' or 'some'. Please recall the trigger happy tactics of soldiers travelling trough cities, shooting at vehicles that get too close. Life is cheap, especially when it is an Iraqi. It is even easier to extinguish a life when the victim is at a distance and out of sight. Anyway, when the bodies are blown to pieces by an exploding shell, who the hell is counting how many Iraqis died?
Do you know the casualty figures for Iraqis? Does the government? They certainly didn't seem to care too much in the past.
I'd guess our troops accidentally killed some 10,000 during major combat, and perhaps some 2,000 after major combat.
A few thousand of those killed during major combat were illegally killed by indiscriminate bombing. But they were not killed intentionally.
Llareggub wrote:It is not a War on Terror, it is a War OF Terror. If terror is a tactic of the US government / military, that's fine, I just wish they wouldn't insult the intelligence of people with a sufficient mental capacity to distinguish between reality and propaganda. I just wish they would be honest about it. I might actually respect them if they stopped bullsh*tting about what they are doing, although I understand why they feel unable to state the facts. The voters have been brainwashed for so long, they couldn't handle the truth about what their 'boys' are doing overseas. They need to believe that they are the good guys and that its only the enemy who engage in terror tactics.
The US does not engage in terror tactics.
During the cold war we supplied some groups that employed terror tactics, because those groups opposed the Soviets. But we did not engage in such tactics ourselves.