Was listening to NPR a couple months ago, and they were talking about the novel "Stoner" by John Williams (1964) that was suddenly regaining popularity.
As quickly as I could I looked to see how many copies the library had, but all copies were on hold already. I think there were 5 people ahead of me on the copy I was assigned to.
Last Friday it came in, and I went to pick it up on Saturday. I know there had to be more people after me waiting.
My Tale:
On Tuesday I had a doctors appt (2 days ago).
I left the book there.
It didn't occur to me until this morning, it could be there. I thought of it while I was driving to a second apptat the same location this afternoon.
I asked at the desk if they had found a book. She asked me the name and I told her. She said she remembered seeing it. Then she went to the back. She came back in less than 2 minutes.
She had a strange expression on her face. She said "Um, yeah. We had it, but uh....someone threw it out."
"They threw a BOOK out!? From 2 days ago? Who threw it out, I want to speak to them and hear why."
They get the guy that did it, and I asked him "Did you see that it said Austin Public Library on it?"
Yes he had.
"So you knew that the book belonged to the library, and someone (me) that came in that day or yesterday must of have left it by accident?"
Yes he did.
"Then WHY did you throw it out?"
Answer, I **** you not...."because it was just sitting on the table"
I asked him who was going to pay me for it, since I now had to pay the library.
I got a card from the receptionist for their main office and the office manager. I'll go by there tomorrow.
That just boggled my mind.
I stopped by the library to pay them a little while ago.
I was telling them the story, and when I got to the part where he threw it out, it was like this.....
He threw it out....
Librarian reaction