Mon 6 Jun, 2005 12:07 pm
What are they tell-tale signs that you are completely over someone? I guess this is more a question towards you veterans out there =)
I jst can't get over that hot Dental Student.
Sometimes you never "get over" someone. Sometimes you just get used to not having them around. Sometimes it just happens, little by little, until one day you wake up and they are gone from your heart. Sometimes it takes a week. Sometimes it takes a lifetime.
This question depends on who you are and how much you loved the person you lost.
IN my experience i am not over somebody until I really love somebody else.
We still see each other on a weekly basis. But its just a wierd feeling going from being so close to being so far apart.
After the breakup, I was worried that the friendship would no longer exist. It does, on some intermittent, under the radar fashion..but sometimes I...reminisce and recant on all the good times. Why can't I be like other guys and not care?
Well...I always thought I was over my ex-boyfriend, but I see him every day and it's sort of an off-on situation...I suppose it's a case of your own judgment. I guess if you really loved someone and lost em then you'll never get over them. You just have to remember that you're not an item anymore, and you can have good times with other people, and make more, even better memories...
When you disassemble your shrine. You know, the poster-sized photos, the hundreds of candles, the sock puppets of you and her making out.
When, at last, you take off her underwear and put on your own.
But hey, that's just one hunk's experience.
Shrine you say?? Um I never did that haha. I never idolized her in that way. It was more like two best friends decided to hook up.
yeah, you got to burn her hair-doll
Just joking around, Disco. My real experience has been when I don't care about losing all contact with the person. I'm not saying that's what is desired, but it's a sign of letting go. What used to trip me out about breaking up was losing my best friend, and I always tried to keep the frienship intact. Sometimes that works, sometimes not. It only works though if you are willing to accept the possibility that it might not, and that you may never see the person again.
I just can't stop fantasizing about that Dentist.
I have long since came to the realization that we cannot be together. But our friendships now tainted with the heartbreak that is a breakup.
I'm missing a friend who I used to talk to on a daily basis - someone I really could confide in and someone who understood me.
Now it seems like we're lightyears apart. So sad.
You know you're over someone when you hear about them with someone else and you don't care.
I don't think we really "get over" someone, but I've accepted the fact that it was our karma, and things usually turn out for the best.
I guess it hurts especially more for me seeing that she was my first gf.
"When are you really over someone?"
When that question stops making any sense to you.
I saw her today. She brought in a DVD to a friend of ours. She was sick and all bundled up in a hoodie. Her hair was matty and frizzled...I have no idea why but I missed her more than ever at that point - the beauty of the natural her unabated. Is there something wrong with me?
WOW... What a question.
For me 11 years, 8 years of engaging marriage, two kids, a real job, SHORT HAIR AND NO EAR RINGS.
Every time I head to San Diego I remember Claudia. The good times as well as the end. I loved and I loved. I never Pine nor Weep nor Willow for that amazing girl. Yet in some small place I hope I never forget or get over her.
The love and hate and evrything else we shared is the fabric of who I am today.
But doesn't it scare you that things will never be the same? I know it does for me.