China-Iran Connection

Reply Wed 18 Sep, 2019 04:36 pm
Other than me not being religious - It's faulty logic to say it's dishonest if:
- when you find unanswered questions,
- you don't jump to conclusions that you 'believe to be knowledge' .
That would be the definition of honesty.
Reply Wed 18 Sep, 2019 04:40 pm
when I find unanswered questions, I don't jump to conclusions

That's fair, except you long ago leaped to the conclusion that OBL and 19 Muslim hijackers pulled off the event described by the US government official conspiracy theory. All without any evidence.

Give that there is zero evidence for that and myriad scientific evidence that proves it is 100% impossible why do you still cling to a fantasy?
Reply Wed 18 Sep, 2019 05:03 pm
That's fair, except you long ago leaped to the conclusion that OBL and 19 Muslim hijackers pulled off the event described by the US government official conspiracy theory. All without any evidence.
Long ago sure - when there was no alternative. These days I find the conspiracy theory dubious at best, but it asks plenty of valid questions.

Valid questions are valid questions. Inconsistencies are inconsistencies. And there will always be inconsistencies in the evaluation of a first of it's kind event. They don't prove a conspiracy - they raise questions. And as I mentioned, all conspiracies have a human element.
Reply Wed 18 Sep, 2019 05:11 pm
but it asks plenty of valid questions.

Valid questions are valid questions. Inconsistencies are inconsistencies.

When there are impossibilities, ones that totally sink a belief, pretending there is a need to ponder inanities is totally silly.

1. usa military nanothermite means no OBL/Muslim hijackers.
2. Molten/vaporized WTC steel means no OBL/Muslim hijackers.
3. WTC free fall means no OBL/Muslim hijackers.
4. Accelerating collapses of the twin towers with no jolt means no OBL/Muslim hijackers. Because that goes against Newton's Laws of Motion.
5. ...
Reply Wed 18 Sep, 2019 05:14 pm
Sorry but I don't buy any of that 'logic'. As I said, just because X has a problem, does not mean Y is true (or not true).

Now, perhaps you'd let this topic get back on track. There are plenty of 9-11 threads here. There's no need to spam unrelated threads.
Reply Wed 18 Sep, 2019 05:17 pm
As I said, just because X has a problem, does not mean Y is true (or not true).

You bought into it before when you bought into the usa government conspiracy theory, all without a shred of evidence. Trying to STILL provide cover for such an evil deed is evil in itself.
Reply Wed 18 Sep, 2019 05:24 pm
You bought into it before when you bought into the usa government conspiracy theory, all without a shred of evidence. Trying to STILL provide cover for such an evil deed is evil in itself.
I find fault with your logic, and you want to jump to yet more faulty conclusions...well, that's up to you. How about letting go and returning this thread to it's intended purpose.

Reply Wed 18 Sep, 2019 05:25 pm
But you can't explain, as usual, vikorr.
Reply Wed 18 Sep, 2019 05:28 pm
The China-Iran connection is related to the events of 9-11. Iran is one of the seven countries the usa sought to illegally invade and overthrow after the usa evil doers thought their lies about 9-11 would give them carte blanche.
Reply Wed 18 Sep, 2019 05:32 pm
But you can't explain, as usual, vikorr.
If you are talking about can't explain inconsistencies in 9-11 official report - that's what I said. I can't explain them (and there are other things I've also said). The problem with this conversation is you are only seeing what you want to see.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Sep, 2019 05:35 pm
You didn't make particularly much sense - the link between 9-11 & china-iran is tenuous at best, but maybe in your mind it's crystal clear because of your obsession with 9-11. That aside, what have you noticed about my comments relating to the US / Iran in this thread?
Reply Wed 18 Sep, 2019 05:46 pm
You think it tenuous because of your lack of knowledge.
Reply Wed 18 Sep, 2019 05:49 pm
It is Israel that has the illegal nuclear sites not to mention illegal nuclear weapons. It is also testament to what arrogant war criminals the usa and other western nations are when they allow Israel to flaunt international law and gain and possess some 80 illegal nuclear weapons.
Reply Wed 18 Sep, 2019 05:51 pm
That aside, what have you noticed about my comments relating to the US / Iran in this thread?

You habitually misuse <it's> as <its>.
Reply Wed 18 Sep, 2019 05:52 pm
So true
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Sep, 2019 05:53 pm
"I'm a rogue nation and I want weapons of mass destruction" ... .

That has always worked for the usa. No bigger rogue nation has ever existed.
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Reply Wed 18 Sep, 2019 05:55 pm
You think it tenuous because of your lack of knowledge.
You do realise we were talking about it in relation to this thread, right? I think it's tenuous because:
- the Thread is China-Iran, not 9-11
- The threads secondary reason is US/Iran
- The subject of this thread, and 9-11, can be dealt with as entirely different topics
- showing 9-11 to be true, or a conspiracy, or otherwise, barely affects the nature of this thread


Let the thread get back to its intended topic.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Sep, 2019 05:58 pm
Always with the oralloy blanket statements, ALWAYS with zero evidence/sources.

You made the blanket statement that "nanothermite doesn't exist" and you were spectacularly wrong, oralloy, and you still haven't acknowledged your error. Non one believes your "oralloy says so" nonsense.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Sep, 2019 05:59 pm
because of the potential for religious extremists getting a hold of them (because religious extremists may not care about the threat of mutually assured destruction).

What nation has more religious extremists than the usa? The VP is a religious extremist!
Reply Wed 18 Sep, 2019 06:02 pm
How about you provide evidence that he 'knows full well'.

oralloy knows that usa nanothermite was used to blow up WTCs 1, 2 & 7. Therefore he obviously knows who did it, who murdered the 2, 976 people.

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