My point is...
Quote:I doubt a stressed out religious detainee would think twice about using one for a pillow if it made them comfortable.
Yes, I agree. Who knows, it might be comforting to them. But my point is that we assume that all the prisoners in Gitmo are Muslim. Not all Arabs are Muslim and of those who nominally are, not all are very religious.
People here toss out comments like "They do it, so it not a big deal," "it" being whatever is the topic of the day, torture, Koran peeing, etc. and "they" being any representative of a hugh population that can be identified. It's like branding all the US military as torturers because some in the US military are. It really doesn't matter to me what "they" do in other countries, or "throughout history". I expect the US to behave with a high degree of moral and ethical standards. If "no country ever lived up to those standards", I really don't care. I expect us to. As a former military officer who visited Gitmo when it was a place for destroyers to run drills, I hate that the name is now synonomous with actions considered to be the providence of third world dictatorships.
Gitmo serves no purpose for the US other than to act as a symbol to the world that we will hold people without trial, without the opportunity to face their accusers, and without insisting that there is a decent amount of evidence that the accusations are correct. It stands there as a symbol to the US that its government will go to extreme measures to prevent detainees from falling under the juristiction of the US courts. The very thought that the US government would fear holding prisoners in the US is appalling. Right now, there is no reason for all the prisoners in Gitmo not to be sent back to Afganistan to serve whatever penal duty required. Give Gitmo back to Cuba and relegate the shameful actions of the last three years to the past.