They are manipulators and shysters, and should be (although they've managed to get the wool pulled over the eyes of the government, which isn't that difficult) dropped as a bonefide religion.
Well, I guess a couple of you won't be coming to our christmas party. I'm going to go have some fun now. I've been hearing attacks on my religion for years now. Scientology gets bigger. I get better. The critics stay about the same. Good luck all.
Like cancer, Scientology will get bigger. I don't think there's a cure.
Get back to work lightwizard.youve got procuct to move
there is no religion only truth.Religion separates good men from eachother.An injustice to humanity.I'm sorry i'm off the topic.I'm new to the forum gig.I got here by accident.I had no idea were I was even at.It would be bad for tom cruise to come out if he was gay like it would be bad for me if my bipolar neighbor to stop taking his pills.more wemon like him then men and no I dont care