Wed 25 May, 2005 08:04 pm
Hottest Men You Ever Dated?
Welcome to my all-time worst thread ever!
Er, XM, trying dating one at a time - maybe you'll have better luck.
Nope. Usually being busy attracts them more.
fuzzy math.
I'm too tired to reason.
That 50% figure is for all marriages, by the way. First time marriage for both parties has much higher sucess rate. Both been married a time or two before, the rate is obviously much worse that 50%.
You can do great things with numbers if you put your mind to it. Like, I rode to work today and got up to 32mph on one stretch of road. Coming back, that same hill had me down to 7mph. Ultimately, however, if you average out the coming and going, the road was perfectly level. It averaged out to exactly flat.
roger wrote:It averaged out to exactly flat.
A lot like a lot of marriages.
just joking...
The 50% rate is actually false. For first marriages of college graduates it is something like 20% (divorce rate, or 80% success rate.)
I posted it here someplace, can go and find it if requested.
My hottest date so far, is my Dentist. There's a lot of hot boys at those Dental Universities.
ConstitutionalGirl wrote:My hottest date so far, is my Dentist. There's a lot of hot boys at those Dental Universities.
Thank you for just throwing a direct answer out there with no critique of the question.
Goodness, it was meant to be a bit of fun...
He has red hair and freckles and a great smile, he kinda reminds me of the boy on the old Campbell Soup comercial.
Freckles are okay--attractive?
He's tall, but he talks like a Munchkin.
Freckles & talks like a munchkin...what a hottie!
Are you ok with freckles & munchkin....?