Margo, I liked queen of the smegging hippies, too, and all the top posters should have special honorific designations. With their permission though.
It was a cruel act of teasure perpetrated by evil mins on a harmless, innocent woman!
...or rabbit, as the case may be...
CDK: when will a decision be made?
Has a decision been made?
I always liked 'em.
One thing we DO know - if they are changed, or kept, a lot of people won't be happy!
I am not convinced we are capitalist by nature - but I DO know we like to complain...
Naw, everything is getting too corny. I think your first instinct and choices are good. As Aristedes Pasperakis says. "Never try to make good better. You'll only wreck it.
How many Content Specialists are there?
New Haven wrote:How many Content Specialists are there?
The number varies. Currently it's in the 20s.