Personally I like dlowan's Idea with the animals.
Not being able to think of something has not inhibited my contributions in the least!
just a few more ideas...
Statistically unfulfilled
Nebulous menace
Comrade in crime
Dependable evil
Much loved, especially when naked
Funky junkie
100% pure god
Special honorary title for Dlowan: "Queen of the smegging hippies"
By the way. Love the new avatar Craven :-)
LOL Monger - and grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
what's the thingy going threw yer head?
I was wondering that myself!
maybe you ought not to ask LOL
Why not do away with rankings period. We are really all equal here aren't we!
Good point, lol!
I don't look at it as a rating system at all.
I like the rankings! I think it gives a nice touch as people progress along the a2k highway. But then I liked the applause thingie on abuzz that they got rid of a couple years ago. You spend two hours looking up links on obscure tibetan flowers for a complete stranger, its nice to know they appreciate your effort.
Yes, we are equal here :-)
Hahhaha! It appears sneaky Craven has granted Dlowan her wish regarding title!
We bow before the Poobah.
I'd bow, but I might fall down, lol!
heehee - the thing going through Craven's head is a tongue!