We could always just add "Freak", but I'm afraid it would be, er, abused.
Never mind.
SP - I have dibs on "Oh It's You Again" for my rank.
New and Naive
Learning/ and a bit cynical
Knowsalot/ and very cynical
Mastered the whole shootin' match/ and startin' to lose it.
"They're Coming to Take Me Away......"
Ranks and titles and such are common on this type of forum. That likely means folks in general enjoy them, and I figure they are selling points. Personally, I'm a denim-and-flannel sort. Costume is not a big part of my life. On the otherhand, some folks are fashion slaves. I suspect the majority are somewhere in the middle, and enjoy participating in the parade.
At the moment, I'm a bit uncomfortable that I might be perceived as an "Authority Figure", but I believe that, if real, that perception is having a beneficial effect as regards the behavior of certain members. I removed myself from the "stealth sign in" for just that reason.
All that said, I think I'd like eventually to go "stealth" as far as my Moderator status, if possible. The rest of the titles and such I may or may not have are of little consequence, otherwise.
Dumb Ass
Opinionated Ass
Smart Ass
Wise Ass
King Jack Ass
(Which one am I?)
LarryBS wrote:I like the rankings! I think it gives a nice touch as people progress along the a2k highway. But then I liked the applause thingie on abuzz that they got rid of a couple years ago. You spend two hours looking up links on obscure tibetan flowers for a complete stranger, its nice to know they appreciate your effort.
LarryBS -- That was very nice of you!
I like Just Hatched and Newbies and Seasoned Members ( :wink: ). Deb's new designation is loverly, too. How about the Forum Guides being just plain Poohbahs? With that sort of incentive you'd have would-be Forum Guides pounding on the door!
I soooooooo never meant to be a top poster - it's all the repartee threads I start, really it is! Take it away take it away...
I agree with whoever said we don't need rankings. The date joined and number of posts are adequate.
I do think forum guides should be identified in their sig lines, as they are now.
ehBeth's comments on this thread are almost exactly the same as my thoughts.
Phoenix32890 wrote:Just an idea-
This is an excellent example of a set that is a logical progression. Beth was right, however, in that it would be gibberish to non-Amricans.
BTW, I say the #1 poster gets a special title, be it self bestowed or not.
In other words I just want deb to keep her hippy title. :-)
If you kept some favorites from the old system and ended with Queen of the Smegging Hippies, then here's a fairly coherent progression:
Just Hatched
Fully Fledged
Flight Instructor
Seasoned Member
Rolling Stone
Queen of the Smegging Hippies
Better add forum guide to your rudeness, then!
When CI overtakes me, will he get to be Queen of the smegging hippies?
has dlowan resigned as a forum guide?
No, the bunny is merely leaving off the uniform and stepping out with a personal fashion statement.
I think.
You mean, if I have enough posts, I'll turn into a
Smeggin' Hippy Queen?
What a motivator!
Why can't it say both?
I understand where Beth is coming from, though it doesn't upset me nearly as much.
Couldn't it say "Queen of the Smegging Hippies/Forum Guide"?