Hi Letty !
Piagetian second order cyberneticists (such as myself
ho! ho!) would argue that events and their observers are mutually interdependent. It is convenient however to consider "an actor" as
causing "events" as this is slightly more credible than to use an anthropomorphic argument about "a nation" having "motives". Thus in the current crisis (or "dance" as Von Foerster might put it) it is convenient to ascribe causation to the cast Bush, Blair, Chirac etc rather than to their respective nations, despite the fact that some of the UN choreography is clearly at the level of "nationhood". We rarely consider at the time that "the dance" could be self propelled with the participants having no "real choice" but to submit.
(Read e.g. Gurdjieff...men are machines in a state of waking sleep. They think they have control but everything "happens").
Of course with "hindsight" and an alternative purpose in mind such simplistic polarity with which we now view the "Iraq Saga" will become modified to suit the then modus vivendi. The "actors" will have their political obituaries written according to fashion. (Who for example remembers that Winston Churchill used poison gas on the Kurds decades before Saddam ?) The future observer will be locked into his own
dance du jour just as we are today.