puglia wrote:I rest my case with you setanta. I was from New York and I remember how it felt to be in that "opposite of the garden" environment. And you have with others made a concerted effort to prevent those others who wish to view and observe, in order to ascend or at least improve their perspective. No longer is this a discussion relevant to its initial topic and you have succeded in creating a diversion, in order to restrain thier spiritual advancement, for whatever evil reason, have succeeded in proving to the rest of us that the suppressors do exist.
Wrong. We are simply asking you to prove your case. Prove your case to us. You are making some fantastic claims. Fine. Prove it.
If a scientist walks in and says to a group of scientists "I found the cure to cancer!"
They'll say "Great." Then a few minutes later they'll expect factual logical reality based proof. Utterly impeccable proof.
If you walk into a room of 4 year olds and say "I found the cure to cancer!" They'll probably accept whatever you say.
You are treating us as if we are 4 year olds. Why do you get so bent out of shape when we simply demand factual proof?
Are you hurt that we are not 4 year olds?
Again, I say a word you use a lot: Ascend. Ascend your message.
Bump it up a notch, give us the best you've got -- you're not playing with idiots here.
Its like you are angry that we are not idiots.
You want to make fantastic claims, have the goods ready. This is not Saturday morning cartoons.