Mon 16 May, 2005 06:11 pm
I really need help with this sentence---
Although Marius and Cinna murdered many people, Sulla would kill even more when he returned years later.
I don't even know some of the words X_X
ack sorry-correction
Marius and Cinna murdered many people, however, Sulla would kill even more when he returned years later.
Our resident Latin scholar, George, who will likely show up later, will supply your translation.
I am only replying because it is curious to see such a reference to a crucial period in the history of Republican Rome. If you don't mind answering, why have you asked for this translation?
We have to write a play on a certain period of time and our group was given the fall of marius-That is the last line of the play and I'm just so tired I can't seem to think straight >.<
Well, George will set you right . . . he's good and he's always willing to help.
That's good ^^ And if he didn't mind I need these sentences (which are probably wrong) to be checked.
English- No. Now Marius, you must flee to Africa by ship.
Latin- Nullus. Nunc Marius, vos fuges ad Africa per navem.
English- I have been sent to say that you have been thrown out by Gaius Marius as commander.
Latin- Mittam ad dico vos illa eicebas per Gaius Marius ut duce.
And if anyone hasn't noticed--I'm only in Latin I, not too good at Latin. heh....
He won't mind, but he's probably with his family now after dinner, so you may not get an answer until tomorrow.
Okay, I really hope he gets on before school tomorrow though, lol. Oh well, I'm working on it now so hopefully I'll sort of get it.
George? >.< You there? lol
Just checking in...
(Probably too late.)
That sentence is a tough one for me.
"Sulla would kill" is in the past, but in the future in relation to "Marius and Cinna murdered."
I'm working on it.
OK, I decided to go with the future active periphrastic
(how about that for a tongue-twister?).
Quamquam Marius et Cinna multos necaverunt,
Sulla etiam plus interfecturus erat
cum post aliquot annos rediturus erat.
My head is swimming . . . i was a poor Latin scholar at best, and have managed to forget more than was taught me (that's not easy, i'll tell ya).
I am greatly impressed by your ability, George. My hat would be off to you, if i ever wore one.
Maybe use future perfect "Sulla necaverit" ?
It's been a long time since I actually wrote anything in Latin...
wow I'm slow, nevermind... future active periphrastic was my first thought too but I couldn't remember how to form it.
hi all,
thought i'd throw my pennies worth into this too
i wouldn't use necaverit as it would then translate to:
Sulla will kill
I prefere interfecturus as this can be translated as:
Sulla was about to kill
So below is my translation of the line. Note: I use quidem as a stress to magis.
Quamquam multi a Mario Cinnaque occisi sunt tamen Sulla magis quidem interfecturus cum post aliquot annos redderet
Note that i switch back to the past tense at the end. I'm not sure if thats correct ...