Men: Why Do You Oppose a Woman's Right to Abortion?

Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 06:18 pm
Chrissee wrote:
Baldimo wrote:
tony2481 wrote:
Actually, a recent study found that kids taught to abstain had a higher incidence of teen pregancy than those who were not exposed top such instruction

I would love to see that study. Please post a link if it is available.

I second that emotion.

Are you implying that the information is false?

I'm implying that without proof there is no way to know if what you said is false or not.

FreeDuck wrote:
I'd like to throw a hypothetical situation out there for the men in this discussion.

Suppose you were a low wage earner and you and your wife have three kids under 5 years of age. You are not making ends meet. She can't work because you can't afford childcare for 3 (it would add up to more than she could bring in by working). You don't have health insurance. Your wife has been getting as much free birth control as possible, but she becomes pregnant with a 4th child anyway. Your home is already at the breaking point. The two of you are not incredibly happy because of the stress of the bills and the kids and the knowledge that with each birth of an additional child, the resources for the kids you have must be redistributed among them so that your hopes for their future are diluted. Your wife's body is also stressed from the three successive births and breast feeding. She's mildly anemic and her pregnancy causes violent mood swings that make life at home even more unbearable -- especially for the kids. Both of you believe that the stress of another pregnancy and the forthcoming child will mean the end of your marriage. The idea of giving a child you created to strangers to raise is unbearable. Do you consider abortion? What if you want her to have an abortion and she doesn't? What if she wants an abortion and you don't? What is your responsibility to the children that you already have? Should you stop having sex with your wife until she reaches menopause to avoid further unwanted pregnancies?

In a situation like this I would be very careful of our sexual habits. If we can't afford to have birth control then one must always be on guard to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.

If my wife and I didn't want to have a baby and couldn't afford to have another baby and we got pregnant anyways we would act like adults and keep the baby. We don't believe in abortion unless someone is raped. So that wouldn't be an option in this case.

There comes a time in someone life when they have to learn to accept the consequences of choices they have made. Sex comes with a risk and that risk is pregnancy or STD's. If you get pregnant how many abortions are you going to have before you decide you have had to many? I know 2 women who have at least 6 or 7 abortions between them. The only reason I say 6 or 7 is because one of them had to have a D&C due to the fact that there were issues with the baby she was having. I would venture to say it was because of the other 3 abortions she had, she ruined her womb.
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Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 06:30 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
dora17 wrote:
i'd be much more comfortable w/ the idea of considering a fetus as a human being from the instant an egg is fertilized if we would accord the same sort of respect and veneration to other life. I can't accept the right to life movement's sincerity until they give some consideration to the abhorrent treatment of other life, like factory farmed animals. If a embryo desrves consideration from the instant it begins existence, then why doesn't an animal that we know has some degree of intelligence and ability to feel pain, like a pig, deserve a decent existence? when the majority of right to lifers are also concerned with humane treatment of all life, i'll give their morals more credence. (of course, this is all off the topic that was originally the intention of the thread. sorry, atkins Smile )

So ... if I understand your position correctly ... you are in favor of abortion because right-to-lifer humans kill animals for food and sport? Pleaes correct me if I'm wrong.

What I'm saying is I'd have more respect for the right to lifers' position if they held all sentient life in such high regard as they do an embryo, because it would make their position more consistent.
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Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 06:52 pm
I'm not going to wade through this entire thread.

A woman ought to have the ultimate say. She should consult with the father first in many cases, but I wouldn't make that mandatory.
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Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 07:21 pm
dora17 wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
dora17 wrote:
i'd be much more comfortable w/ the idea of considering a fetus as a human being from the instant an egg is fertilized if we would accord the same sort of respect and veneration to other life. I can't accept the right to life movement's sincerity until they give some consideration to the abhorrent treatment of other life, like factory farmed animals. If a embryo desrves consideration from the instant it begins existence, then why doesn't an animal that we know has some degree of intelligence and ability to feel pain, like a pig, deserve a decent existence? when the majority of right to lifers are also concerned with humane treatment of all life, i'll give their morals more credence. (of course, this is all off the topic that was originally the intention of the thread. sorry, atkins Smile )

So ... if I understand your position correctly ... you are in favor of abortion because right-to-lifer humans kill animals for food and sport? Pleaes correct me if I'm wrong.

What I'm saying is I'd have more respect for the right to lifers' position if they held all sentient life in such high regard as they do an embryo, because it would make their position more consistent.

The same could be said for those on your side. They don't beleive in the death penalty but it is ok to kill an innocent baby. Save the guilty screw the innocent. Save the whale kill the baby. Save the trees kill the baby.

Edited to add content.
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Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 08:03 pm
Here is a thought. If a man is aware of the pregnancy, and doesn't want the abortion, then he should be given the same rights as a father, who's child is about to be given for adoption, and yes i think the father should be able to even sue for support. Thanks to science, we are able to test for paternity while the child is in the womb.
DNA testing can be done as early as the second trimester of pregnancy, starting after the 12th week.
Men do suffer the consequences of irresponsible intercourse, and so should women. Honestly, i think this is the most fair way to approach this issue. And it would probably decrease the amount of children in single parent homes. It would probably also decrease the amout of fathers abandoning their children, because the system would be more fair.
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Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 08:07 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Chrissee wrote:
JTT wrote:
Chrissee was right earlier, even though she provided no proof.

No proof was needed except to examine the statement...

"Life begins at conception"

...to ascertain that it is simply false.

Sez you.

I'd put your belief about when "life" begins against my belief any day of the week. Apparently, you think life always exists, because both the egg and sperm are "living" before they join. That is a very interesting belief, to say the least.

And it still doesn't explain to me why, if life always exists, you think it's okay to kill a living baby.

A zygote is not a living baby. Neither is an unfertilized egg. I never said once that it is OK to kill anything. I only said that people have an inherent right to control their own bodies. Personally, I think abortions, in most cases, are morally wrong. I saw a some guy squish a bug on purpose (at the Golden Gate Briodge of all places) and I thought that was reprehensible.

It is an irrefutable scientific fact that in order for an egg to successfully fertilize, BOTH THE SPERM AND THE EGG MUST BE ALIVE. Only a fool would even question this fact.
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Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 08:11 pm
Atkins wrote:
Ticomaya believes life begins at conception. The great Catholic theologian Thomas Aquinas believed life began forty-four days after conception at what is known as the quickening or the first time the mother feels the movement of the fetus. Aquinas thought God infused the fetus with a soul and made it human.

As good an explanation as any. These are moral, religious and philosophical questions. Of course, what Tico meant to say was that HUMAN life begins at conception. now that is an interesting THEORY but it cannot be supported by any scientific fact.
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Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 08:16 pm
escvelocity wrote:
Here is a thought. If a man is aware of the pregnancy, and doesn't want the abortion, then he should be given the same rights as a father, who's child is about to be given for adoption, and yes i think the father should be able to even sue for support. Thanks to science, we are able to test for paternity while the child is in the womb.
DNA testing can be done as early as the second trimester of pregnancy, starting after the 12th week.
Men do suffer the consequences of irresponsible intercourse, and so should women. Honestly, i think this is the most fair way to approach this issue. And it would probably decrease the amount of children in single parent homes. It would probably also decrease the amout of fathers abandoning their children, because the system would be more fair.

So you are, in effect, against a woman's right to choose. Turncoat! Laughing Twisted Evil
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Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 08:17 pm
Chrissee wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Chrissee wrote:
JTT wrote:
Chrissee was right earlier, even though she provided no proof.

No proof was needed except to examine the statement...

"Life begins at conception"

...to ascertain that it is simply false.

Sez you.

I'd put your belief about when "life" begins against my belief any day of the week. Apparently, you think life always exists, because both the egg and sperm are "living" before they join. That is a very interesting belief, to say the least.

And it still doesn't explain to me why, if life always exists, you think it's okay to kill a living baby.

It is an irrefutable scientific fact that in order for an egg to successfully fertilize, BOTH THE SPERM AND THE EGG MUST BE ALIVE. Only a fool would even question this fact.

Are they alive in the same way as a baby WILL be? I don't think so. A sperm and an egg will never be more apart then they will together. A fertilized egg is more then just a few cells. It only lasts that way for a very short period of time. By 17 weeks we are able to tell the sex of a child. At this point is it ok to terminate the pregnancy? It has a beating heart weeks before this, which would make it a truly living being. To terminate in the first trimester shouldn't be an issue, it is beyond that where it starts to become a matter of what is moral or not.
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Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 08:24 pm
Are they alive in the same way as a baby WILL be?

The question should be:

Is a fertilized egg at the very instant of conception alive in the same way as a spermatazoa and an unfertilized egg a moment BEFORE fertilization?

So, you tell me, after all, you once were in that situation. How did you feel at the moment of conception? And how did you feel an instant before?
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Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 08:29 pm
yes i am against the idea that the woman should be the only desicion maker, when there is someone stepping up to claim responsibilty. But also, if a man chooses to keep the baby, he should be responsible for lost wages on the womens part, medical care in regards to the pregnancy, i'm even tossing around the idea of possibly being able to sue for plastic surgeries. hehehe
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Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 08:40 pm
oh, and i think that a life begins at conception. because....it is a human being at the early stages of development. And, even after children are born, they can not survive on their own. They can not feed themselves, think for themselves, change their own diapers, ect...if a newborn was left to its own devices it would die. We as humans don't even stop growing untill around 18 years of age, and our brains aren't even completely mature until much later after that. so, i suppose dora could say our children are parasite's until they have left nest, but insted of being an internal one, an external one???? like head lice...lol sorry had to put that in...its a good point though.
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Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 08:43 pm
It is not an idea, it is a RIGHT!
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Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 08:45 pm
yeah ok, i know ...suppose i shouldn't have put idea:)
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Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 09:01 pm
escvelocity wrote:
oh, and i think that a life begins at conception.

You are entitled to think whatever you like, you also entitled to be irrefutably wrong.
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Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 09:02 pm
Chrissee wrote:
Are they alive in the same way as a baby WILL be?

The question should be:

Is a fertilized egg at the very instant of conception alive in the same way as a spermatazoa and an unfertilized egg a moment BEFORE fertilization?

So, you tell me, after all, you once were in that situation. How did you feel at the moment of conception? And how did you feel an instant before?

Baldiomo has left the building...
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Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 09:05 pm
Chrissee wrote:
Are they alive in the same way as a baby WILL be?

The question should be:

Is a fertilized egg at the very instant of conception alive in the same way as a spermatazoa and an unfertilized egg a moment BEFORE fertilization?

So, you tell me, after all, you once were in that situation. How did you feel at the moment of conception? And how did you feel an instant before?

I wouldn't know, I don't remember anything before I was about 6 years old and then most of that is a little hazy due to a lousy dad who was a prick.

I do know an old guy who says he can remember being born.
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Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 09:44 pm
Baldimo wrote:
Chrissee wrote:
Are they alive in the same way as a baby WILL be?

The question should be:

Is a fertilized egg at the very instant of conception alive in the same way as a spermatazoa and an unfertilized egg a moment BEFORE fertilization?

So, you tell me, after all, you once were in that situation. How did you feel at the moment of conception? And how did you feel an instant before?

I wouldn't know, I don't remember anything before I was about 6 years old and then most of that is a little hazy due to a lousy dad who was a prick.

I do know an old guy who says he can remember being born.

Those who aren't busy being born are busy dying.
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Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 10:02 pm
how is saying that life begins at conception wrong....it depends on your definention of life i suppose. besides, no one gets an abortion the day they concieve, unless they have used the morning after pill. well, not even then. and with the morning after pill the women doesn't know if she is pregnant or not. it's a precautionary method.
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Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 10:11 pm
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