Atkins wrote:Baldimo and blueveined both express concern for the father. I think they should look up information on which parent is more likely to kidnap a child and which parent is more likely to abuse a child. I think they should also think about how much effort is made by agencies and the courts to force fathers to pay child support.
I am a widower. My wife was diagnosed with cancer when our son was 10. She died when he was 15.
I think you should stop generalizing. I have five children. I've paid my support on two, raised one pretty much alone, and was required to and did pay huge amounts of child support on two of them during a separation. I continue to support three of them today and one is handicapped and I will always take care of him. It's my pleasure to do so.
Sorry about your wife but that has no bearing on the discussion period, so off your high horse what say? I'd say you're the one a bit hysterical good buddy.
I'm not anti abortion by any means, and I suppose if the only choice is pro life or pro choice I'm definitely pro choice, but don't fool yourself that men are not entitled to an opinion. It takes a sperm and an egg to make a baby and if there's not rape involved then you rolls the dice and you takes your chances baby.
If you want to reduce the man to merely a sire, the better be prepared to reduce the woman to a sow.