The cited article suggests that we may soon have a national identity card and database.
National Idenification Card and Database
As I'm sure most of you know, I'm a conservative and supporter of this administration's efforts against international radical Islamic terrorism. I am not easily given to alarm over emergency measures intended to provide us with national security during dangerous times.
There are always dangers when civil liberties are abridged, but sometimes the threat justifies restrictions. The Constitution provides for the suspension of Habeas Corpus, and during the Civil War Habeas Corpus was suspended. During WWI and WWII and even during the heights of the Cold War some of our civil liberties were restricted in the interest of national security. Once the danger to the nation passed, civil liberties were restored and even further enhanced. The Department of Homeland Security to coordinate efforts to protect us from terrorist acts is probably justified, though it certainly does have dangerous potential. Creation of a national identity card and database poses an unacceptable threat to our civil liberties that once in place would be permanent
and should be vigorously resisted by .all Americans.
Adoption of a national identification system would effectively eliminate personal privacy, and create a government file on every citizen. No one would have any choice in the matter, and we could never escape the watchful eye of database managers. Every financial transaction that we made, or change of address would be on file. To be without the required identity card would certainly be suspicious, if not criminal, and would be constantly checked by a host of monitors. Who would be watching us 24/7? A Washington bureaucrat, a political hack? J. Edgar Hoover's FBI files on a few citizens were nothing compared to the files that would exist on everyone in the country. Dissent would be chilled, and the potential for silencing or manipulating the political processes so great that this system has to be resisted if we want to maintain our freedoms. This system IS Big Brother made real, a nightmare Police State from which there would be no escape, no awakening.
I doubt that anyone would describe me as Chicken Little, or as an alarmist, but this initiative must not be permitted to come into being.