Ok, huge comeback here, its been forever since I posted anything (work, school, relationship, etc). Anyways, the circumstances have taken me to this point hehe.
I returned with my girlfriend who brought me so many tragedies but also joys after a 4 month breakup period, on which both of us tried other relationships. We are back in track and sure, we love each other...
Lets talk about sex now, in cold facts. So taking love out of the equation, we are left with 1 sexual session consisting of me applying oral and manual operations down on her, and me masturbating in the bed while she was putting on her clothes... oh and the penetration is still non-satisfying up to this moment. More on that on another post maybe... BUT!
Her period hasn't arrived! Its like... a 12 day delay maybe? It starts generally around the 18th, and we had sex around the 8th (of the following month, if my calculations are correct hehe). I'm getting a little bit more nervous by the day... however...
Hey, I used a troyan condom (it was bought in november... but it always stayed in the car! - not under direct sunlight mind you
), it was on a jacuzzi (both above the surface and below), and it lasted around 5 minutes, when I removed it I didn't notice anything strange... Oh yeah, and the important part: I didn't cum.
So, she didn't had sex for that 4 month period on which we were separated. Right now she is very moody and angry at me because do to a very unimportant detail (I consider it that way... but I'm not getting angry at her because of that)... maybe a little bit nervous also...
What do you all think? Im starting to think that the world is classified in 2: people under 20 with children, and the rest.
- By the way, I read a book about fertility (my 29 year old sister is expecting and will marry in 2 weeks), and well... no chance there either!
Laugh at me please...