@Joe Nation,
Quote:I know I haven't been paying attention but I think this is the first thing you've said in a long time that's funny.
That is probably caused Joe by you only getting the cruder of my jests.
Try reading Rider Haggard's Queen Sheba's Ring to see if you can refine your sense of humour and also, as a bonus, learn a little bit about the unscientific antics of humans.
Imagining that humans are scientific, or can be trained to be, is a fantasy only matched in its idiocy by its ludicrousness.
Employing such a fantasy in the service of justifying setting aside certain aspects of Christian sexual inhibition mechanisms, I use the word advisedly, which were only invented, and they were invented, because human nature is not scientific, is like bawling for your comforter to be dipped into the syrup again.