Only if the computer is stimulant or narcotic or requires removal of the Garment.
and if it can be pulled by a horse and trap
Farmer man wrote
"...Galapogos finches that had specially adapted beaks to, crack heavy seeds, pick up finer seeds, and open wine bottles".
Those finches weren't so clever. They never learnt to hold the glass and pour with only two legs and a beak.
Steve, They open wine bottles. Get ahold of yourself, man. What more do you want? LOL
Steve, They open wine bottles. Get ahold of yourself, man. What more do you want? LOL
ok cicerone holding myself...what next?

no thanks
Think I'll open a tinnie in celebration of Englands STUPENDOUS VICTORY over the Ruffians from Down Under.
M.I.L.F. master, The mormons have taken a policy of "leave science to the scientists" and have begun to accomodate their doctrine with science.
Their present president had written "Where Darwin Meets the Bible"
Quote:Lawsuit over intelligent design moves forward
(By LAURI LEBO, York Daily Record, September 14, 2005)
The attorney for the Dover Area School Board calls his client's decision to include intelligent design into the biology curriculum a "modest proposal."
"That this very modest proposal is in fact a violation of the (First Amendment's) establishment clause is ridiculous," said Richard Thompson of the Thomas More Law Center.
But apparently a federal judge thinks that it's at least a possibility.
In a ruling Tuesday, U.S. District Judge John E. Jones III denied Dover's request for summary judgment to throw out a case filed against the district by 11 parents over the intelligent design inclusion.
He wrote that "genuine issues of material fact exist regarding as to whether the challenged policy has a secular purpose and whether the policy's principal or primary effect advances or inhibits religion."
The trial is scheduled to begin Sept. 26 in Harrisburg federal court.
Clue me in will you please.
Are these ID people Old Testament or New?Are they "an eye for an eye" or "turn the other cheek"?
I have never made an analysis of people who promote the teaching of intelligent design. I am only bothered when people feel it should be taught in science classes.
I look at it this way: Before Darwin, natural scientists, such as William Paley, saw nature as a manifestation of the divine. Darwin's books emphasized that nature can be studied in itself. Intelligent design theory attempts to return to an approach that was made obsolete by darwinian explanations of nature.
I heard an idea a while back that suggested that God ,(ID),(Not a bad nickname for the boss eh?),
could have created the world half an hour ago with everything as you see it intact and up and running,including the fossils.When I heard it I remember thinking that it would be good fun watching them get past that.It was in a book which dwelt on Darwin.I'm a "don't know" by the way.
Thanks kindly for the link, wandeljw
For revelation, turn to "Creationism's Trojan Horse".
And no need to limit god to anything temporal or logical...let's have him whip up some round squares and, after luncheon, let's get him to create the universe two hours before he gets the idea to do it or twenty-seven moons after it's all over.
Piece of cake old chap.Nothing to it.One isn't omnipotent for nothing.Anything else sir?
Alrighty then. Let's have him get rid of him.
Why on universe would He do that?Just to see if it could be done eh?I'm presuming He isn't in pain.I just can't see Him being in pain.
Would you do it?Forget it.