fm wrote-
Quote:and I thought that I was the worst at run-on sentencing. Spendi has achieved, and retired, the Jack Kerouac, toilet paper roll sentence award.
This is the complacent assertion in a slightly more subtle form. My perfectly reasonable sentence is obviously too much for fm's concentration so it's a "run-on" sentence. I'm verbose. Bad thing. Sentence must be crap as well. QED. And he expects everybody to agree with him because he can't imagine any viewers having better concentration than he does.
In actual fact I am complimenting my readers, if I have any, by having confidence in their ability to stretch their concentration a bit. Not a lot. But a bit. Calling it a "run-on" is just a lame excuse for not taking it on and trying to appreciate it. A lazy mind.
I learned that from reading Proust mainly. In that long,hot summer I realised Proust was doing that. That subtle thought can only be expressed in a subtle manner. So when people would say to me that they didn't like Proust, (how can anybody not love Proust?), I knew what they meant. I knew it wasn't Proust's fault for expecting someone to concentrate. That's why I like his stuff so much.
Oh no- it was their own fault.
Like Bob Dylan said-
"Care not to come up any higher
But rather get them down in the hole that he's in."
It's Alright Ma, I'm Only Bleedin'.