What one needs to remember, scientifically speaking, is that the Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal consists of rolled out wood pulp with ink inserts in it and derives the bulk of its income from advertising and premium rate phone schemes of one sort or another. The need to fill up the space on the backsides of the adverts is an expense and the best way to keep that as low as possible, something of a priority, is to employ people who are not fit for much else. The shrine at Lourdes is France has attracted over 200,000,000 visitors on the promise of miracle cures for the sick. At today's prices the cost of making a visit is probably of the order of, say, £400, on average. Which comes to about £80,000,000,000 or $ 160,000,000,000. (about). Which makes $27 million look like a small bag of potatoes.
What that Hadj thing they have in Mecca involves is possibly incalcuable.
I had always thought dinosaurs were vegetarians on the Darwinian principle that they had great difficulty is sneaking up on any prey.
I had always also thought that people who felt scared were best advised to call one of the emergency services.
Quote:You can't argue with carbon dating because it's how we all got here since dating is essential to the survival of us carbon-based life forms.
That makes my Mum and Dad sound like two pieces of coal or possibly one piece having had a fall of soot dumped on it.
Quote:The museum, founded by the group Answers in Genesis, claims it is not targeting public school children in an attempt to circumvent the teaching of evolution and failed attempts to include creationism in those teachings.
On the strength of the number of assertions we are asked to believe on this thread, God knows how many there must be in daily discourse, it would be unreasonable to exclude that one on the basis of prejudice.
What is funny is imagining people in NE Mississippi sat reading that stuff on their porches after dinner and thinking it is of the slightest significance.