spendius wrote:Foxy wrote-
Quote:Would that this could be true. I wish the debate could be about educating kids instead of who can best who in throwing insults at Spendi or find a more creative way to characterize Foxfyre as a religous nut and other edifying activities.
It would be interesting and appropriate to discuss Behe's theories re ID for instance, but alas, already the focus is on trying to make Behe into an idiot and thereby avoid any valid points he might have to contribute to the debate. If there was a debate I mean.
Well we might make it true if we really try a bit harder and place ourselves second.
Mr Behe might have some valid points to contribute. If he has it's about time he brought them forward. He looks to me like the guy who's holding the match to light the third fag.
What Mr. Behe can contribute to the debate he has already contributed. He doesn't get entangled in raw semantics and general nitpicking. He thinks outside the box and whether I agree with him or not--on some points I do and some points I don't--he isn't confined by the status quo or conventional wisdom.
If you think about it, most scientific breakthroughs and almost all new ways of looking at anything have come from one individual who has been willing to think contrary to the conventional wisdom. And at some point he or she experiences an 'aha' moment that changes the conventional wisdom forever.
But based on this thread, it usually looks like only one point of view is accepted by the anti-IDers. The anti-IDers are willing to allow fallibility among those who form the popular scientific consensus--check in on the global warming thread for graphic illustration of that--but they won't allow an ID-er any wiggle room whatsoever. Let the IDer say one or two things that can be criticized in any way and s/he is declared an idiot, fanatic, screwball, wacko--pick the uncomplimentary characterization of choice--and nothing s/he has to offer will be considered.
And to me, that seems to be a very unscientific way to approach any issue.