Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

Wed 25 Apr, 2007 03:50 am
Off you all go again on the "Non-secs".

Actually- I mentioned this subject in the pub and I discovered that modern military training had dropped from the Square-bashing the films we were shown about the dire consequences of VD or STD as such things are now known.

They were terrible. Maybe they were faked. They caused nausea and even fainting. The idea was to extinguish our interest in the "locals" and that they definitely did. I won't attempt to provide a flavour for obvious reasons.

What they did achieve was an obsession with cock cleanliness and a general avoidance of "easies". Military effectiveness can be quickly undermined with VD outbreaks as we all must know apart from those clever-dicks who think it takes second place to their own puerile wit.

The hands are in regular contact with the environment and are evolved to take account of that and the cock is not. So it pays to read the "Now Wash Your Hands" signs as "Now Wash Your Cock". But the signs have a secondary effect. They convince people that their cock is "dirty" like Mrs Whitehouse claimed. It's Puritan propaganda.

But suit yourselves. It's a free country.

I'll have you know c.i. that my pub is too clean.

MTD is perfectly reasonable. Multiple Devious Tricks might be a better translation.

"Mainstream" ID theory generally infers a single designer from its examination of organisms.

Requires " as far as I understand it" between a comma after "infers" and a comma after "it". That revision would avoid the assertion although it would also render the statement meaningless outside of the writer's conk.
I don't infer anything about such matters except that the social consequences of selling such ideas, or failing to sell them, is fairly predictable.

It is beginning to look like anti-IDers are not going to provide a definitive answer to Lola's question to me. I can't say I blame them mind you but the failure flags up my long-standing charge of "half-baked". If they can't see that then they are repressing inconvenient ideas.

There are quite a number of ideas deriving from evolution theory which are exceedingly inconvenient to the bourgeois project which we all know and love. Don't we? Eh?
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Wed 25 Apr, 2007 04:26 am
Design by a committee. BRILLIANT!!. That would account for the stegosaurus and the camel. BRILLIANT.
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Wed 25 Apr, 2007 04:35 am
farmerman wrote:
Design by a committee. BRILLIANT!!. That would account for the stegosaurus and the camel. BRILLIANT.

The Greek Gods used to make the best creatures. It's a lost art. Ever since the one God took over there hasn't been a decent Centaur or Harpy or Minotaur to be found. Such a pity.
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Joe Nation
Wed 25 Apr, 2007 04:42 am
It would account for one of the gang coming up with the apple and another coming up with Pediatric Leukemia. Apparently, from the 'evidence' there must be a number of nice gods and any number of others who are trying to kill off as many of us as soon as possible, given the numbers of diseases and natural disasters that occur. (They have a 100 percent killrate on humans thus far.)

The worst of them, though, must be the gods who don't care, never give us a moment's thought, are completely and utterly indifferent to us. I believe, given the 'evidence' that those gods must number in the billions.

Joe(reaching out and nothing reaching back)Nation
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Wed 25 Apr, 2007 05:00 am
farmerman wrote:
Design by a committee. BRILLIANT!!. That would account for the stegosaurus and the camel. BRILLIANT.

Hey, there is a serious drought going on in Australia at the moment and it seems not impossible that pretty soon the camels will be the only animals left standing.
Can't speak for the stegosaurus, though.
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Wed 25 Apr, 2007 05:12 am
When I was a kid, I was always afraid to look up anything about Basilisks. My damn father told me about all kinds of monsters when I was very young,including the one that basilisks could kill you by you just looking at them. I came across one while rummaging through a dictionary and there was his picture . I knew I was in big trouble and went screaming to my mom who was certain I was nuts and immediately began a novena with my busha and some aunts. I was maybe a five year old kid then, over 50 years later, am still working off issues about stuff thatll kill you just by knowing about it. Having a special intercession novena made me feel likeFather Damien and I hadnt even seen the Exorcist yet.

So early on I decided I wanted to be a priest. Surely they had a monster immunity clause with their contracts. Father A'Hearn clued me in that this was all made up (I threw in Santa Claus and learned very early about how adults keep us held back by these legends) When I learned that all this crap was legend, I began to feel somehow empty as if my Guradian ANgel just had a massive heart attack and left me. So I needed, really needed to

learn about the real dragons of the world and got smitten by Stegosaurs, Mormoops, science and quickly lost my religion.(and I wasnt even 10 yet) ALL because of a basilisk and a priest .
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Wed 25 Apr, 2007 05:15 am
I think sharing that actually helped me. However, Im still afraid of Brazil nuts and crescent wrenches.
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Wed 25 Apr, 2007 05:24 am
It says here (The Sunday Times book reviews)-

High rates of divorce delight the toy makers because this means two sets of parents to buy toys,...

High rates of divorce are not only acceptable to evolution theory they are mandated by it except where environmental mechanics favour something else which is self-evidently not the case with humans.

Therefore, the discrediting of the idea that "What God has put together let no man put asunder" is easily achieved when God is discredited.

Therefore toy manufactures can be added to my previous list of interest groups which will support and invest in anti-ID and media centres which advertise toys can thus be expected to support anti-ID. Follow the money.

Therefore, anti-ID must welcome, indeed delight in, high divorce rates and the hand wringing over the social effects which stem from them is play acting.

And this explains why anti-IDers read God discrediting propaganda in order to avoid any inconvenient ideas and to marinade in self-complacency.

The article also has this-

Although fewer than 4% of the world's children are American, they consume 40% of the world's toys.

In other words the kids are again nowhere just like they are in this debate about education. Stimulating the imagination, creativity and coordination of kids has become passe and has been outflanked by the addictive nature of toys providing instant gratification in gizmos coloured artificially in a small range of primary colours.

It is known in the trade as "sweating the brand".

When you argue for anti-ID you are arguing for a whole caboodle of other stuff. And it might be as well if you stopped kidding yourselves about that.
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Wed 25 Apr, 2007 05:33 am
In pivo veritas.
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Wed 25 Apr, 2007 05:54 am
I only drink English stuff.

No answers again I notice. Sneering isn't debating. It's walking out of the room.
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Wed 25 Apr, 2007 06:48 am
Christopher Hart wrote -reviewing

FLAT EARTH: The History of an Infamous Idea by Christine Garwood

Macmillan £20 pp436

Up until 1492, when Columbus sailed the ocean blue, everyone believed the earth was flat. Since then, everyone has known better. In fact, as Christine Garwood demonstrates in this quirky and highly entertaining slice of intellectual history, both these statements are false. The Ancient Greeks knew very well that they lived on a globe, while the Flat Earth News ceased publication only in 1988.

Not the least attractive thing about Garwood's study is her criticism of modern scientists whose arrogant assumption that the present always trumps the past only flatters their self-esteem. She dismisses "supposed Christian closed-mindedness" as a post-Enlightenment myth. The Church was at the forefront of intellectual and scientific discovery for centuries. Indeed, it's really quite stupid and credulous of us now to believe that most medieval people thought Columbus would fall off the edge of the world. They could see as well as you or I that a ship disappears over the horizon after a few miles, or that during a lunar eclipse, the shadow of the earth on the moon is round. Duh. There was "no mutiny of flat-earth sailors on the Santa Maria".

(Edit) Forefront eh. Still is.)

Plato, Aristotle, Euclid, Archimedes, Ptolemy, St Augustine and Bede were all firm "globularists", in Garwood's pleasing neologism, while Newton refined things still further by showing that we really lived on an "oblate spheroid" (the earth bulges in the middle, to you and me). As with scientology, belief in alien abduction, or wildly overpriced face creams containing such bogus substances as "micro-oils", for real stupidity you need a dash of dodgy modern science.


The tone of their scientific debates was also vigorous. They dismissed each other's arguments as "loquacious twaddle and milk-and-water moonshine", and their opponents as "brainless boobies, infidel upstarts, swaggering freethinkers, knavish professors and the scum of the literary world". It all makes contemporary scientific debates seem a little anaemic, except perhaps those featuring Richard Dawkins. (There is no God, and Dawkins is his Prophet.)

(Edit- likewise today but with less style)

Garwood's history elicits plentiful laughter and astonishment, and even a degree of pity. Her exceptionally polite conclusion is that "personal perceptions are not necessarily ordered according to external reality". There's no quarrelling with that. Tom Cruise believes that the world is cluttered with the disembodied souls of those murdered by an evil galactic warlord called Xenu 75m years ago. Icke believes that both the Duke of Edinburgh and the singer Kris Kristofferson are 13-ft lizards from the constellation Draco. And "a few old-timers" in Zion City, Illinois, still insist that the earth is flat. For a brusquer conclusion, Garwood quotes a certain king from around 1000BC, noted for his timeless good sense. "The way of a fool is right in his own eyes" (Proverbs 12:15). This book is one long QED to that.

As is this thread.
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cicerone imposter
Wed 25 Apr, 2007 08:02 am
spendi, What exactly is your point with your last post?
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Wed 25 Apr, 2007 08:53 am
Darwin nearly failed to evolve in print
(Shirley English, The Times, April 25, 2007)

As rejection letters go, it would have taken some beating. The publishers of Charles Darwin's seminal work, On the Origin of Species, considered turning down his manuscript and asking him to write about pigeons instead.

The near-miss was unearthed in 150-year-old correspondence between Darwin's publisher, John Murray, and a clergyman, the Rev Whitwell Elwin. Elwin was one of Murray's special advisers, part of a literary panel that was the Victorian equivalent of a modern focus group.

He was asked by the London publisher for his opinion of Darwin's new work, which challenged Old Testament ideas of Creation. Unsurprisingly for a man of the cloth, Elwin disapproved. Writing back from his rectory in Norwich on May 3, 1859, he urged Murray not to publish. Darwin's theories were so farfetched, prejudiced and badly argued that right-thinking members of the public would never believe them, he said. "At every page I was tantalised by the absence of the proofs," Elwin wrote, adding that the "harder and drier" writing style was also off-putting.

He suggested that Darwin's earlier observations on pigeons should be made into a book as "everybody is interested in pigeons". He enthused: "The book would be received in every journal in the kingdom and would soon be on every table."

Fortunately, Murray chose to ignore the advice. He went on to publish On the Origin of Species. The rest, as they say, is history.

The letters are among more than 150,000 literary items that form the vast John Murray archive, a collection of documents from some of the greatest thinkers of the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries. Built up over seven generations of the publishing family, and valued at £45 million, the collection is now housed at the National Library of Scotland in Edinburgh.
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Wed 25 Apr, 2007 11:32 am
an early attempt at muzzling science Very Happy
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Wed 25 Apr, 2007 12:18 pm
c.i. wrote-

spendi, What exactly is your point with your last post?

My points were these c.i.--

1- It's been said on here about flat-earthers in a pathetic attempt to link id with it. It's the same point ros is obsessed with over the FSMs. The pint was that Ms Garwood shows them up for the cheap smears they are and also that those who resort to such things must think their audience to be thick.


Not the least attractive thing about Garwood's study is her criticism of modern scientists whose arrogant assumption that the present always trumps the past only flatters their self-esteem.

That stresses a point I have often made and demonstrates that I'm not the oddball round here.


She dismisses "supposed Christian closed-mindedness" as a post-Enlightenment myth. The Church was at the forefront of intellectual and scientific discovery for centuries.

Again Ms Garwood shows the complete intellectual bankruptcy of those on here who have attacked their own straw men of Christian closed-mindedness and that the Church is anti-science. Which raises the question of anti-ID closed mindedness which is absolute.

That's 3 points and anti-IDers have been "dismissed", no doubt with an impatient wave of a slack wrist, are "arrogant" and "stupid".

Mr Hart wrote-

in Garwood's pleasing neologism,

Praise like that from another writer is praise indeed. Anti-IDers could be creative like that. They just cull cliches from various sources.

4- She quotes Newton and in doing so she justifies Dylan's sneer when he sings the words-

Well, the whole wide world is filled with speculation
The whole wide world people say is round...

in Ain't Talkin'. Anti-IDers are "round worlders". And it's an oblate spheroid. It does look round though I'll admit but not scientifically. It's all part of the real stupidity for which you need " a dash of dodgy modern science."

5- I must admit I don't know why Ms Garwood suggested that Mr Dawkins wasn't just as " anaemic" as the rest of the contemporary scientific debates clientele(see Dover and the Case of the Vanishing Millions).

6- My quote post made a nice point with the " plentiful laughter and astonishment, and even a degree of pity phrase.

7- The point about Mr Cruise and Mr Icke is that dredging up various nut-cases to prove some point or other is utterly fatuous. Like some juvenile article in a campus rag from some small town college or other is also.

8- And the final flourish Mr Hart gives-

"The way of a fool is right in his own eyes" (Proverbs 12:15). This book is one long QED to that.
3,000 years old too and in the Good Book.

See the point now c.i. There's more in that than many a quote on here. I am careful what I choose to offer our discerning viewers.

But thanks for the opportunity to set you straight and flesh it out a bit for the record.

There are other points as well. I hope some viewers find them worthwhile.
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Wed 25 Apr, 2007 12:32 pm
And before the ink is dry (don't panic- it's a metaphor) fm wrote-

an early attempt at muzzling science

And there it is. You couldn't have timed it better. The Cruiseicke trick tried out on this intelligent audience of viewers.

What the Rev Whitwell Elwin thought has about the same value, forgetting money for a moment, as what Mr Cruise or Mr Icke think.

Which once again proves that teaching does not imply any learning.

And it isn't as though it isn't obvious. Stubborn people can be taught nothing and they only speed read the posts of others on the assumption that they are of little use. Often they assume that there's not even any point. Which might be due to their own posts having no point.

Do YOU want to muzzle science fm.

That's the burning question. It isn't going to go away. It's going to dog your footsteps you "bit of this/bit of that" merchant.
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Wed 25 Apr, 2007 02:16 pm
farmerman wrote:
When I was a kid, I was always afraid to look up anything about Basilisks. My damn father told me about all kinds of monsters when I was very young,including the one that basilisks could kill you by you just looking at them. I came across one while rummaging through a dictionary and there was his picture . I knew I was in big trouble and went screaming to my mom who was certain I was nuts and immediately began a novena with my busha and some aunts. I was maybe a five year old kid then, over 50 years later, am still working off issues about stuff thatll kill you just by knowing about it. Having a special intercession novena made me feel likeFather Damien and I hadnt even seen the Exorcist yet.

So early on I decided I wanted to be a priest. Surely they had a monster immunity clause with their contracts. Father A'Hearn clued me in that this was all made up (I threw in Santa Claus and learned very early about how adults keep us held back by these legends) When I learned that all this crap was legend, I began to feel somehow empty as if my Guradian ANgel just had a massive heart attack and left me. So I needed, really needed to

learn about the real dragons of the world and got smitten by Stegosaurs, Mormoops, science and quickly lost my religion.(and I wasnt even 10 yet) ALL because of a basilisk and a priest .

That's a great story Smile
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Wed 25 Apr, 2007 02:21 pm
Actually, of course, a basilisk can turn you to stone just with their gaze. However, the anti-illusionist school of magic has a "mirror eyes" potion which defeats the effect, and a good cleric can cast an anti-petrification spell. The spell takes forever to cast, but it lasts eight to twelve hours, so it's a life saver if you have to cut your way through a herd of basilisks. The potion is definitely a flight remedy, it doesn't last, and about all it is good for is to protect you long enough for you to run away--and that's only good if you see them before they see you.

Fortunately, magic has an answer when science fails, as so many of our "friends" in this thread can attest.
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Wed 25 Apr, 2007 02:34 pm
fm wrote that he is-

still working off issues about stuff thatll kill you just by knowing about it.

There's only one issue fm--staying here as long as you can, dodging all the shite flying off the fan and coming out smelling of roses. There are no issues to work out once you've been told-

Look out kid-they keep it all hid.

Thanks Bob- I'll bear that in mind.
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Wed 25 Apr, 2007 02:46 pm
a group of basilisks would be a what? a glower?
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