c.i. wrote-
Quote:spendi, What exactly is your point with your last post?
My points were these c.i.--
1- It's been said on here about flat-earthers in a pathetic attempt to link id with it. It's the same point ros is obsessed with over the FSMs. The pint was that Ms Garwood shows them up for the cheap smears they are and also that those who resort to such things must think their audience to be thick.
Quote:Not the least attractive thing about Garwood's study is her criticism of modern scientists whose arrogant assumption that the present always trumps the past only flatters their self-esteem.
That stresses a point I have often made and demonstrates that I'm not the oddball round here.
Quote:She dismisses "supposed Christian closed-mindedness" as a post-Enlightenment myth. The Church was at the forefront of intellectual and scientific discovery for centuries.
Again Ms Garwood shows the complete intellectual bankruptcy of those on here who have attacked their own straw men of Christian closed-mindedness and that the Church is anti-science. Which raises the question of anti-ID closed mindedness which is absolute.
That's 3 points and anti-IDers have been "dismissed", no doubt with an impatient wave of a slack wrist, are "arrogant" and "stupid".
Mr Hart wrote-
Quote: in Garwood's pleasing neologism,
Praise like that from another writer is praise indeed. Anti-IDers could be creative like that. They just cull cliches from various sources.
4- She quotes Newton and in doing so she justifies Dylan's sneer when he sings the words-
Quote:Well, the whole wide world is filled with speculation
The whole wide world people say is round...
in Ain't Talkin'. Anti-IDers are "round worlders". And it's an oblate spheroid. It does look round though I'll admit but not scientifically. It's all part of the real stupidity for which you need " a dash of dodgy modern science."
5- I must admit I don't know why Ms Garwood suggested that Mr Dawkins wasn't just as " anaemic" as the rest of the contemporary scientific debates clientele(see Dover and the Case of the Vanishing Millions).
6- My quote post made a nice point with the " plentiful laughter and astonishment, and even a degree of pity phrase.
7- The point about Mr Cruise and Mr Icke is that dredging up various nut-cases to prove some point or other is utterly fatuous. Like some juvenile article in a campus rag from some small town college or other is also.
8- And the final flourish Mr Hart gives-
Quote:"The way of a fool is right in his own eyes" (Proverbs 12:15). This book is one long QED to that.
3,000 years old too and in the Good Book.
See the point now c.i. There's more in that than many a quote on here. I am careful what I choose to offer our discerning viewers.
But thanks for the opportunity to set you straight and flesh it out a bit for the record.
There are other points as well. I hope some viewers find them worthwhile.