Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

Mon 23 Apr, 2007 03:13 am
Bob Dylan was asked in 1981- "Are you looking forward to coming back to London?

He replied-

Oh, sure. It seems like they appreciate different things in Europe than they do here. Here they take a lot of things for granted. We've been playing some new songs that nobody has ever heard before. I think people in England react more spontaneously to the stuff that I do than the people here. You sit here for so long and they take you for granted, you know.

This thread is objective evidence of the truth of that. They even take for granted that their pronouncements are validated by them having said them.
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Mon 23 Apr, 2007 08:49 am
I have used the word "albumin" as a metaphor in a couple of recent posts.

It might be worthwhile, to some, to purify it a little and a man who could do it far better than I ever can, Joseph Joubert, gave a neat flavour to it with this-

Plato shows us nothing, but he brings a brightness with him; he puts light in our eyes, and fills us with a clearness by which all objects afterwards become illuminated. He teaches us nothing; but he prepares us, fashions us, and makes us ready to know all. Somehow or other, the habit of reading him augments in us the capacity for discerning and entertaining whatever fine truths may afterwards present themselves. Like mountain air, it sharpens our organs, and gives us an appetite for wholesome food.

The guys anti-IDers direct our attention to do nothing like that. They are anti-educational.

Joubert goes on-

Plato loses himself in the void but one sees the play of his wings, one hears their rustle.

He concludes-

It is good to breathe his air, but not to live upon him.

You don't teach that stuff. It's the albumin. You soak in it if you have teachers who can provide it. As I had. Is it my fault that my albumin was different from that anti-IDers seem to have hatched out of. My school taught the 2 R's; Religion and Rascality (sport).

Are we arguing about who had the best albumin, like who has the best car or the best fluffer, and longevity and freedom from medical intervention are the objective tests.

The thing about the real Spendius is that he tried to make the best of a bad job and failed. Such is life. Or as Bob Dylan put it " But it's alright, Ma, it's life, and life only."

Did Mummy and Daddy tell you it was a breeze? Well-they would wouldn't they- the silly twotties.

Do the science on "accident prone".

You are educating kids not winning pedantic squabbles in school board meetings and on the hustings or in inter-departmental scuffles over pride and ready cash.
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Mon 23 Apr, 2007 02:19 pm
How many people make themselves abstract to appear profound. The most useful part of abstract terms are the shadows they create to hide a vacuum.

Joseph Joubert.
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Mon 23 Apr, 2007 03:11 pm


FOLLOW THE MYCELLIA OF HIS LOGIC(5 to1 he wont make any sense from any angle).

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Mon 23 Apr, 2007 03:31 pm
That might provide a faint idea what fm sounds like when he goes to a religious meeting with the sole purpose of haranguing the faithful.

What sort of crew on the Mothership would admire oral flatulence.

What is oral flatulence anyway?

Oh yes-I nearly forgot--anything fm doesn't want to hear.
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Mon 23 Apr, 2007 03:32 pm
A little more on topic, the University of Pennsylvania Press has reissued the Morse Peckham collection of all six editions of Darwins "Origin..."
DARWINS "ORIGINS..." as compiled by Morse Peckham
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Mon 23 Apr, 2007 03:49 pm
From Farmerman's link:
the present volume marks the first scholarly attempt to compile a complete variorum edition covering all of the extensive variants in the six texts of The Origin of Species published between 1859 and 1872.

Maybe spendi can provide us with a literary analysis of the variants in the six editions of The Origin of Species.
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Mon 23 Apr, 2007 04:49 pm
You must be joking wande.

5 years on The Beagle at that age with a panting floozie back in England and Fitzroy for company is enough to do anybody's head in.

Have you any idea what conditions were like on The Beagle. In your face I mean- not abstracted for ego fluffing I mean.

A monkey would have gone clean round the bend. It would have been shagging the flagpole shortly after clearing the Bay of Biscay on the outward leg.
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Mon 23 Apr, 2007 07:52 pm
I assume that was your analysis of the first edition, spendi.

Can you give us an assessment of the variants in the later five editions?
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Tue 24 Apr, 2007 04:28 am
As I am bookmarked up to the eyebrows at this moment in time, as they say, I'm afraid I must resist your tempting suggestion.

Darwin did seem to miss the idea that evolution does not waste any energy and thus that what is there is pure function. The inquisitive naturalist will therefore seek explanations of those appearences which do not seem to be as easily reduced into simple maxims as the more obvious ones tempt some people to do. Darwin took more notice of environmental factors in a later work possibly as a result of that idea.

I have read fm's link though and I'll comment on that if I may.

I would have avoided "propounded" and "profound" in close proximity as I feel the rhyme jars a little. Such solecisms incline me to cease reading but I'll grit my teeth on this occasion. I think "profound" might be dropped anyway without too much damage. It's presence serves merely to reflect a rosy glow upon the writer and on those who shell out the $29.95 for the purpose of gaining a feel of what it is like to be a philosopher, a historian and a theologian all rolled into one.

The little list is somewhat superficial. It might have included the American legal system, for example,or the military, class, marketing and various other delicate matters it would be tasteless to mention here.

I would have thought "eruptive" un-necessary as disputes are, by their nature, eruptive and the sentence in which it occurs seems to me to have its tenses confused. I would rewrite that sentence.

"The phenomenal importance of his brilliant work is universally recognized.." is a trifle overblown, not to say false, and the close proximity of "variorum" and "variants" suggests a back of the envelope composition whilst watching a big match.

I imagine that Mr Peckham's title of Distinguished Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of South Carolina was a boon to those who had the professional duty of presenting it to viewers and also to that refined sense of humour which generally appraises it by thinking of him standing in his underpants. Even the Distinguished Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of South Carolina has sometimes to stand in his underpants and often under quite undignified circumstances. One hopes so anyway. It would be unkind to wish that he had missed the best things in life due to having to live up to being the Distinguished Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of South Carolina.

I'm a bit resistant to sales patter wande due to those considerations I quoted yesterday regarding Plato and to my familiarity with such writers as J. Joubert and those of his ilk. Like VIZ.

I'm keeping a firm grip on my $29.95. The tome will be on Abe Books for $2 p+p in a few months and patience is a virtue as the Archbishop said to the housekeeper's assistant.
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Tue 24 Apr, 2007 05:18 am

No faith in ID
(By Daniel Palos, SMU Daily Opinion Section, 4/24/07)

Over the course of the past three weeks or so, The Daily Campus has been publishing numerous articles regarding Intelligent Design. Most of what has to be said deals with whether or not ID is a scientific argument. I would like to add to the list of why ID is not a scientific argument, but with a different approach. I am going to show the faith in the ID argument that makes it no more scientific then the flying unicorn in the sky.

I attended the Lee Strobel Conference this past weekend and I was not surprised by what I heard. Lee Strobel used the same evidence any typical creationist would: complexity of DNA, the complexity of a cell, the precise location of the Earth, the theory of gravity and the theory of evolution. Most would say that all of the above come from science, and I would agree, but what Strobel and the other scientists do is nothing but stating facts, such as "that pen is red" or "your hair is blonde."

Stating facts is not science; it is merely stating facts. Using the scientific method to verify a hypothesis that can be tested in the material sense is science-this has been said many times in the past weeks. You cannot test for supernatural things in the material sense. Therefore, you cannot prove that there is an intelligent designer behind the complexity of the universe and call it God. This is why there is faith, no? Why does Strobel even need to prove that there is an intelligent designer and that designer is God? Anyways, time for the new approach.

One thing Lee Strobel repeated numerous times at the conference was that the only logical conclusion one could make, given the "scientific" evidence, is that there is an intelligent designer behind everything, and that designer is God. So, which God is Lee Strobel talking about? Allah? The Celestial Teapot? Hindu gods? The Jews' God? The answer is the Christian God. So wait, Lee Strobel is saying that the intelligent designer behind ID is the Christian God? Yes. How does he come to this conclusion? It meshes with a belief system that he holds prior to and above the science he claims to be using. Without that belief system, he could not arrive at this conclusion. He has, in other words, determined the outcome not on evidence, but on a belief that precedes any evidence.

It cannot be scientifcally proven that the Christian God is the designer; therefore, you are using faith to come to that conclusion. Also, you cannot say that God is the only logical conclusion because it isn't. If I were Muslim, I would say the designer is Allah. If I were Richard Dawkins, I would say the designer is the Flying Unicorn. This is somewhat like C.S. Lewis' classical argument of Jesus as the literal Son of God.

Lewis says there are only three "logical" choices as to whether Jesus was the literal son of God: (1) Jesus was a liar, (2) Jesus was a lunatic or (3) Jesus was the literal Son of God. So, are those really the only three logical choices? Of course not. It is possible that the idea of Jesus as the literal Son of God was added after his death or is a misinterpretation of something he said. Some say it is quite possible that the Jesus presented in the Christian New Testament never existed. These are all "logical" possibilities.

To Strobel, what is logical depends on his faith. In turn, one can now see how ID depends on one's faith. So which religion's intelligent designer is right? No one can say because every single one of those ideas is based on faith. No one can scientifically disprove any one of those logical conclusions because all those ideas are faith-based. Science cannot disprove faith because they are two totally different types of discourse. Science is science and faith is faith; you can have both, but you cannot mix them together in the material and scientific sense.
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Tue 24 Apr, 2007 05:34 am
That's terrible wande. Do Americans actually continue reading after that first paragraph?
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Tue 24 Apr, 2007 05:36 am
wandeljw wrote:

No faith in ID
(By Daniel Palos, SMU Daily Opinion Section, 4/24/07)

Over the course of the past three weeks or so, The Daily Campus has been publishing numerous articles regarding Intelligent Design. Most of what has to be said deals with whether or not ID is a scientific argument. I would like to add to the list of why ID is not a scientific argument, but with a different approach. I am going to show the faith in the ID argument that makes it no more scientific then the flying unicorn in the sky.

This is the same thing I was pointing out to Foxfyre when I noted that since all supernatural explanations are equivalent. ID is no more likely than Gnomes or Fairies (or the Flying Spaghetti Monster, may the sauce be upon him).
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Tue 24 Apr, 2007 05:47 am
Great minds think alike.
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Tue 24 Apr, 2007 05:29 pm
spendius wrote:
That's terrible wande. Do Americans actually continue reading after that first paragraph?

For someone who claims he doesn't masturbate, you spend an inordinate amount of time with your hand on your cock.
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Tue 24 Apr, 2007 05:56 pm
I always wash my cock afterwards though.
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Joe Nation
Tue 24 Apr, 2007 06:56 pm
Six times a day?

Nevermind, don't answer that.


I would like the answer to the question that if the "Scientific evidence" points to a designer, sorry, DESIGNER, what, if any, is the evidence that it was a single DESIGNER and not a committee?

Creation doesn't appear to be a particularly single minded enterprise.

Joe(though apparently the creators were inordinately fond of bugs)Nation
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Tue 24 Apr, 2007 11:20 pm
Joe Nation wrote:
I would like the answer to the question that if the "Scientific evidence" points to a designer, sorry, DESIGNER, what, if any, is the evidence that it was a single DESIGNER and not a committee?

"Mainstream" ID theory generally infers a single designer from its examination of organisms. In response, Richard B. Hoppe has developed MDT (multiple designer theory).

Wikipedia has an entry on MDT:
Multiple Designers Theory is a proposal offered as a critique of intelligent design. It is defined and promoted by its originator - Richard B. Hoppe - on websites associated with the evolution/creationism/intelligent design debate, such as ISCID (where it was introduced), ARN and The Panda's Thumb (update in 2004).

According to its originator: "as its name implies, the central tenet of Multiple Designers Theory is that if intelligent design is implicated in the properties and structure of life of on earth, then multiple designers are implicated, not merely a single designer." In his introduction of the concept in 2002, Hoppe denies that it is a parody of intelligent design: "I am known to be an ID critic, and readers may therefore believe that this description of Multiple Designers Theory is presented as a parody of ID. It is not. It is a logical extension of a dominant stream of thought in current ID."

The proposal offers an alternative to the assumption within the intelligent design movement that there is a single designer of life on Earth, i.e. the Christian God. The proposal offers a number of indicators that may be investigated to explore the 'theory':

Design-versus-design, as in evolutionary arms races
Designs acting in concert, as in pollination
Failures and imperfections of design, where designs fail to find peaks on a fitness landscape
Intermittent interventions, as opposed to front-loading.

Since investigations into multiple designers might actually fail to make any such discrimination, MDT does not exclude the single-designer possibility. However, while the ideas offer fruitful ground for research, Hoppe has failed to inspire anyone within the ID community to follow up on his approach, and remains the sole investigator.
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Wed 25 Apr, 2007 01:18 am
spendius wrote:
I always wash my cock afterwards though.

They say cleanliness is next to godliness.
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cicerone imposter
Wed 25 Apr, 2007 01:44 am
spendi may have clean genitals, but his daily round at the pub shows "cleaniness" to be a virtual stranger.
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