I think that what Foxy means is some giant epiphany. A vision one might say if that word had not been ruined by misuse. It's been ruined because it has come to imply something unique and rare and it is actually quite common. James Joyce's "Whatness".
Anti-IDers are not tempermentally suited to having any. Nor are city folks. They have a matter of fact explanation for everything. Such things are mystical but that's another ruined word for the same reason.
Dylan uses it properly in-
Quote:As I walked out tonight in the mystic garden
The wounded flowers were dangling from the vine
I was passing by yon cool crystal fountain
Someone hit me from behind
It's no big deal. To an IDer the whole world is a mystic garden. Anti-IDers can't see the wood for the trees. Dylan's an IDer. Is there a rocker who isn't?
When nature becomes an excuse to write a book and get yourself known all sight of any visions vanishes. You might as well be grubbing for acorns as doing that sort of thing. So, obviously, people who do that don't understand those who get to where Foxy seems to have got.
The Materialists would say that writing a book and grubbing for acorns are both chemico/physical reactions and thus the same. Poking a stick in the mud and blessing the faithful in the Vatican on Easter Sunday would be of equal value to a MToMer.
Visions are not searched for. They arise. You just put yourself last. As a man I mean. I don't understand ladies. Any man who thinks he understands ladies, Christian ladies, must think they are pretty shallow.
And there's Dylan singing- "Your heart is like an ocean, mysterious and dark."