foxyQuote:One tends to be a bit peevish when one's panties are all in a bunch. A bit out of sorts today aren't we FM?
. Actually Im having quite a laugh at the fact that some of you havent even learned the rules of the IDers from this very thread and wish to start up a world as if they just discovered it.
I will not bother to comment on past threads between you and spendi, thats a love fest borne out of thinking that begins with a premise and then searches for supportive data (or no data as the case may be). As an advocate of ID you seem to have a debate style that wants to occupy both sides of a road.
However, heres a point you asked. The IDer should be able to make a testable prediction. An ID advocate must predict (by the very rules posed by Mike Behe) NO INTERMEDIATE FORMS OF ANIMALS (or plants) should be found (think "sudden appearance and irreducible complexity) These diverse intermediate forms that cannot exist should also NOT be allowed varying functionalities (think the mousetrap joke of behe) After all, each such case of intermediate forms with diverse functionalities is evidence against irreducible complexity and or sudden appearance, and could thus deny the existence of a designer.
The presence of intermediate forms or what the old neoDarwinians used to acll the "preadaptations" could not occur if ID were a real science.
Not only is it not able to make a prediction accurately, its entire basis is found to be false.
As far as your comment to wandel about whethre this is about a single scientist. In many cases thats a fact. There are few real workers in the ID field. Its like Philosophy. Its a language with no working parts. Mike Behe is there, hes a nice guy , hes bothered to take on the bulk of conventional science in order to advance ID as a workable hypotheses, and over and over again, hes been shown to be dead wrong.
There is , so-far , no credible evidence supporting ID (a lot of that is because IDers are a paranoid lot), if they do some actual science, I feel that theyre afraid they may not find any supportive evidence. So , your "seeing no conflict between science and ID" is charmingly naive but merely to accept that and let it go with even a shrug is illogical. When I brought up Ken Miller, you bit nicely . Dr Millers personal beliefs are that he has his own personal God that rules in one area and has no meddling permision on the natural side. His God didnt even set rules for nature to follow, because He is so transcendent. I give Miller his due but neither do I find the need for a supernatural crutch which is all that this ID and Creation crap is about. If the natural world isnt as amazing on its own, and you need to create a cosmic carpenter, well, I think that the burden of proof isnt upon me to prove otherwise.
When you can cobble up a decent argument (or spendi can quit his obfuscation through arcane refernce) maybe you can use some of your talentsto help out poor Dr Behe and Phil Johnson and the fraudulent Bill Dembski and Dr meyers. I wont hold my breath though cause Ive seen nothing new in their quivers for about 15 years
Applications v Implications.--I heard a student seminar today about the size of our genomic data base since 1986 and its implications to evolutionary theory. If we look at a quaternary combinationof the base pairs of DNA as one byte, weve grown from having a DNA profile of about 1KK bits in 1986 to one today where were at about 10*13 bits. Its amazing, with all that coding on so many species, that we havent managed to find the "fallacy loophole" that DNA should provide to the Creationist/IDers.
Instead, what its done , is to have provided us with a much better feel for the interweaving or the genera and higher taxa in a manner that even Darwin would have blushed at. This connective tissue of evidence has gotten so embarrasing for the IDers that theyve now got a new brand of ID,"specified complexity" where evolution has not been active and only design can explain. All the rest is available for evolution , according to Dr Dembski . The curtain gets drawn further back each year, and his areas of "specified complexity" occupy only about three remaining areas left for discussion .