Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

Mon 9 Apr, 2007 08:00 am
farmerman wrote:
Trust me, there are no official religious views on ID, other than various (and diverse) teachings within some denominational groups, so any differences between Ken Millers POV vs the 'official religious views on ID' are based on faulty assumption from the beginning.
Hadda laugh at this. Your comment is so open ended .
1There are no "official religious views

2However there are diverse teachings within some denominational groups

3Therefore ken Millers views (v the nonextistent (according to you) official views on ID )are just based upon faulty assumptions that hes made'.
FYI Ken Miller ays exactly what youve stated. He gets his views from the Catholic Church , which is, even now, internally wrestling with ID as a convenient dodge where they can appear to be scientific , yet practice their "old time religion" unmolested by evidence

DO you even know what the hell youre talking about? You wanna have it so many ways that you leave yourself free of any positions at all.

Do you know what you are talking about? My comments were not restricted to the Catholic Church but did allow for different denominational interpretations/doctrine re I.D. that could include the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church speaks authoritatively only to Catholics. It does not speak for me nor many millions of other Christians, Jews, and/or people of other religions who believe in ID.

Therefore any quarrel Ken Miller might have with the Catholic Church's official position on ID could certainly be interesting and even instructive within the framework of this discussion, but it is virtually no argument at all within the context of my own argument on this subject.
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Mon 9 Apr, 2007 08:04 am
Foxy wrote-

Trust me, there are no official religious views on ID, other than various (and diverse) teachings within some denominational groups, so any differences between Ken Millers POV vs the 'official religious views on ID' are based on faulty assumption from the beginning.

I have made that point a good few times. Anti-IDers need to think the contrary in order that, much like in my previous post, they have a target they can see sitting on the branch, fast asleep, about two feet from their muzzle-loader. If they once allowed a moving somewhat diaphanous target to appear in their imaginations, and such a target ID actually is, they wouldn't know what to shoot at and perhaps might begin firing randomly until the men in white coats arrived to take them away.
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Mon 9 Apr, 2007 08:13 am
Foxfyre wrote:
What facts or figures are you going to use to rebut ID especially if that was the basis for Evolution?

ID is not the basis for evolution. What are you talking about?
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Walter Hinteler
Mon 9 Apr, 2007 08:21 am
Foxfyre wrote:
The Catholic Church speaks authoritatively only to Catholics. It does not speak for me nor many millions of other Christians, Jews, and/or people of other religions who believe in ID.

Authoritative statements of the Catholic Church are only published in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (or dogmas by a pope or an ecumenical council).

What some Catholics say is not authoritave nor is ID is on those above mentioned "lists".
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Mon 9 Apr, 2007 08:38 am
farmerman wrote:
S/he with experience who can see that his/her experience does not conflict with accepted scientific theory?

Or the one who professes the scientific theory to be all that there is and denies that which he has not personally experienced?
Without miring yourself further, can you explain in more detail how you used deductive reasoning to arrive at these points?
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Mon 9 Apr, 2007 09:02 am
The Coulter Hoax: How Ann Coulter Exposed the Intelligent Design Movement
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Mon 9 Apr, 2007 09:21 am
wandeljw wrote:
The Coulter Hoax: How Ann Coulter Exposed the Intelligent Design Movement

At last, somebody actually has the brains to recognize Coulter's work as mostly satire, and at times brilliant satire at that despite her tendency to sometimes stray into bad taste or inappropriate humor. And yes Coulter takes her shots at the Right wingnuts as well as the wacko Left. I do know however, that she agrees with me that ID has no place in science education, but neither can science dispute its place in the grand scheme of things. And she is a believer in ID. Smile

Conclusion: 1) ID should not be taught as science. 2) ID should not be disputed via science curriculum. 3) There is nothing wrong with a science teacher not mentioning or mentioning ID as one of the theories of the origin, design, and evolution of the universe and all of Planet Earth and the living things on it.
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Mon 9 Apr, 2007 09:41 am
rosborne979 wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
What facts or figures are you going to use to rebut ID especially if that was the basis for Evolution?

ID is not the basis for evolution. What are you talking about?

How do you know unless you can dispute ID for which there is no scientific means to challenge? How can you say for certain that there is no intelligent design behind the whole process of evolution? What scientific basis do you use to disprove the notion of a "Creator" being the author and designor of all that we recognize and identify as science?

There is no known science that supports ID. And there is no known science to dispute ID.
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cicerone imposter
Mon 9 Apr, 2007 09:42 am
¨...and all the living things on it...¨ sure leaves out all the fauna found after biblical times - especailly those creatures living in deep ocean waters.
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Mon 9 Apr, 2007 10:12 am
The answer is, of course, as a few discerning viewers may well know, that the alliance set against ID is disturbed by such a notion because if it wasn't, feigning being disturbed aside, it would lose its only acceptable lever to prise open the money pot it sees glowing invitingly on the horizon once the forces of darkness are let loose.

Obviously such an alliance has infantry as well as officers and very few of the former have any experience of the forces of darkness being let loose, having been brought up in the manner of motherly decorum, and are thus completely oblivious to their existence and easily led into not only underestimating them but to not even allowing them any consideration.

I dont imagine that you could convince an eskimo to buy warm clothes. You say much but produce little actual thought. Are you aware of this fact?
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Mon 9 Apr, 2007 10:17 am
At last, somebody actually has the brains to recognize Coulter's work as mostly satire, and at times brilliant satire at that despite her tendency to sometimes stray into bad taste or inappropriate humor. And yes Coulter takes her shots at the Right wingnuts as well as the wacko Left
Whether this writer knows it or not, Dembski actually wrote her chapter on ID in her book "Godless" Im afraid its a bit of ass backward thinking that you like foxy. Now someone claims that shes actually a modern day "Mark Twain" when her career as a writer is in question. (I believe shes down to like 11 papers that carry her drivvle)
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Mon 9 Apr, 2007 10:35 am
One tends to be a bit peevish when one's panties are all in a bunch. A bit out of sorts today aren't we FM?
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Mon 9 Apr, 2007 10:40 am
) The blind men who each touch one part of the elephant have very different ideas about what an elephant is and each will describe it differently.
Foxy, most principles in science arent "touching the elephant" so, in that respect, youre misapplying homilies again. Anyway the six wise men from Hindustan were not demonstarting deductive reasoning at all , in fact their s was an example of a complete fallacy in logic.(ooops) SO if you wish to use the example, knock yerself out.

How do you know unless you can dispute ID for which there is no scientific means to challenge? How can you say for certain that there is no intelligent design behind the whole process of evolution?

Scientific evidence is not "revealed truth" it is a pile of testable, falsifiable and mostly circumstantial evidence that , so far, no countervailing competing theory has been able to knock down.

ID operates from a totally non-factual basis of pure assumption. ALL the work that has recently been done to look for "design" and pattern in life and the Universe has come up empty. Those of you who wish to embrace some silly notion that "because something looks complicated to me, it must have had a designer (who shall remain unnamed so we dont look like Tennessee hicks). If testing evolution is simply a matter of knocking out ID, thats no real problem because ID has , within it, the seeds of its own falsifiability and falsification. Sad but fact .
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Mon 9 Apr, 2007 10:47 am
farmerman wrote:
) The blind men who each touch one part of the elephant have very different ideas about what an elephant is and each will describe it differently.
Foxy, most principles in science arent "touching the elephant" so, in that respect, youre misapplying homilies again. Anyway the six wise men from Hindustan were not demonstarting deductive reasoning at all , in fact their s was an example of a complete fallacy in logic.(ooops) SO if you wish to use the example, knock yerself out.

How do you know unless you can dispute ID for which there is no scientific means to challenge? How can you say for certain that there is no intelligent design behind the whole process of evolution?

Scientific evidence is not "revealed truth" it is a pile of testable, falsifiable and mostly circumstantial evidence that , so far, no countervailing competing theory has been able to knock down.

ID operates from a totally non-factual basis of pure assumption. ALL the work that has recently been done to look for "design" and pattern in life and the Universe has come up empty. Those of you who wish to embrace some silly notion that "because something looks complicated to me, it must have had a designer (who shall remain unnamed so we dont look like Tennessee hicks). If testing evolution is simply a matter of knocking out ID, thats no real problem because ID has , within it, the seeds of its own falsifiability and falsification. Sad but fact .

I did not say that the 'blind men' were using deductive reasoning FM. I used deductive reasoning to arrive at certain conclusions that were both verifiable and falsifiable based on the information we were provided by the blind men and others. Somebody using deductive reasoning rather than kneejerk judgmentalism might have been able to see that. Smile

But I'll take your bait. You said "ID has , within it, the seeds of its own falsifiability and falsification. Sad but fact ." I would be fascinated to see your rationale for that statement.
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Mon 9 Apr, 2007 11:31 am

Intelligent Design was presented as an alternative explanation to the role played by "natural selection" in biological evolution.

In 1992, Dr. Michael Behe attempted to show that natural selection does not explain the evolution of complex biological systems. Behe stated that a complex system is "irreducible" if it would not be able to function were one of its components missing.

Since 1992, several biologists have shown that the examples given by Dr. Behe, although complex, are not irreducible. The individual components in each example were shown to be "selectable" through natural processes.
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Mon 9 Apr, 2007 11:40 am
wande quoted-

Coulter's aim at antiscience is at the other end of the political spectrum. An equally unabashed rightist, she is apparently disturbed by how factions within the political right abandon their normally rational standards when it comes to the issue of evolution.

Here again, being "disturbed" by such an overthrow of expectations (normally rational standards) is a device used, either out of laziness or delicacy, to avoid the obvious explanation. That is that the factions mentioned are keenly aware that the issue of evolution, and particularly how it is used by some other factions, raises questions of great importance to the social life of human beings which most other areas of scientific study do not.

It is all very well summarizing the theory of evolution by listing the main driving forces as mutation and natural selection but if it is taught that man is an animal then why isn't the natural selection in humans as promiscuously determined as it is in the animal world? There is no natural selection without copulation. Anti-IDers may well copulate but IDers don't.
Anti-IDers must see the act devoid of psychological content and purely determined by a physical process alone.

fm wrote-

You say much but produce little actual thought. Are you aware of this fact?

That is just another ignorant assertion which facilitates avoiding any answers to my previous two posts. We are so used to the slipshod methodology employed in such dire strategies that we can but laugh. We might well also wonder if any intelligent persons seek out your company when you cannot seem to prevent yourself from using bald assertions instead of thought and can be presumed to deploy the method on all occasions.

How can I be aware of "this fact" when it isn't a fact.

I notice you use "little" rather than "no" as you hide away in relativism.

And "actual" is an unnecessary word and we all know the explanation for those.
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Mon 9 Apr, 2007 11:47 am
wandeljw wrote:

Intelligent Design was presented as an alternative explanation to the role played by "natural selection" in biological evolution.

In 1992, Dr. Michael Behe attempted to show that natural selection does not explain the evolution of complex biological systems. Behe stated that a complex system is "irreducible" if it would not be able to function were one of its components missing.

Since 1992, several biologists have shown that the examples given by Dr. Behe, although complex, are not irreducible. The individual components in each example were shown to be "selectable" through natural processes.
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Mon 9 Apr, 2007 12:09 pm
What are you scared of Foxy that keeps you debating at the level anti-IDers maintain. I am providing you with opportunities to present a grown up ladies' side on these matters and you are refusing them.

Conversely, I am arguing that for many of us, there is no quarrel between ID and the Theory of Evolution and you don't have to discount or discredit one in order to accept the other.

As far as this thread is concerned that is very old hat. It is anti-IDers who continually return to it. IDers play in more refined areas than laboratories and they do not live on bread alone.
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Mon 9 Apr, 2007 12:15 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Well are we arguing one scientist's opinion versus others here? (If so, I'm getting plenty of practice there on the global warming thread.) Or are we arguing ID versus science here?

Well, there are many versions of ID. Most versions are essentially religious rather than scientific. In my opinion, only Dr. Behe's hypothesis was presented in a way that can be considered scientific. However, Dr. Behe's hypothesis is a failed hypothesis. It has been refuted numerous times.
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Mon 9 Apr, 2007 12:19 pm
spendius wrote:
What are you scared of Foxy that keeps you debating at the level anti-IDers maintain. I am providing you with opportunities to present a grown up ladies' side on these matters and you are refusing them.

Conversely, I am arguing that for many of us, there is no quarrel between ID and the Theory of Evolution and you don't have to discount or discredit one in order to accept the other.

As far as this thread is concerned that is very old hat. It is anti-IDers who continually return to it. IDers play in more refined areas than laboratories and they do not live on bread alone.

Well, I have not yet achieved the level of sophistication of your communication skills, Spendi, and there you have me at a disadvantage. Smile I am more of an Occam's Razor kind of debater. (Some call it broken record.)

I have appreciated your take on this, however, and I suspect you and I are on, or nearly on, the same page which is comforting. I am frequently all alone in my point of view on these things. Smile
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