blatham wrote:You apparently do not like YOUR religious notions or your particular religion satirized
Wrong again blatham. I do not like any religion or any religious sect being satirized, ridiculed or vilified.
blatham wrote:What do you think Jefferson meant in his letter?
Frankly, I don't care what he meant in his letter. I'm not American.
blatham wrote:if you were to confide as to which particular christian sect you share allegiance, dollars to donuts I can quickly find examples of your sect's leaders/spokespersons satirizing or ridiculing other religious ideas. Care to share?
Sure I'd love to give you the chance to find out personal information about me and my beliefs with which to ridicule me. Sounds like a great idea! Especially from someone who believes "we do have the right to ridicule and satirize".
As for the examples, I do not condone ridicule by anyone, whether they are the leader of a prominent religious sect or not. Providing me with such examples of leaders/spokespersons that satirize or ridicule other religious ideas, would make absolutely no difference to me.
blatham wrote:Many things are held dear by many people. Political ideas and political parties are held dear by many. Ought there to be some law disallowing criticism and satirization of political parties?
No there should be no law against criticism as I have said many times before. I find satirization of political leaders offensive just as I do religion. It is in bad taste and serves no purpose but to make the ridiculers feel cozy with their own beliefs.
blatham wrote:If such a person were to suggest that astrology ought to be taught in science classes - or suggest that government policy ought to be determined by astrological readings, should such suggestions be allowed to pass unimpeded by satirization?
Criticism, no. Satirization, yes, it's completely unnecessary.
blatham wrote:You may well be tired of hearing your god's name blasphemed. Tough luck. There's nothing which gives your god or your faith special status over that of others.
I do not pretend to believe that my God or my faith deserves special status over that of others. Instead, I have repeatedly said that I find ridicule of anyone's religious beliefs to be offensive.
blatham wrote:But why even be concerned? Obviously, God can handle sticks and stones without damage.
I'm sure he can. It was me that was offended, just as it would be you who was offended if I vilified someone you love, to you.