I like that title fm.
As Guerin is in our minds at the moment along with the entertainment, and hopefully the enlightenment, of those A2Kers who show an interest in this thread I thought I might quote him again.
Quote: It seems to me intolerable to appear to men other than one appears to God.
As AIDsers are not hypocritical phonies one supposes they would prefer-
"It seems to me intolerable to appear to men other than one appears to Science."
And to science one is a preconditioned bag of shite as any forensic scientist will gleefully inform you. The presence of "higher ideals" does nothing to alter that although it is capable of making it passably bearable if one is able, even spasmodically, of standing on the ocean until one starts sinking.
I like this one too. He is referring to the young Creole of some fortune who he married, one Mademoiselle Caroline de Gervain (Caro) who, he said-
Quote:Destiny, who loves these surprises, has wafted from the farthest Indies into my arms.
That's almost Proustian.
He was skint.
What a pity that Science was too late to save him from the ravages of consumption.